Blue Velvet - Dutch Passion / Dj Short - Seed Run Co-Op By Chronickyle (CLOSED)

Wow, I almost missed this run. This sounds like the perfect strain for my wife’s conditions. Thanks, so much @Chronickyle for doing this.


I didn’t realize I would have tagged you.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


I was using CS not STS, and too low of ppm at that, but just stuck with it…et voila, balls this morning!!!

Heres hoping your experiments are successful too!


That’s what I’m really hoping, I’m just gonna walk in there one day and there they will be. I’m keeping at it. Sprayed today actually and 3 or 4 days ago with the stronger 1-7 spray


Didnt have my phone with me while doing chores so ill grab a picture tomorrow. But holy balls. We finally have some balls forming. Never been so happy to see lady balls.


Was getting real nervous their for a minute that this wasn’t going to work.


Looks like that stronger spray is paying off, hope she makes a ton of pollen!!


Congrats! Congrats! I haven’t reversed. I’m sure I’m going to get all Nervous Nelly when I do. Everyone dose. The ones I have followed anyways.


I’ve used colloidal in the past but this was the first time with sts, if it was just for me I wouldn’t have cared as I would have got a bunch of great bud that I can share around as medicine to some locals. But being I promised you all seeds. I really want this to work. More people growing the medicine the more people the get helped.

I had bought the sts ingredients years ago so wasn’t sure if they expired. Stronger spray I’m just gonna do from now on. Plants don’t seem to mind much. They use to get way more damaged when I use to make colloidal.


Yea I find sts to be way simpler and less time consuming once you get the hang of it.

Pretty sure they have an indefinite shelf life in raw form. If you do happen to need any more of the ingredients just let me know I’ll send you some bro


If it lasts indefinitely I have a lifetimes worth haha. Thanks for the offer though. Greatly appreciated.


:rofl: that’s what I’m sayin, lookin at 4 pounds of sodium thiosulfate wondering what else I can do with it lol. Might have to build a pond, or give a bunch away to some fellow Canadians…


More people with the knowhow and supplies, means more fem seeds out there. Never a bad thing.



Lovely pics! Congrats! Hey @Chronickyle, it’s Monday! :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :laughing: :v: Hungry hun!?
Ok, I know the answer, “not in here!” Ok, I’ll take that! :slightly_smiling_face: Early birds! Kind of…!
Is this a male or a hermie? Confused! :thinking: Nice!


This was a female that I sprayed with sts at a 1-7 rate to create male parts, this will make the female create pollen to pollinate the mothers with which will then create feminized seed.

Ideally id prefer to not have to go this route but without the ability to get male blue velvet and to try to preserve the medical effects this strain has provided my family and others I help I have decided to go this route.

Wether this is now known as a herm because I forced it to turn with sts im just not positive and hopefully someone with more experience than I can step in to confirm one way or the other. I’m kinda leaning towards yes though.


I’m no expert but the way I understand it is that the She-male, since it has no male genes is still essentially a female. And as such, will not be able to pass male genes to the recipient plant. And since no male genes were involved, the chances of producing hermy plants is nil. UNLESS, the strain is predisposed to hermaphroditism. Just how I understand it. I could be wrong.


I’ve always just heard that doing this increases the chance of hermes in the following generations as this Introduces the hermie gene. Which is why I hear its so Important to have stress tested mothers. Which is true for every fem I believe.

I know these mothers are solid as I’ve had them for 3 years so I’m not concerned, but theirs always a chance.


Looks very good. It looks great to me. I’m happy for you :+1:

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It’s how all commercial feminized seeds are made. (STS, CS or other ethylene inhibitors, but the same concept: make a female grow pollen sacs with their female DNA). You do not introduce any gene.