Blue Velvet - Dutch Passion / Dj Short - Seed Run Co-Op By Chronickyle (CLOSED)

But you activate a gene that’s already there right? Doesn’t the activated gene pass to the offspring? I honestly don’t know, I’ve never been very interested in fems. Seeds that is. :wink:


Technically all the silver(STS/CS) is doing is blocking a hormone(ethylene) from travelling up the stem to the flower nodes. The lack of that hormone in flower causes male flowers to form.

You can do this process in reverse onto a male plant, and get female flowers. I forget what the chemical is offhand though :thinking:

Essentially, the plants have the ability to show both flowers naturally, its hormone production that causes male or female flowers to form. I have seen exactly ZERO whitepapers on any genetic damage/change/mutations of silver on the dna of the plant itself. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, just to say, we don’t know for sure either way, or at least, I don’t :sweat_smile:

I’m not against fems for fear of hermies necessaraily, i’m against fems for the lack of genetic information in the seeds. Especially if we’re talking S1’s. Just the way DNA lines up, you aren’t gonna get anything 100% like the cut it came from. just not physically possible. Least with fem crosses you’re getting a better spread but compared to regs… you can just tell the fem plants are lacking genetic depth. I would only use them as a stepping stone… or if i cared about money, a quick buck.


Not sure if I’m linking this correctly but this post from @Worcestershire_Farms has a link with some great info that may help shed a little more insight on fem seeds and cannabis gender in general. Helped me to wrap my head around things anyways.


hmm I’m gonna have to go through the references on that paper as I don’t agree with some of what or how they were doing things, specifically the field “testing” they did to draw the conclusions they have…

This was a neat find tho…
“When hemp pollen is treated with ultraviolet light for one hour, the seed obtained from the resulting plants produces twice as many females as males.”


I’ll have to go back and read it more closely, as I only skimmed it. For some reason the aspect of the 5 genders connected some dots for me.

Don’t mean to be spreading any bad info or unverified data. Always meant to go back and read it but hadn’t gotten around to it. Apologies if it doesn’t end up checking out.

Either way, doesn’t hurt to get the wheels turning.


oh yeah no worries mate, we’re all here to learn and read, right :wink:
Worst case it leads to more discussion, which is always a good thing in my book!

I appreciated the info for sure so thank you for linking it :+1:


Dang right as I get member it fills up :rofl:
Looks like an awesome run, glad your reversing is working. Love all blue strains, such unique plants :heart:


You like BLUE??. Go look at my grow log.
BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log


Blue Cookies! BLUE COOKIES!

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Looking nice! Blue cookies sounds deeeelish.

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Check out his grow log, if you think it sounds nice wait till you see it.


Didn’t do any research but my guess is that you mght be able to induce female flowers on a male plant with ethylene?

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Okay all, it’s been a minute, I don’t have any pictures to show at the moment but I came to tell you all the news. We have fuckn seed eh!!! The blue velvet near the clone that turned the most looks loadedddd. More loaded than me after a case :stuck_out_tongue: :woozy_face: :canada:
The other blue velvet has a lot too but not as many. The Strawnanna, Cindy 99 and pineapple skunk I have no idea. But hell they don’t really matter compared to those blue. It’s been a bumpy ride and I know you all wouldn’t have cared but I didnt want to let you all down. I even had put 2 new clones of the blue velvet in the tent a few days ago thinking these moms might be too far past to take pollen. Hence me not really writing here. But I guess I don’t need them now. Yeee haaaaaaaaaa


Im so happy to be able to spread these seeds to all of you. And hopefully their will be more than the 1500 to be able to share with anyone who wants to try this strain for their pain management


I’m already working on planning my next pain strain seed run. This shit is what’s its all about. Let’s lower some pain levels


Great to hear it’s working out. It’s definitely been an interesting journey.


Yup for me as well. I knew it would be hard to reverse the blue velvet as I knew these moms well. I deffinetly will just use the Stronger dose of sts though from now on going forward. The plants didn’t mind, and the spraying every 4 days deffinetly helped as well. Even to this point. At the 5 day mark you can see the female flowers fightingbback over the male.ones


Yeah that is great news!
You are too funny.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Just about done with this run.
Plants are a bit beat up from a few days of extreme high Temps and humidities. But they don’t mind.


Outmotherfuckingstanding :clap:t4: :+1:t4: :v:t4: