Blue Velvet - Dutch Passion / Dj Short - Seed Run Co-Op By Chronickyle (CLOSED)

They look amazing! Well done!


Thanks! Just carrying them to 10 weeks and then itā€™s chop time. These will be in the fall box


Excellent, thank you for your efforts here. Looks like youā€™ve got some bean shucking in your future!

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Awesome news! You have done a great grow here bud.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Wow, not sure how I missed this one, but very nice! Awesome to get such good medical strains out.

Apparently I didnā€™t miss this, Iā€™m already signed up :joy:


Terrific work man. All best vibes have been sent throughout this grow ever since I was seduced by your opening description. Thanks for all the work.


Nice work!!! And thanks for the updatesā€¦ super dynomite :firecracker::v:t3::firecracker:


Many Thanks for letting some good medicine out really hope they help all :green_heart:


They sure turned out nice. Thatā€™s a unique looking plant, too. Nice job! peace


Wow. Those are some very beautiful plants. I love the amount of trichrome coverage on them. Iā€™m sorry if I missed it but how was the stretch on them. They donā€™t seem very tall. But nice little bushes

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Very minimal stretch, pretty much gotta get them to the size you want before flip. They do stretch some but not much.


Hi @Chronickyle, this looks like a really great strain. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner, taking a min to do so now. Iā€™m catapult, i appreciate your efforts on this run!


I canā€™t agree that more. With fem seeds, youā€™re missing half of that strainā€™s genome, so the best you can hope for is a close approximation of that one plant. Now, if you had an elite cut, then itā€™d be a great way to ā€œbackupā€ the genetics in the event you lost the cut.

You arenā€™t gonna get the same plant because the seeds wonā€™t have all the genetics required to produce that plant, but if you made enough seeds, and grew 'em out, you might get something close.


Hey @Chronickyle
Mighty fine job there. Cant wait for the Fall Box.


So, howā€™s it going? Those plants looked pretty good in that post last month. You got any new pictures? Hmmm? :slight_smile:

Seriously, you did a great job on this run man. :grinning:


I didnā€™t take anymore photos they were looking pretty haggered

Have 4 jars curing with seeds. Their not loaded due to the low pollen volume being produced. But their are quite a few. Have only gone through a few buds so far and pulled out 100 or so seeds.

Theirs many more seeds on the one plant than the other. The one nearest to the ones being reversed.

The pineapple skunk, c99 and Strawnanna sadly barely have any but Iā€™ve pulled out a few.


This was your first try a reversing a plant, right? I donā€™t know a lot about it, but I get the impression that most people donā€™t get much of anything on their first couple of tries. You got balls, pollen, and seeds, so Iā€™d say you did pretty good. :grinning:


Iā€™ve reversed a Auto Maria 2, chronic ryder, Purple Kush auto, auto extreme, Serious 6, 24 carat. But the blue velvet the entire time it wanted to go back to being a female, it put out some a fraction of the pollen of all the others I couldnā€™t even get any to save.

You are right about the first pollen sacks in a reversal typically being sterile though but usually if I keep it around I can accumulate something and when cut it goes pretty far.

I believe the blue velvet plants I have are just so hardy they really want to stay female.

Edit. This was my first time in a number of years and first time using Sts all my previous reversals were with colloidal silver.

The blue velvet and 24 carat are the first plants with sts.

On the same spraying schedule the 24 carat gave a substantial amount more and I have shared some around to others growing mephisto and night owl autos.


This seems partially true in case of selfing, less so with fem crosses or where reversed donors are matched with itā€™s sisters. The plant will still have two sets of alleles for each gene, but you surely would be narrowing the genome.

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My brain randomly re-arranges things, so first time using STS becomes first time reversing a plant. Itā€™s trying to get even with me for abusing it in my youth. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I didnā€™t really say that too good. Youā€™re right though, all eukaryotes are diploid, so you still have both sets of chromosomes with fems, but they only carry half of the original plantā€™s genetic information. ā€œNarrowing the genomeā€ is a good way to put it.