BOG LSD co-op run

535 come on come on!!

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LOL, not on holidays yet. We go up on Saturday for 2 weeks. Believe me, I wonā€™t be bringing the work with me. :wink:


712 good luck everyone.

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586 is my guestimate - thanks again @DougDawson - Good luck everyone, but most especially me :smiley: :smiley:

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Good to hear!
I believe your girls will want you all to themselves.


Let me guess 378 seeds!

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For some reason 187 came to mind so Iā€™m going with it

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Iā€™ll go with 647

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543 beans is my guess

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Itā€™s going to be a blast. Amazon gave me a blow up paddle board to review and I was so impressed I bought myself a bigger one so I can go out with one of them. I am going to try to figure out a way to put a plan into motion. I want to set up my 156 inch screen facing the water. Then after dark we will all get on an inflatable and anchor just off shore where we can watch Jaws, lol. Should be a hoot. I will use this new paddleboard so my legs can dangle in the water, lol.


Looks to be abouā€¦465 seeds in that there buddage, i reckonā€™

Looks like if you flip it over you have 3 sharks after you - lol :smiley:


404 is my guess

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  1. I still cant believe how many seeds youve yielded thus far.

415 spot on

342 seeds! Love these games @DougDawson :sunglasses:, thanks for doing them!

287 beans!

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156 inch tvā€¦:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: whoa that would be epic. I am thinking that would pretty speedy. Where are you going to find a 156 inch tv? And how are you getting it out to the lake?

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Itā€™s already there, I use it in the back yard. Itā€™s amazing once it getā€™s dark.


Ohhh yeaaa I seen those inflatable tv before, very cool

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