BOG LSD co-op run

726 beans!

583 beanos

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BOGBubble run is gonna be what I’ve been waiting for! Can’t wait!

Indeed it was fun! Well done! I need to clean my tent up atm as well. Still managing the clean up however. :broom:


420! Had to be the first :smile:

Me to. Well, my whole grow room will get sprayed down with a bleach and water solution and cleaned. Gotta make sure all the pollen is dealt with and that stuff is on everything, lol.


323 beans 🫘 :mag:

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THIS WOULD BE A GOOD STICKER @DougDawson @Heliosphear


You should turn it so the outline pile can be made into a B

519 beans be my guess

655 seeds broder

578 thanks Doug .

128 beans…

378 is my lucky number DD!

482 beans.

I guess 493 seeds.

287 beans me thinks

277 plus 14 :sunglasses:
I’ll be putting that OG picture in the BOG LSD co-op movie!

My wife and I are smoking BOG LSD tonight, congratulations on your harvest @DougDawson


673 is my guess!

Thanks For the chance @DougDawson !


Going with 538

418 is my guess :+1: