Borlic acid powder in grow room

has any 1 tried it in grow room I have not but I can tell u kill the hell out of cock roach when they walk threw it they clean feet off they or dead dead.

Boric Acid in very small quantities should be harmless, but don’t exposure yourself to too much, ok friend?

ses I know it is posion it just do dam good job of killing cock roach figure iit could help in grow room small amount.

thankfully cockroaches are not a problem in my part of canada! i’ve only ever seen one 1ce in vancouver in one of those SRO buildings on granville

sounds like it works similar to diatomaceous earth, maybe DE would work on roaches too

Here in the UK we use it to kill ants. They walk through it and carry it back into the nest killing everything in it. Best ant killer I’ve ever found.

If you use it in the grow room wouldn’t it get tracked on the plant and be bad for consumption?

i will have to give it a try on fire ants i know it will kill roaches thanks for the tip peace.@Esgood4u