Brand new HLG 260W QB - assembled but not working :-(

Good spot Trevor!!!


Got to Lov when a plan comes together
Can I ask the wattage from the wall will be on one set of boards? 4 will do nicely lighting up your grow.

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HLG-240H-C-SPEC.PDF (271.5 KB)

Not sure what you want to know. Hope you ll find it in the attached specs…

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Brown and blue are coming from the driver. Red and black are coming from the board. So one needs two wagos to connect the driver with the board…

Simpel after finding out…


Ahhh :rofl: yeah I solder all my connections so I don’t even think of how they would be connected via waggo connections. I run a hlg600-b that has 2 feed lines to the strips. Gets a little more complicated. I remember before adding a petentiometer that the wattage to the strips would go up and down until I isolated the dimmer cable.

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Like +5 you got it bud! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


So are they working now?


Oh yes - they do work !

It s incredible intense light ! There s even light on the ground wich wasn t the case before with my 400 W bulb… But see for yourself…





Message to myself… Next time watch the to-do video carefully ! ! ! :older_man:

He s clearly using TWO connectors…:eyeglasses:

Edit: on the “before” picture the light is off…


Dont me too hard on yourself. I looked over that picture carefully, even checked you had the polarity right. I completely missed it.


sometimes we dont see the forest because of too many trees :wink:

(german saying)


Glad to see evrything’s on ordet, 20 eyes can see better than just two (Spanish saying ), thanks Trevor and all the rest for the hook, mine’s work because a friend mounted them for me … :sweat_smile:


QBs are the shit, I used to be depressed about the future but look how bright it is now haha


Over all a Job well done mate, hell people will be coming to you asking for advise soon on them lights, they are beautiful.

Good eyes, @TrevorLahey. Never used those Wagos myself.


The first thing that I noticed was that you had both + and - leads in the same Wago. Each Wago is used to [easily] multiply the number of connections to ONE lead so you use one for + and another one for -

The result of shorting out the dimmer leads will either cause a failure to start anything or dim it so bad you would want it off. I shorted out a 480w light and it took a couple of days before I noticed it was running at about 50% power.

If any DIY lights wont start or are dimmed the first thing to do is pull the dimmer off. They short way more than people think.

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