Breeding for Frosty vegetative leaves

@mrsquiggle . This is a great idea. Others have raised valid points that deserve looking into. However, If you truely think it is possible, Then do it. These kinds of projects are fun even if they fail in the end. I think you are on the right track. Peace :rainbow:


In my imagination, after a lot of selective breeding, all the vegitative leaves would look like these sugar leaves…


The best reason!!
All the best in your endeavors!!


Wow, looks like to can get great trichomes on the very first leaves, with the right genetics :star_struck:


I’ve had this link for a while now. snaps_provolone maybe posted this up. Not sure if it correct or not.


Although I believe from my experiences with a lot of genetics that mutations are the strongest cause of unique traits, I also feel that without the male having the same traits it will be long journey and thousands of seeds to find the right one. The up side is that you are at the right place to be looking. With the quality and quantity of OG Members that pop beans there are sure to be some plants with these mutations. The main problem for sure is that most people will cull the plants prior to even seeing what it can do because in most cases they are duds and not worth the time and effort.
You may also want to try planting seedlings with insect frass in the soil. I usually add it to my soil in flower to increase trics and to give the ability to my 2nd generation seeds resistance to bugs for my outdoor grows (evolution). Granted that it doesn’t increase it by much but it’s still a routine for me for bug resistance mainly.
I can send you the beans or the second gen beans if you’re willing to wait but I do strongly believe that you may not find what your looking for unless you can pop several hundreds of beans and mainly searching for males with the trait.
I’ll be popping some Pure CBG and CBD x CBG variety this winter to cross with some of the Landraces that I have and quite possibly hit my Black Beauty high thcv variety and will be on the look out for mutants for you.


@Juno much appreciated :+1:

If enough people see this thread, and save these unual mutations, maybe we an breed something great :smiley:

I just sprouted an auto fem THCV, just to see what it’s all about. But vegative leaves with CBD/CBG trichomes would also be interesting!

Happy to sprout hundreds of bean, because I will be culling all the plants that don’t have trichomes or are ‘sticky’ after the first few pairs of leaves. Then I plan to open pollinate those with the trait, to get lots of variation the next generation.

With only a female, what about reversing and doing an S1?


I got rid of the Jager mother and only crossed it so that the genetics would still be in the pool. The Jager was already an s1 and it wasn’t what I was looking for so I ran it and was done. The trait did not continue in later veg time (only on the stems) so therefore I did not deem it to be a keeper aside from some unusual growth.
I highly recommend trying insect frass at seedling stage as it may trigger a response to produce trics for protection as if it’s being attacked and may be passed on to the offsprings as they acclimated to the situation that they are being grown. You’ll probably have to experiment a little with the ratios and maybe the different types of frass available on the market these days. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and will definitely hit you up if I find something interesting in the future. BTW, I love the out of the box thinking that you have and hope you continue to look for interesting and unique plants.


Here’s where I’ll be starting with the CBG and CBD x CBG. I have some others but I trust this breeder and his beans so this is where I’ll start from. I read somewhere that it tested at 17% CBG but like everything else you’ll have to grow it and test it yourself.
There are a few breeders claiming 16% CBG as well and I’ll pop those after this run.


This popped up on Terpyz’ Twitter:


Thought about a CBD-V mix in there? It’s not something you can buy in German CBD headshops, but I hear it’s good.

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I haven’t seen any CBD x Thcv crosses listed or grown in the States but it seem like it would be a very short and energetic medicated effect. It may just try this cross as well and will let you know what the plants and effects are like next year. Thanks for the idea Mrsquiggle.


They exist, but they’re not getting worked abd usually small batch and small breeder. I currently have a couple THC-V/CBG x Harle-tsu that Seattle Chronic made in veg. They have NOT liked stress testing, so not sure what their future holds, but intend to flower them at some point.


Sounds like a great cross, I hope you can find a stable pair to breed with as this blend really peaks my interests. I’m always on the lookout for great small batch breeders due to the unique crosses that many breeders don’t produce due to economics and only makes what is going to sell. Please keep me posted on how the cross turns out and thanks for the information on the breeder.


I personally don’t find it sexy at all, genetically too. But i know it’s eye candy for some.

I don’t understand why not simply starting by a hash cultivar … specially those harvested multiple times a year. It’s a good base to understand how these plants were bred during centuries specifically for this use, a sane base. I mean, not reinventing the wheel on this part to focus more on the “impossible” one with the rational best horses.

Now to obtain genetically what you’re seeking it’s quite a ride.

The most frosty plant i’ve ever seen was a plant of hemp. Not a sugar cane barely able to transpirate, but fat leafy plant totally covered. It shine the morning, literally. For your goal i think it’s a lead for the yield but also the capacity to be triggered independently from the photoperiod (it’s not true technically but … lets keep it simple).

From your Hashplant x Frostry hemp, you can start to become mad decently (^^), at least in increasing drastically your chances. The next step being to screen an amount i will not write lol of triploids of this line, to find your grail.

I personnally don’t want to smoke the hash of a plant chemically forced to produce trichome in veg ^^ It’s important to don’t forget that it’s not only about the presence of trichomes, but also how they are filled and matured …


@Fuel thanks for the lead!

There probably as many strains of hemp as new cookies crosses. Was this hemp plant in a field, and was it a one off mutant? It sounds like an excellent starting parent! I do have some strains bred for good hash trichomes, so that half of the project is done. I just need a sticky-leaf plant to cross it with.

Any chance you could hunt down seeds from that hemp plant you described? Happy to help with any costs involved. I’ve never seen hemp growing where I live in Germany, so I doubt I’ll find this hemp variety.

As you didn’t mention the number I need to screen, I think we can both agree it would be huge! But I also think you can cull out plants at a much earlier stage, maybe after 6 week. I think I could manage hundreds at a time in batches, and aim to save 1%. After I have a dozen or so good candidates, that’s when I switch all to flowering.

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Hey close and lucky neighborhood ^^ Your federalist structure have again won the race against us ol

It was a simple Fedora17, not even the most performant for this. Now maybe it’s the fault of IG and all this stuff but actually hemp is in general more frostry that cannabis, and drastically more outdoor.

Logically you’re supposed to take a seed-specialized line that never get pollinated, but most are monoecious. With hemp smokers now maybe some strains are developed specifically for extracts and all, i’m not updated on this. Or starting directly with a dioecious, beside the bullshits most of the time there is a dioica88 behind ^^

So no, you don’t need a mutants to get the coverage. You need mutant to produce it during a continuous veg.
Over to rush the trichomes, i will personnally study the mechanisms of reveg with cannabis and all hormons concerned by the “trigger”’ that make them produce mono blade leaves on floral spots, to restart. To breed heavenly the hashplant to receive the dioecious hemp.

Take care buddy, i feel the euphory and all but you’re actually (your country) the center of all attentions ^^
Not the kind of message to throw lol You can find cheap seeds without much research … i swear.

Yes but it’s relative to your strategy. With your laws i’m sure that you can safely work hemp, safer than here.
It’s very hard to evaluate as a whole project. The F1 prototype can be build in less than a year, for the mutation it’s more an impossible calculations on alleles. Too much factors.

In producing continously triploids F2, idk maybe 2 years of continuous screening/germination can lead to the grail. Or 10 years. Or never lol

Exact, just like cannabis. Generally one month is enough with hemp to figure out the best horses (for this).

Triploids hunt is very destructive for a maximum effisciency. You will not save anything inbetween, if you save a specimen … it’s because you won the game ^^