Perhaps a lot of breeders emphasize(d) line-breeding generations as quickly as possible and select from populations that are far too small, creating the genetic “bottleneck” of the present?
Lefthandseeds have allready well covered a good answer in twos times but i will be less diplomatic : the type of demand of these last years have drastically reduced the angle of the genetic prospection. And it’s always a bad sign at long term, like in many domains.
Is it essentially detrimental over the long-term to select a subpopulation from small samples?
Not at all. It’s more a question of methodology used and time spended to do it.
Large crops in our industry are mainly used to produce. Not to select. You can always find rare exceptions, but they don’t have any weight on a worldwide balance.
I have a shared view on this (technically), but at the end i find it positive because it can push people to be more responsible and creative with the genpool. Which is an heritage, nothing less and nothing more.
To be frank and honest 100%, i only use fresh pollen “from a living plant” and i never stock it. The comparison between a line created with a fresh pollen from a living plant and a line created with the same pollen stored, in term of phenotype’s occurence, is my personnal reason to do it. But in another hand i don’t consider than pushing all lines to high inbred levels is the only way to do something, this type of share can be very valuable for creative hybrids, prospection and education to the “core lines”. So in this equation and to my eyes, this type of project have more value for the community than it offer disadvantages in a very specific context.
Combined with tissue-culture clone distribution?
I’m not attracted by this method of production by habits and the inherent speed of the proccess. But i firmly think than it can change the game, considering with faith in humanity the equation. It can also be used for mercantile reasons as a powerfully leverage to “bottleneck/narrow” more the offer than it’s already the case.
Open pollination don’t offer any help to maintain a line, it’s an old unicorn than a lot of people still have hard time to consider.
Parralel lines are used since centuries both in vegetal and animal reign, and have proven their efficiency in term of accuracy/stability/vigor delta.
I generally don’t like absolute considerations, but this one have echo in my brain ^^ Nicely said.
Pushing the st3 to F7 from ten packs of seeds took me … 12 years. And i will mathematically die before ending this project in the shape i was dreaming it in starting the F1. It’s something to accept, but it don’t mean than during the ride you will not be able to release competitive lines.
The saturation of the market with a narrowed genpool have advantages in term of competition, it offer a lot of opportunities for people than are constant and than don’t change their mind in function of the wind. The truth and the materialization of the efforts are always obvious in the buds, at least you can count on it.
Selfing is an experimental method to decypher an unclear equilibrium. Also to make money in a certain way lol
But it don’t have any value at long term for your genpool due to the inherent effect on phenotypes variations and sexual expressions. A simple backcross have more value at long term, if well drived in term of selection of the successive offspring.
“Selfing for stable breeding” is another unicorn for me, abusing people than don’t have the backward off long term projects.
You’re too absolute, it’s a trap face to the plants. Natural selection is not a magical spell than never fail. It’s exactly the reverse, for one successfull-resistant line you will have a “genocide” as the price. In term of time we are also speaking about multiple human lifespan.
IF the genetical code of the line permit it only. Most of the time it just extinct after a long fade.
I say that in loop but what professionnal breeders want are what people want, nothing more and nothing less. The junction between these twos universes is simply compatibility.
It decide if you’re an hobbyist making the weed you’re not able to find in the market, or a professionnal sharing it because there is a demand. The frontier is thin like an OCB, it’s absolutly not a dictatorial ground at all but more close to surfing lol You always have the waves than the ocean offer.
It’s also a mistake to think than cash croppers have so much influence. When you drive a M$ op, you’re also very dependent on the demand. You don’t really decide anything in term of genetic.
I can’t agree more, but it stay mostly a personal opinion related to the weed i’m loving.
You’re mixing a lot of things in this sentence.
By definition we are breeding pure recessive lines because we are mainly seeking exceptional phenotypes from a global potential. To keep it simple, it’s barely the equation of the wolves and the dogs.
Recessives and dominant genes are writed in the stone before you even think about breeding a specific trait. You’re just an explorer trying to find the eldorado.
Making a line “spider mite” resistant is a decent goal but in term of semantic it’s not really what happend. You’re just increasing drastically the chance to reproduce of the most “spider mite” resistant specimens in a given profile. With all the cascading effect it have at long term, than you’re trying to lift by all types of strategies.
Selfing is one compass to find this eldrorado like it exist hundreds of others, it will not change the genetical code in the way you think but only the occurences and their expressions. The differences of methods only decide where you are digging and how.
Hope it help, nice inputs