Breeding question

Ok so, I have a Future plan, I want to Create an autoflower, by crossing a Photoperiod female, with auto flower reg pollen. Can someone break down the percentages, How many, if any will come out auto flowering at generation 1 or will none of them be autos and require additional crosses with auto flower pollen?

What I want to do is take Freakshow and Cross it with ABC Purple Bastard Auto. If someone could break it down simply for me, I would greatly appricate it. Seriously break it down like your talking to a dumb 10 year old. I am great with BASIC science, but Genetics is a bit out of my area of knowledge.


So according to the chart below from Nightowl, your first generation (f1) will be all “fast” photo but all the plants will be carrying the recessive auto trait (Pa). When this generation is bred together 25% will be pure photos (PP), 50% will be “fast” photos (Pa) and 25% will be autoflowering (aa). If you breed with only the autoflowering plants from the second generation or f2 the resulting f3 generation will be 100% autos.


P = photo
A = auto

P-P x A-A ----> all P-A at first gen (some call “fast”)

P-A x P-A ----> 25% P-P + 25% P-A + 25% A-P + 25% A-A

So you will get ~25% A-A autos at 2nd gen.

As you continue to mate autos with only other autos, then the progeny should be autos.


These squares are so magic, but actually the packaging give an ambivalent information.
The “key” given don’t really correspond to the strain sold ^^


It’s does but I agree Nightowl could have made it a little more clear. The (chem d x old sativa auto) is just mephisto’s chemdogging. So from my understanding Nightowl took the chem 91 cut crossed it to mephisto’s chemdogging and then worked it back to full auto.

Here’s the info night owl released when these were dropped: Reddit - Dive into anything


This line of regs was developed from my line of Chem 91 x Chemdogging autos that I have been working on for a few years. The F2 generation provided a whole range of flavors that was just too good to ignore! To prevent genetic bottlenecks and to better the available autoflower gene pool I’ve decided to put out a regular auto seeds from a few of my favorite expressions so that they can be worked further or used to create new auto x auto and photo x auto crosses. Out of around 300 seeds I selected 12 plants to move forward, nine females and three males.

Damn you’re right ^^ It wasn’t a making of at all in fact lmao


Ok so Let me make sure I got this. If I cross a Male ABC Purple Bastard Autoflower with a Female Freakshow Photoperiod, I will get ALL fast flowers. If I then hit One of the female fast flowers with the Male ABC Autoflower Pollen, I will then get about 25% Autos, and if I take one of those Autos and Hit it with the pollen again, I will end up with ALL autoflower seeds?

No, if you backcross to (aa) genetics, the auto flower daddy, you will have half fast photo and half auto

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Most auto breeders aim for a stable auto in F4 and not F3. Even though F3 is possible.

The reasoning behind this is that you need such a high number of plants to do proper selection(nice buds, smoke and structure) if you aim for F3, so it’s more tangible to aim for F4, thus leaving you some room for a beautiful “fast” selection in F2.

Pz :v:t2:


Ok when you say F4 as the aim for a stable auto from a photo cross, let me make sure that means what I think it means, this is what I think it means correct me where im wrong if I am wrong please.

Freakshow Photo fem X ABC Purple Bastard Auto Pollen= F1
Seed from F1 X ABC Purple Bastard Auto Pollen =BX1
Seed from BX1 X ABC Purple Bastard Auto Pollen= BX2
Seed From BX2 X ABC Purple Bastard Auto Pollen= BX3
Seed From BX3 X ABC Purple Bastard Auto Pollen= BX4(hopefully stable autoflowering version)

I am assuming, IF any of the plants after F2 do Auto flower on their own, I should select those for polination, to aim for a Stable Auto Correct?

Is this the Correct way to Do it?

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Add BX1, BX2 and BX3 and your notation is correct.

That’s the principle of back-crossing, you can extend this to various traits and situations.

The way, you will discover it in real time in front of the plants. Each round its equation.
But you have the method yes.


All of @pharmerfil @Fuel and @LonelyOC are correct

You have this formula but its not magic xray vision

It’s a guide, you see the plants yourself and identify the needed ones as such to stabilize

It’s a rule of averages, not an absolute, for the punnett square


Oh for sure totally understand that. I also know that I might not even get the mutations to pass on which is one of the goals, to get a Version that is a cross between the two different mutations in these two strains.

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That’s extremely difficult most likely,

But I wish you luck. Do large populations if you can


I figured it would be, but Its a goal, im gonna give it a go and see what happens lol. Sometime After I do the crosses im working on growing the plants for now. These will be simpler, Auto fem plant crossed with Auto Fem Pollen.


It might be impossible. I’m certain the Freakshow leaf mutation is recessive to normal leaf type, and fairly certain the ABC leaf mutation is recessive to normal leaf type as well; that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re co-dominant, though, assuming they’re all variants of the same gene. If one is dominant over the other, a cross expressing both probably wouldn’t be possible. Difficult to tell without experimenting. :man_shrugging:

One thing that’ll help: the Freakshow mutation is a sex-linked recessive on the X chromosome. You’re starting from the right direction already, using a female Freakshow and a male of the other line; if you went the other way, it would be impossible to find a F1 male with the Freakshow genes, even as recessives. It’ll get more complicated as you go on in generations though, since you’ll also need to determine whether the traits are variants of the same gene and whether they’re co-dominant if so, while also making sure to keep both traits in the line despite not knowing if any given plant has them. Make lots of seeds from lots of different plants, and keep lots of carefully labeled backups. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep, its gonna be a lot of work for sure! But even if I dont get what I want, A combo of the mutations, it should still be fun to do and maybe even get some fire bud out of it lol.


That’s a lot of “impossible” in this post buddy and you forget a bit fast that it concern a continuous BX program also.

I don’t think he have in mind to preserve religiously both mutations, but more to generate something fun during the process of “automatization” (lmao i hate this term so much).


Me: presses heart button
Machine: wait 3 minutes


I said it might be impossible to get the leaf types crossed; I don’t know, and then explained exactly what might make it impossible. As for whether it is or not, he’d have to try and find out. Not sure why that’s so hard to understand. As far as it being impossible to find a male with the Freakshow leaf genes when the mutation’s an X-linked recessive, it’s elementary, dear Watson. :roll_eyes: If he uses a Freakshow male, then every F1 male will have the Y chromosome from the Freakshow, thus not the recessive leaf type, and the X chromosome from the ABC - which obviously would also not have the recessive leaf type. I know you don’t understand English, but I can’t explain it any more clearly than that, even for someone speshul like you who likes to write 1000-page wikis on the subject of genetics yet apparently can’t understand basic concepts.

However, I’ll grant you this - nothing is impossible with genetics. He could always have a random mutation on the mutation, or crossover, or any number of other fun things. Statistically almost impossible, if you like. Now go away and stop quibbling about the grammar of million-to-one-odds, pretty sure that’s not what the OP wanted this thread to degenerate into.

Since you’re already starting a long, rambling reply, I’m gonna save you the time. I’m ignoring you forever. You can erase your reply now, if you want. :stuck_out_tongue:

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