Bucket / hempy style grows outdoor in summer?

I’ve grown indoors with hempy style grows but thought I’d try one or two outdoors this summer, It gets hot here in the summer (90-105F) …so have any of you guys pulled this off and if so how were the results? I figured I’d have to add a little chlorine to the mix being this hot. It looks like some standard pool shock @ 1gram per gallon of water for a solution…then mix in 5ml of that to every gallon of feed. This seems to be it?

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I’ve grown 5 gal DWC in zone 7B. I was on the edge of my seat all summer, but I did it. I didnt use pool shock, but I did scrub a lot of parts in a sink full of dilute bleach.

They drink so much water, and the root mass was so large. I was refilling my bucket nearly daily. Frozen water bottles too!


I would avoid using the shock as sounds like water will be moving and not stagnate so no need for chlorine


I’m on well water so it’s just a preventive to add a little.

I’m on well water so it’s just a preventive to add a little.

Go with what has worked but chlorine is added to municipal water for dead ends and anaerobic conditions that may effect the end user. If your system is moving the water it should be good. We’ll water is fine unless too many tds etc which chlorine will not resolve

I’m on a well too, and I would use it if you had a ebb and flow, drain to waste or RDWC as they have larger rezes and will grow crud in temps.

But, you will get a buildup with the rate plants drink over summer.

Mosquito dunks are my other outdoor DWC secret weapon

Build up, chlorine evaporates…right? The mosquito dunks I suppose just keep the mosquitos out? Wonder if those will be a issue for me in a soil-less bucket? I’ve generally used lava rock and coco coir.

I’m not chemist, someone smarter will be by with the $5 words, but yes, chlorine evaporates from water but bleach and pool shock aren’t elemental chlorine. The sodium got in the crusties in the rez and you have to scrub or change buckets. I don’t know this as scientific fact but I do know when I changed that bucket it was dry and still smelled like pool.

I thought about pool shock, but the microgram I needed to measure for my use case was difficult. The amount a plant can tolerate before harm is very small.

The only reason I ever need to run bleach or H2O2 is because of light leaks or high temperature. My rez are much larger than a hempy bucket. You will be changing water faster than it can get crudy.

Imo, if you need to do anything to the hempy this summer it will be nothing more than adding a water bottle to cool the rez


Got the pool shock at walmart, shit it’s expensive now. Anyways, it’s 56%…I mixed 1tsp to one gallon of water for the solution. It appears that 2ml of this solution to 1gal of feed water would be ok. Does this sound correct?

How’s it working out? It’s about that time of summer where hydro gets hard

I haven’t used it yet…but might need to start putting a little in since it’s getting hot and I went with tubs as oppose to buckets. I also didn’t have the time or patience to get setup with what I wanted so I went with a hempy tub with lava rock and soil…and use oscomote as the nutes so all I have to do is water the thing.

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I’d suggest not using any chlorine with soil. That’s a whole other beast. I have fucked around with a couple SIP planters/ buckets and never needed to chlorinate the rez.

There isnt a problem till it’s a problem. Do you have a journal?

I’d normally agree but… I don’t see how a small amount would cause issues, I’ve used city tap in the same setup and it had some chlorine. Or are you referring to something else here? The rez in these tubs is about 5 gallons which is why I might consider putting a little in. I don’t need the bacteria to break down the nutes but even still a little like what’s in city tap shouldn’t really hurt.

No, I don’t have a Journal…I’m just a rookie trying to grow a little weed don’t think people would want to read a journal.

“There isnt a problem till it’s a problem”

I like that mindset, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But, also working in IT for over 30 yrs I’m also searching for the what if!

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Well you’re wrong.

They don’t have to be intense. I just like to see how everyone’s plants are doing. Here’s mine Makin’ Biscuits Outdoors