Buddy's AF Grow Show

I wouldn’t say you necessarily NEED to water prior to transplanting but if it’s bone dry then it will crumble regardless of how careful you are. You want some moisture as it does help keep the bundle together.

Personally I wait until I see some roots at the bottom holes then I know my roots have hit the bottom and then give an extra couple of days so they are definitely rooted properly then swap containers.


I’ll perfect it next try, but will use your advice. Roots were at the bottom, but ya too dry.

I’m trying to fim also, but if she doesn’t hit 4 nodes by Monday the latest I won’t be doing it.


Next time maybe just cut the bottom of the solo cup off and plant it including the solo cup sides into the coco. The roots will grow downwards still and it stops damaging the root mass :wink:
Or next time use https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gardman-08311-Round-Fibre-Multi-colour/dp/B004RBJG8U/ref=asc_df_B004RBJG8U/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=230204386967&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10586051849452117829&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006948&hvtargid=aud-544645955450:pla-421742590441&psc=1
They soften up with moisture and the roots eventually grow through them :+1:


Love it. Going to order some for my next plant. This would save me a ton of stress, and of course to my plant :slight_smile:


They can be found really cheaply. I buy mine from a everything is a pound/dollar store if I don’t have any rock wool cubes handy. Fill with coco and stick a seed in :+1:


I got 30 pots for $20. But went with a 4" pot.

Transplant went well…she is back to growing! Still hoping to fim her, hoping she picks up speed now.

Slowly getting better at this! Also finally got some candy and pk boost from megacrop. Excited to see how the Brooklyn sunrise likes it

Auto white widow - Day 10.

Brooklyn sunrise - frosty


Started trimming, and prepping to put in paper bags. Is it ok to have this this big or do they need to be small?
I’ve got a humidistat In the bags so I can check up on it.

So far around 500g wet…


Extremely tired from trimming…4hrs later 806g wet. If I had to guess maybe 200g left on the plant, which I will chop up and use for edibles.

I need to get a few friends to trim next time in exchange for bud. I hate trimming with passion! The first hour was great lol


I’d rather go to real jail than trim jail. If I can’t manage to book a full weekend off for harvest time I chop the plants at different stages over a few days and trim for an hour or two at a time to break up the monotonous routine. It also gives the lower buds a couple extra days and more light to bring them on a little bit more. 4 hours though isn’t what I’d call a long trimming session. I often do 8-10 hour stints :rofl:
Nice harvest by the way :+1:


I couldn’t do 8-10hrs straight…DAMN you the man! I looked at automated trimmers after I was done, and gave up after reading that they destory your buds :frowning:

Also here is what I left on the plant so many white pistols, as no light was getting to these. Do I let it sit for longer, chop it all done and use it for edibles?

I can’t wait for my next plant to finish up, I think I may hit around 1gpw total between the 2 babies under the solstrip. If not this run in a few I’ll get there!


You can leave them to grow for another week or two easily and the buds will continue to swell giving you more yield :wink: that’s how I do my photoperiod plants anyway I dunno if autos would work the same. Give it a try.


Ya I like to leave that lower stuff going. If you have the space chuck it back in and they will ripen a bit for you.

8-10 hour stints?? Me and 2 other dudes did a like 36 hour marathon once. It was pretty awful, hunched over in a tiny basement…I just drank gin the whole time to get through lol


Drinking and bud trimming don’t go together well :rofl: when you first start they look absolutely perfect and as time goes on as your brain degrades so does the quality of the trim job :laughing:


Always worked for me haha…I just go on autopilot after a while brain goes bye bye. Don’t forget to smoke scissor hash every half hour!


Noooooo alcohol and cannabis is not a fun mix :nauseated_face::face_with_thermometer: makes me ill :rofl:


You guys are nuts lol.

I’m going to chop the rest down on Sunday and just use it for edibles. Probably even just hang the plant which will save me time.

Next trim is going to be a dry trim, want to try a bunch of different ways and see which one I like the most. I’m really glad I didnt drop 4 seeds at once…fml trying to trim that much lol

Think it’s time to rename my thread. I’m officially a cannabis grower!


In a pickle.

Tent is on third floor, only spot to grow. 16degress outside, inside grow room 24degrees and I tent over 26. Plant is not liking this at all.

I’ve got no air condition…she’s broken and a sweet 3.3k to replace which is 2.5weeks away. Oh…I’m also drying in the same room, 4thday.

I did try jarring the weed, but too early. She gets over 74 humidity quick once sealed. Tomorrow I was going to jar after work so hopefully my first harvest will be ok.

Am I doomed?


Absolutely not @cdnBuddy! You’re definitely not doomed. Just one piece of advise…


That’s where you and I differ I guess…lol… Much easier and healthier for you if you want to smoke one while in trim jail… no human feces involved… I would hope…lol



Lol. That sums it up.

Did you see my first plant? That was from 3days of the heat. This plant is going to get it worse lol. I’ve prepped spot in the backyard. Another tombstone. Lol

But who knows…maybe it will snow again.