Bugs hatching out of seeds?

I just popped these couple days ago and all popped healthy white solid tails went into plain soil no nutes of a fresh bag of bm6.All have been in a humdity dome seperate from all plants.Checked today and sees dozens of white maggots crawling all over new just broke soil seedlings dug down and checked the ones that didnt pop out and all covered in maggots under the dirt Popped a helmet off of one of them and it was crawling inside with them.Is it possible for bugs to get inside a cannabis seed like this and hatch afterwards ?or is it a case of a fly got in the dome and laid eggs.Dome was sealed off and no gnats so im lost on this one.Anybody think they know what these are?I destroyed all pots and sprayed Zymes down i wasnt taking chances ive never seen this in my life ive seen dirt gnats larvae plenty of times but these were like half the size .


Gnarly bruh!!!
That’s some brutal shit, and I would done the same as you! Sorry I don’t know anything about it, and I hope I never will!

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A quick search indicates that there is such a thing as seed and root maggots

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Whoa, scorched earth best plan.

I’m betting fly larvae or something. Bummer, but good job on the destruction


is that the seed shell?
maybe in the soil, i cant say ive heard of it but never know


probably contaminated soil, I would throw that bag away asap. but where did the seeds come from?

It’s probably more likely that the pests found the food source,
but if that hatched out of the seed, you’re in uncharted waters.


I’ve seen those same little bastards attack seeds like that and I’m pretty sure they are large nematodes.
I copied this from the internet but here is something interesting you may want to consider,

Nematodes normally spread as soil-borne inoculum or in infected planting material. Some of the nematodes survive in true seeds in anhydrobiotic stage and survive for a long period in or on contaminated or infected seed . Consequently, they can be spread over vast distances in the commercial distribution of seed.


What in the fudge?! :exploding_head:

Apologies no help either but serious WTF?


I’ve had it happen, once. I can near guarantee it came from the seed as I don’t germinate in media, I use paper towels. And yeah they ate the baby plant and had this white goo in the seed case. Did nothing but reaffirm the paper towel over planting media. With paper towels they never had the chance to spread. ALL of my seeds got a FIRM roll test that day. Hasn’t happened again.


A year or two ago, I bought a bag of soil that was LOADED with fungus gnat larvae. Bastards were everywhere! Clouds of them.

Around that same time, I was having a ton of germination problems. (I lost a whole pack of JOTI Black Dosi Fire beans, and a couple others too)
One day I started looking at the failing beans with a magnifying glass.

Fungus gnat larvae were eating out the insides of all the seeds in soil!!!

I got some nematodes to wipe them all out, and I stopped having germination problems.

Sorry you’re experiencing similar. Get some nematodes! They will probably fix the problem.


I have to say I think firehead is on the right track. Fungus gnat larve are like hitler to seed/seedlings. Nematodes will knock em out in your media. Don’t pop any seeds until you remediate. Good luck.


I’m sorry to hear you’re having this issue but also somewhat glad I’m not the only one, hopefully you can get it under control :crossed_fingers: all the best


I have seen this before and I would agree 100% with you @Rhino_buddy. Good call @firehead.
Ever since then I make sure the soil that I use for freshly germinated seeds is pasteurized in the microwave carefully until I get a surface soil temperature reading of over 90C. I use a Pyrex type bowl with a lid.

I recycle and amend my soil with compost, so those bastards are always in the supply stock.


That is a seed shell that was popped off a seedling and was packed with larvae


yeah i seen that, id say they were in the soil the went to the tap root to hang out and have off spring? either way just no good

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Seeds came from a very reputable member of Overgrow.Im going to pop the rest in a new batch of plain soil and see if i can recreate this and see if its from the Beans or i just had a fly lay in eggs everywhere.Im thinking and hoping it was just bad soil.This could be a nightmare if it’s from the seeds i think its highly unlikely though but i have seen stranger shit


every time my plants get exposed to something from outside or actual dirt, i have to deal with bugs…usually just gnats, but there is a good way to avoid most of this. just don’t use dirt. you can get super tasty bud with probably more yield in less time if you just leave out the dirt from your medium. if you worship at the alter of organics…you will find that lots of stuff is organic…like bugs.

i brought in a plant drain tray from my garage tent and a few days later i had this accumulating:

i sure as heck didn’t wait to find out what comes out of them…left the water in the trays to add some much needed humidity.


between that and h. miles… i used to have to bake my soil i wanted to grow in and then transplant small plants into the other soil when ready cuz the hypoaspis will annihilate anything organic or plant related …


This some real sci fi horror shit


I had the same problem several months ago. I started using rooting pods and it quit happening.