Could fungus gnats be really causing problems now?

Since I started soil I know one bag from the store as soon as I opened it had fungus gnats and I shouldn’t of used any but I used some and now the fungus gnats have been pretty prevekant. This morning 2 of the 4 plants in this tent that were all super happy, seem not very happy and I sure see some fungus gnats. I have lady bugs on the way I planned to spray with zerotol on the soil tonight (hydrogen peroxide) I need more traps I couldn’t find my big ones. And I know I had mosquito bits somewhere and I can’t find them! Here’s the pics tho plants on the right of the tent aren’t struggling, plants on the left are and I see the fungus gnats

Uploading: 3949533D-6C2D-4EE7-8857-7B38A5A490C9.jpeg… Uploading: 5C0DDE54-AFB1-424B-B68B-E56E6A74F86D.jpeg…

The later pics show the trich or treats on the right looking healthy while the ones on the left (dangerfruitz) are beggining to wilt a bit I wanted to transplant within a few days and flip in a week or so but I don’t wanna use these if a fungus gnats infestation could be scary to carry on. Really wish I could find those damn mosquito bits.


Not sure why the second pics wouldn’t go through correctly


I’ve never had gnats keep me from getting to harvest so I wouldn’t worry about that, you just got to get them in check. They’re pretty much a constant around my room I just try to keep the population small, sometimes I’ll knock it out until the next bag of soil but they always find a way back in. Mosquito bits and a watering of 1/3 hydrogen peroxide 2/3 water usually helps but you still need yellow sticky traps to catch the adults. Usually grow shops got them or Amazon usually has some available for next day around me. You also want some heavy drybacks. Not sure if that’s promix or what your in but your in veg so you can go dry without harming much except they’re population. I’ve learned constantly soaking the top layer in stuff trying to kill them sometimes gives them the moist environment they’re looking for and they thrive. Wind blowing across the tops of the pots makes their life more difficult too. My next run I’m going to try sf nematodes but not sure how they’ll handle sitting in the 90-100 degree weather right now so haven’t pulled the trigger on them yet.


Use nematodes and they will be gone within within two weeks.


Diatomaceous Earth. It shreds fungus gnats and their eggs to ribbons where they will desiccate and die off. No mercy for those fuckers, kill them with EXTREME prejudice!


I’ve got some mosquito bits left…if you live in Canada I can send you a tablespoon of what I’ve got left. Should be enough for a 5 gal buckets worth…all you need is one application and those beyawtches will be gone.
If your only growing those 4 plants, you could probably just make a liter of it and save the rest for another day.


@Tappy where did u get the bits? I can only ever find the dunks the last 4 years, had a bag of bits that sat for years until I gave them away, now I can’t find them in Canada


everything snikelfritz said :ok_hand:

@Tappy sadly he’s in the States :cry:


Im having the same in my tent the last couple of weeks, never had these like this before. Look like its starting to affect the plants (alomg with a mag issue). Coming out the holes in the bottom of my pots too. Tried safer soap on the live ones, just did a peroxide mix a couple days ago and, dusted diatomaceous earth on the soil and sat the pots in a pile of it to get it up in the drainage holes. Praying to get rid of them before uppotting.

Anyone have a reccomendation for which nematodes to get? Im in the US.


I’m curious what nematodes people are using too. And if they ever get them shipped during summer. Just worried the 90-100 degrees during shipping and on the porch might kill them before they get here.

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Have the plants been there the whole time or do you move them around ? Pics look like maybe the light on that side or fan maybe causing the droop. Bottom watering only for 2-3 weeks eliminates em. Cover the soil with cardboard or straw, get 4 pans to water each plant, say goodbye to gnats.

Happy harvest


Steinernema Feltiae


First, I love Mosquito Bits/dunks.
However once you get a real infestation going on, this stuff is no joke. I got the smallest package as I’m just a wee home grower.
I simply followed instructions and WHAMO.
I had enough to treat all my medium totes, spent stuff, that is waiting to be recharged and reused.
My tote with ready to use medium mixed up.
Hell, I even had a gallon left over, and took it home to treat all the house plants.
Mosquito Bits/dunks are fine for regular amounts of gnats, but I’ve had no luck, with them beating back, a hoard.
Just my $.02.


I use the Steinernema feltiae nematode for fungus gnats. I receive them in the summer in Canada and they have sat in some hot sun. I know to kill some nematodes about 125 f for 30 minutes kills them, or like 140 for 5 minutes. They also die in freezing temps as well. These are the ones I use. 1 to 2 weeks and all soil larvae are dealt with and any new fliers that try and use the soil to pro create will not have any success. I just eradicated the thrips I had with these nematodes, should have just went with these from the start instead of messing around with bug soaps but I had the soaps so I wanted to use them up, nematodes for the win everytime


Ecological Labs AEL20036 Microbe Lift Mosquito Control Aquarium Treatment, 2-Ounce
2 drops per gal light infestation, 4 drops per gal heavy infestation. Every water. Will be gone in 2 weeks max.

Used to used the bti granules, this is so much easier and water soluble


First time i use them this year for a sudden and heavy infestation, gnats are very agressive here. From day 1, they can eat 5 liters of roots of a motherplant within one week. Like this :

I will never come back to any chems for gnats, i think i will also store good volume of soil and pour nematodes inside to let them work between two rounds. I’m in love.


I don’t see the gnats being the reason for the plants drooping slightly.
I think it’ll be more down to that fan on the right hand side.
Unless you have literally 100s of gnats all over the place.



Yea, they really are an amazing implementation to keep those little bastards from killing your root zone. As a bonus they will be in the soil doing their thing for a while so they also act as a preventative once indfestation is dealt with, Bonus!!! Very happy I started using these, so much effort using other methods and these are sort of a set it and forget it. Everytime I don’t put these in my plants I get either gnats or thrips in the summer.When these are incorporated these pests never appear in my grow but sometimes I slack and then poof, need to apply some nematodes to deal. Pretty much every summer as soon. As it’s open window season.


I used this one and it completely wiped them out: 5 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Sf - Fungus Gnat/Rootknot Gall Exterminator out.


Thank you everyone I’ll forsure be getting some nematodes, and some other safety measures on here. I know it could be another reason for the dropping but I don’t think it’s the fan because it’s been In this same spot doing well for a couple weeks , no changes to the fan, and just started lookin a little droopy this morning.

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