Build Idea for inside a grow tent

Yeah, I misread on the soil part, sorry.

My opinion stands though.

If you are hell bent on setting up an auto water system (I use one, no snark here…), I’d recommend just using smaller pots, coco, and taking advantage of the benefits of an auto system, which is frequent fertigation - multiple times per day.

Engineering multiple potential failure points to save yourself from watering a small tent once every 3-4 days doesn’t seem like the best trade off to me.


Yes I know you wanted to go synthetic. I was just offering my opinion on why organic may be better for what you are trying to accomplish (no till).

I worry about the roots left behind in the media if you went synthetic.

What is composting the roots left behind in a synthetic system? (to keep from having root rot issues or other pathogens, etc). That would be my worry. That and salt build up over time. I guess you could try to use enzymes between runs…

I don’t really know of anyone running no-till with synthetics, especially long term.

Also, Organic is wayyyy cheaper than synthetic in the long run.
Everything you buy in a bottle you can make yourself for cheap, or just let nature make it for you (ie: adding organic inputs to your soil and letting the microbes do the rest).

I really only buy organic inputs at most once a year, if that. If I spend $100-200 on inputs, they’ll last me multiple years. Where as I feel like I drop at least $100 every time I walk into a grow shop (which is every few months, if not more if I’m growing synthetic).

And if you source inputs locally or shop around for good prices, even the starting cost isn’t bad. I’ve definitely spent way more on synthetic nutrients vs. organic.

I do still run synthetics at times (mostly when I run hydro or aero) but I find organics to be preferred for many reasons.

Anyway… sorry. I don’t mean to sound like I am preaching…
Just trying to brain storm ideas for you. lol

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No roots will be left behind, I uproot them on every grow.If there are any minimal thin roots that break off, the mycos and bacteria I add to the soil will take care of them im sure.

This would be fairly easy to counter since it would have between a 67 and 100 gallon water tank under it, i could simply let it run dry, flush the media with plain water to rinse the salts down into the tank, and by the time the next seedlings have roots deep enough to hit the nutes, they should be ready to handle them.

In the long run maybe, but to do it the way I would want to, would be an incredibly high inital investment that I cant afford. Mega Crop 1 part, is 28 bucks for 4lbs, and even in flower I only use 6 grams per gallon per watering( more of course would be needed if I set up this system)

Nah doesnt sound like you are preaching at all, just a discussion for Ideas and I appricate that!

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Have you ever just considered an electric pump with a manifold hooked to a timer?

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thought about it,but the stuff i would need would be more expensive that just setting up a sip.