Evens Micro SIP

Quick tutorial on a scalable way to make sub irrigation planters.

This is my own variation without drain holes since SOG are packed tightly, I don’t want overflow. Water in open air in catch trays are a pain to empty and push the RH up significantly. I avoid that drainage. Check out traditional earthboxes or SIP for other versions that have drain holes.

I like to use 2.5L buckets for SOG but you can use anything that is watertight, really

You’ll need:
Tape measure,
Buckets of choice,
Drill and some small woodworking bits (3-5mm)
Hacksaw or pipe cutter
Plastic pipe (I use 25mm water pipe)
Expanded clay “hydroton”

Basically cut one piece of pipe slightly longer than the height of the bucket using the hacksaw or pipe cutter.

My buckets are around 18cm tall so I cut my pipe to circa 19cm, no need to be too precise

Using the drill bit and drill, make a series of holes in one end of each pipe section about 40mm (1.5 inch) from the end

This will be our feed tube later, again no need to be too precise as long as there are enough holes to minimise blockages later it will be fine

I like to bleach soak the water/feed pipe at this point to remove any unwanted guests that might impact the grow later, and rinse very well with water, before moving onto the next step.

Place the pipe into the corner of the bucket with the drilled holes towards the bottom.

Fill the bucket with expanded clay/hydroton until the level is just above the 40mm deep.

One done, fill up to the top with soil or coir or any media of your choice

Watering is done with a funnel placed into the fill tube.

If you like you can make a float level sensor/indicator to reside in the fill pipe with a wine cork and a bamboo chopstick or wooden skewer (not shown here) alternatively, just use a piece of thin wood as a dipstick to check fluid levels. That’s it, super simple, effective and really cheap. Five buckets like this costs under 20 quid all in.

SIP is well known but haven’t seen anyone share this simple version with expanded clay so thought I would share it here (my own tweak) the capillary action of the clay will keep the media moist just as any other SIP style system. Plants love it.


I did a something somewhat similar, but with wood chips. 5 gal bucket with several holes drilled in bottom & 1 inch up the sides all around the bucket. Filled 1/4 full of woodchips, then filled rest with quality soil mixture, placed plant inside & covered soil with more woodchips 1" to 2" deep. Water heavily and walk away. Keeps moisture for a long time in the summer heat. Maybe I’ll post some photos of doing this in a dat or two when I make more.


Nice one, yea, bet that would work great too.


Great info
I really like this design this will work very well for the moms in the small tent

Ty for posting


No worries paps. My lot love this style of feeding. If you want to get really fancy and add root pruning you can drill holes in the upper section of the bucket and put some landscape fabric in the top portion to prevent the media falling through the holes. I’ve never found it necessary but it does work


Before I purchase the Octopots I saw this method made with plastic totes for your vegetable garden

But my moms need a new pair of shoes lol

So I’ll give this a go


Aye do, the octopots are great I am sure but expensive for what they are. Black buckets would be better but algae is not really an issue when the canopy fills in and you can black out the bottom 1.5 inch with duct tape if you are concerned.

In future I’ll show my auto fill version but not just yet I need to gather materials for that.


They do cost a bit but they where on sale and I feel I saved a bit not to mention it was before i was retired i didn’t have time to make anything nor did i really want to make anything at that time lol

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Makes sense, no argument from me, where I am they are super expensive and not available in the range of sizes that suit me so ten minutes DIY is worth doing.


Haven’t heard the word quid in a while lol


Cos noone has any :slight_smile:


Waiting on comments about the socks and sandals too :laughing:


Haven’t tried them for herb yet and not quite micro, but I grew two trees from cuttings in these SIPs made out of old Husqvarna lawnmower catch bins, remember these? We had double bags instead on the back of the John Deere growing up but I recognized them right away in a junk pile. I drilled holes in the recessed bottom ribs, they’re about 6" up from the bottom of the pot, I fill that with river gravel then coarse perlite to above the holes, then add dirt on top. Now that my fig and loquat are in the ground, they’re veg bins, this is Clemson spinless okra:

I’m gonna try mini SIPs this summer though, I’ve got a steady supply of all sorts of food grade bins from work at the restaurant and I can run them through the dishwasher to sanitize too


Nice job yea.

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Thanks! I really want to try using some inert medium growing this year in hydroton or Turface (calcined clay for landscaping) now that I’m converted to growing with Jack’s Classic fertilizers, just reupped my supply of 20-20-20 and 10-30-20, 10# of each, now I just gotta bite the bullet and get that big 25# bag of the new 0-12-26, @Tripl3fastaction sent me some to try last year and I’m hooked good stuff to finish with but they only do kilo or 25# bags unfortunately

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If you can find aquarium gravel cheap enough that works too, I expect river rocks would do the job too but haven’t tried those personally


A layer of weed control fabric on top of clay balls , would be nice


Can do, as long as you don’t top water the media stays where it is. When I extract plants at the end of cycle very little has moved from where it is.

Couldn’t hurt though


I’m weed control fabric in the brain lol I line my crates with it to keep my f and d tray clean from rock wool partials

It’s also good for airpots , years ago when I used them ( no surface water erosion and again clean tray )


Hey @Even! Nice design! Join us over on the SIP thread! All are welcome!!