Can someone tell me what is going on?

This is true. I run Loompa’s headband and molasses with cal-mag does not rid it of of its red veins… It also needs epsom salts as well.


I just give every strain a small amount of each, molasses, dolomite lime powder Pure Dolomitic ( Calcitic Garden Lime) and a Cal Mag supplement like foxfarm cal mag and call it a day :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: Dolomite once scratch it in small amounts 1/2 TBS per gallon and then supp with the others as needed

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I knew that pure ro water is not good, but I don’t remember why so Google it and take this out of royalseed web… You need to buffer the ro water with cal mag, canna cal mag is special for buffering RO water, very good I use it in coco.

Royalseed web:
"Therefore, RO water is not inherently “good” for your plants. In fact, alone it is probably worse than normal tap water. What it does give you is a starting point from which you can perfect the nutrient balance of your solution. This is why RO filters are popular in hydroponic grows, as hydro setups require highly controlled and specific conditions.

For soil grows, such levels of purity are less important, as the soil does much of the work itself. While well-adjusted RO water can be beneficial, poorly adjusted RO water is going to do more harm than good. So before looking to use totally pure water, ensure you have the skills, equipment, and energy to make up for what you’ll remove."


hell i use a pur water filter off thge tap and my ph sits about 6.4 and neglegent tds never ha dany problem with that method


It has something to do with ions, it is at the molecular level, very pure causes problems on the soil, sorry but my scientific level is low, but the idea is there more or less😁

Those RO and water filters remove all the trace minerals like Calcium and Magnesium, you have to add them later on … beer3|nullxnull


yep just have to pay attention and give the babies what they ask for


Let me clarify…
With the RO water, I use that at the seedling stage up til its about 10-11" by then the gal or two of ro water is gone then I feel the plant is strong enough to handle inner city tap water.


The rest of plants are fine, might be just a nutrient lockout, she seems to have evrything she needs but don’t take profit. I would flush her with that RO water and check the runoff EC, maybe there’s some salts buildup, then see how she reacts. That’s a bit safer than adding nutes that she already has … beer3|nullxnull


nothing wrong with that

I know RO water itself, can pull some nutrients from the water. Thinking back, I do recall molasses can cause lockout as well I just don’t remember what nutrient. My best guess would be something is being locked out. Also, without actually knowing the Ph and ppm/e.c of the tap water you switched to, it could make it a little more difficult to diagnose. Any overwatering at all?
Also, could just be a bit more temperamental than the others. I feel you’ll get it dialed in quick :slight_smile:

all i have to say to@livingblacksoil is WOW and shakes my head not to rip or anything but really?


when i read such nonsense
my eyes are bleeding


exactly glad someone else gets it without just saying it wouldnt want to be inpolitically correct


besides this just isnt the place for it if you need to espouse goto a different site or forum but leave it out of OG

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plus its just way way way too F%^&$n early

Wth happened in here?


I thought we were talking about molasses and dirt but I guess not.


Yeah I’m like what does the “black condition in America” have to do with anything? We’re talking about marijuana, I’m black 🧏🏿 and I felt that was unnecessary and kinda embarrassed actually. Like bro @LivingBlackSoil pump ya breaks cause I’m clueless to what triggered that type of comment. Marijuana is amazing-yes, blk ppl are amazing-most definitely but so are white ppl, and asian ppl and Indian ppl, like dude, you’re rubbing ppl the wrong way here making it look like black ppl solely are amazing and resilient as these plants that WE ALL LOVE, there’s a brotherhood here…everybody is on :peace_symbol: & :heart: time bro, like don’t disrupt the energy please. Don’t get me wrong, I feel u but no bro…not here, in here we’re about bud pride, not black pride.

…and again this is coming from a black man. :peace_symbol:

Like i really wanna know


Right on Hashton :+1: 100%