Can someone tell me what is going on?



Thanks @George , I was just walking out the door to pick up a pizza and figured you were a good person to help :v:


I check this section to learn from others rather than help, all my knowledge is OG based :roll_eyes:, I just repeat like a cockatoo, bon appetit ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


if youā€™re not measuring pH, Iā€™d recommend feeding 6.7-6.8pH for a few feedings to see if it helps.

Or try the light intensity first, then try the pH if that doesnā€™t work.


using the same soil ok are you reconditioning the soil after use with microbes and dolomite lime?


Nope. I just use blackstrap molasses as a re-admendmentā€¦thatā€™s it. Then I let the microbiology do the rest.


Itā€™s the soil. Check pH, check ec and check for root aphids.

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ya your soil needs reconditioning. top dress it with some dolomite lime powder and micro dose of nutes, maybe a shot of cal mag if ya got it molasses too donā€™t need much dolomite lime powder 1/2 to 3/4 TBS per gallon of soil ā€œless is more with all of themā€


I do have molasses. Thatā€™s all I use. I donā€™t use lime or ph meters-(im lazyšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø)ā€¦the extent Iā€™ll go is buying RO water and reup on Cocos A/B (which I usually start using like a month and a half into veg). So I really think itā€™s my light man, I got that bitch on full blast only cause I got my babies in the forefront of my mind. I got it turned up for them. So what Iā€™m going to do is lower the intensity and raise the babies on cinder blocks


RO water has no cal mag. I donā€™t ph either but I use dolomite lime powder and supp with cal mag :peace_symbol: and thatā€™s using tap dolomite lime powder has cal mag

It is hard to make a determination based upon so little data. We only have this one pic and no environmental nor pH nor feed data. The plant looks to have a slight manganese deficiency with the slight interveinal chlorosing. The leaf is crinkled and dark and also appears to possibly have been overwateredā€¦which could cause multiple issues which appear similar to lockouts from the roots inability to uptake nutrients and water. How often are you feeding this plant? What pH and concentration of nutes? In an attempt to get rid of the purple stems might you have any epsom salts to add at 1/2gram per gallon to your next feed? Sometimes one deficiency can lead to a cascade effect where the plant shows various symptoms that could be caused by any of multiple imbalances in the root zone, and without all these mentioned data points it is hard to make an astute determination as to what may be the possible steps to the resolution of the issue(s).


hehe, sorryā€¦ race conditionā€¦ I didnā€™t refresh my screen and missed this post.


Then Iā€™d be ODing the microbes with a cal/mag supplement on top of there being enough cal/mag in molasses sulfured or unsulfured, I donā€™t see a need for any other supplementā€¦unsulfured blackstrap molasses is basically my ā€œone punch knockoutā€ man. Ever since I incorporated it-(properly) Iā€™ve had absolutely no need to supplement my soil with anything else. Itā€™s got everything that the microscopic homies need and they in turn give the plant what it needs. I donā€™t ā€œfeed the plantā€ per say, I feed the dirt.


I suggest a pH meter. pH is a critical factor to success.


Iā€™ve been doing good so far without it.


I donā€™t know what else to tell you. I use molasses to with cal mag sup and dolomite lime powder small amounts of each. The strain or strains might need more cal mag then your use too Peace :peace_symbol:


This may be true, but this fact is adding an unknown condition (pH) into your growā€¦ which may be causing this expressed issue :raised_hands:


Thatā€™s plausible being its a f2 of the Ice Cream Cake #98 it might need a different ā€œenvironmentā€


that is true tooā€¦ I have a ā€œpurple chemā€ that cannot be appeased and constantly looks stressedā€¦ It is just the genes, and I live with it because I like the particular plant


ya you just need to dial it in man

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