Can someone tell me what is going on?

The only color here is the green… Pace and love good people.


6 months hmmmmm

So you’re judging him by the amount of time he’s been a part of this community?, u know he’s been here longer than I have, so I don’t know what u mean by “6 months hmmm” what does that mean?

just an observation

Looks like I missed a few twists and turns in this thread. How are your plants doing @Hashton_Kusha ?

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They’re fine only issue is my ICC98 f2 she’s got some yellowing going on and I was looking for some advice…but somehow this thread took a left turn.


It happens but hey, back on track now :wink:


Just feed some Epsom salts don’t over think ph etc…it’s a weed remember?

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I am voting magnesium! I was reading somewhere that LED’s also cause the plants to uptake more phosphorus as well; I don’t think it’s that, just thought it was interesting

Can you put up a pic of it, you may have and I am stoned :rofl:

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Ya gotta go to the top of this thread.

I have no idea what happened above?

But… any update on your plants since you first noticed the issue happening? Everything ya got there looks beautiful.

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Well its only been a day since I noticed the issue, but the others are growing problem-free, it’s just this one plant atm. But I put her under a lower light last night, I’ll give it 2-3 days to see if any improvements occur. Some are saying check the ph and others are suggesting the light is too much, now before I call my dear auntie for some Epsom salt I’m gonna see if changing the light intensity does anything.


It’s been a few days since I posted the problem I was having with my f2 ice cream cake #98, some of u suggested that I check the ph, and some of u suggested that I ease up on the light…deep down I knew it wasn’t because of my soils ph or the tap water. I removed her and put her in the flower :tent: and from what it looks like, the ones that said it was the light that was causing me problems was correct because as u can see in the new growth her color is back to normal and it seems the color is coming back on the older fan leaves.


Just saw this but my viperspecta Light

Was doing the exact same thing to me. I have a dial and can just turn it back or raise it up a bit.


Glad it’s solved Arriba|nullxnull, thanks for letting us know … beer3|nullxnull

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Apparently the intense Led + coconut (which in itself already gives calmg problems) makes the plants consume more calmag, try to raise the calmag to 0.5 instead of 0.4 to me it has worked and thus I keep the intensity high… Sorry I just remembered that the OP cultivates on soil, anyway the data remains for the one who wants to try.

Edit… Keep in mind that many calmags bring N, so adjust the npk properly or look for a calmg with little or no N.

I don’t use calmag

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You may not use calmag in bottle, but your plant, your substrate needs calcium and magnetium and from somewhere you will have to put it, call it bottle, or organic powders from x deposit, but calcium and magnetium is essential and if you grow in Led your plants will want more calcium and magnesium.

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They get the calcium and magnesium from the molasses I put in it. Besides, that wasn’t the issue with my plant.