Cannabis microscopy

i can gorp at your pictures all day long dude!! amazing


Looks like chopped up plant matter.

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Thanks! Some of the images contain amazing observations heh heh.

He claimed it was bubble hash, but it has to be just 25 micron garbage. There’s no fucking way on earth someone made that with a 90 micron sack. Even my 25 micron hash has more trichomes in it. I’ve got to compose an audio track then toss up the dissolving of the sample on goo tube. It’s… amazing.
I think buddy does a crazy scheme where he puts the buds in a blender then makes hash to ensure it’s low quality.


I whipped up a cartoon for that heh heh.


I took a flower petal that had dried up, from the grapefruit tree. I took a normal photo and UV as well. Perhaps with enough UV light, and magnification, I could actually see what part of the petal makes it glow,

How would the image look with a live sample?

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heh heh it's easier to see things on the live sample. I could probably get a better photo if I waited until darkness. I'm sure light from the window is not good for the UV image clarity.

yo… what the fuuuuuuck is that!!! I got this super creepy story about someone who bought a christmas poinsettia, and it came home covered in bugs. It sure wasn’t me, that’s gross.


It’s got to be a silverleaf whitefly, that’s all I can come up with. I’m not even sure about that, but it doesn’t look fully formed or something. There were three of them on one leaf!


You can see there is an object that really glows under UV!


Oh, I think I hit the jackpot in my discard bin of garbage hash. Some of it was wet, some dried, all just 25 micron trash from last year sometime. Good news is it’s gone all moldy! I shone the ultraviolet in there and it looked nasty! Some of the hash looked green instead of… normal? I’m hoping there are some excellent samples in there and some could be pathogenic to humans. ooo yah! :skull_and_crossbones: :mask:


Great; im officially freaked out.

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yo, whatever that thing is, it’s infesting everything! I’ve never see something like that before. And that’s saying something.


How Big is that critter?

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it looks like a fungus gnat from what i could look up, i guess it just has been damaged as it looks as if there are some bit missing…

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2mm long! It’s white and infesting my grow now, but it originated on this poinsettia that my dad bought for christmas. As far as I can tell, the gnats are black, not white.


It looks like an albino fungus gnat. I wonder if that’s a real thing?

testing positive for springtails! I’m not sure those are a plant parasite though.


got some images of the bud growth on ol tripod there. Great news there are lots of trichomes! So there is hope yet for good hash productivity. I’ll see how it shapes up as time goes on, and it gets closer to harvest.


here’s a single bud from the TK plant. You can already see a difference between it and the PCK. Strange!