Cannabis microscopy

Holy cow, that sucks. How old is it, maybe they will mature later in flower?


Unfortunately it’s 58 days in flower. I’m not lovin’ it™.

I wouldn’t even waste the time to wash it. Might not be able to give it away. :rofl:

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I woke up this morning and I was like… I hallucinated the whole episode. No way that sensi plant is fucking bunk like that. So… I did some more photos. ACK!

Ohhh my. It was more real than real… It’s a nightmare! Hah hah Just kidding. This will definitely be an excellent opportunity for trying to falsify my trichome density theory for hash yield. Haven’t falsified it yet, but this run will be a strong signal if I’m on the right track.
oh crap forgot to mention SENSI A on top and SENSI B below. At least SENSI B looks ok!


oh yah, forgot to mention that observation basically proves the trichome field is genetic. I did the same crap with both plants, and they weren’t the same in the end.

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look! A week later!

wow I suppose there is life in that thing after all! I wonder if it would grow??


We Got microscopic organisms! They are the wigglers! Long body with what looks like 2 back legs. Amazeballs! They are living in this dead root ball in a bucket. I noticed this grey mass, so I dissected it.


Pretty sure it’s just a rotifer. Must be feasting on some decomp, nasty little fucks.

They are fast!

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ohh yah actually the high speed camera and movie processing speeds it up. The thing only takes a couple frames per second, but the image is good even with motion. I can speed it up by lowering the resolution and capturing more frames, except then you can’t see it in 4K glory heh heh. In reality that 17 seconds took a few min in real time.

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Some random mycelium. You can see micro organisms overwintering on the dead plant material if you go and check it out. Reminds me of the spider mites clinging to the buds of a dormant tree. Shit can survive, that’s for sure. It’s ready for winter!


The bud was crushed and I salvaged something from it. Some of those buds from the store are super crushed! The count shows slurricane “should” be as good a producer as the meat breath buds. Hopefully I can try it lol!


Different photo. I should have hunted for the “special bud” on the side branch, but these highly manicured and squashed buds don’t have one.

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Hey @JoeCrowe, do you have any idea what this could be? It kind of looks like trichomes?

Normal leaf comparison


It’s got a strange color to it, but other than that it looks like a trichome to me. Did you get something white spilled on the leaf that might be stuck to the outside of the trichomes?

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No nothing, it was pressed against the wall of a fabric pot. This was from the tip of a big fan leaf, it’s a weird place to have trichomes, and the plant hasnt even showed sex yet. Haven’t found nothing similar on other leafs. Maybe it’s a random mutation :thinking:.

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I know you’re asking Joe, and I’m probably wrong, but…

…based on where the leaf was situated, and the appearance of the spots, it looks like some sort of fungus. It also looks like you’ve removed the leaf, so it’s probably nothing to worry about any longer. I hope.


Thanks for your input @Purple-N-Hairy , it definitely could be that, I’ve been fighting humidity and condensation on leafs… It’s probably a good idea to treat with sulfur, just in case…


Yah it’s hard to really tell, but it almost seems too small to be a fungal colony. Also too localized! It’s really strange looking, I’ll give you that.


I got this unknown hash sample so I looked at it. It’s either 25 micron or some kind of sift material. That shit doesn’t even resemble bubble hash, I wonder what it is?