Cannatrol users

i did a nasty discovery molded my whole batch in the unit trashed everything and now looking for quick sanitizing tip before i inteoduce fresh flowers in it
@Jetdro ? anyone? id like to put a batch asap but dont want to mold everything this time so i wanna be sure its not gonna spread

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Bleach is your friend i would think


Mold in the Cannatrol??? Be fine with a quick clean, flush the drain line well clean the tray, all shelves and walls…inside of door too…leave it open with fan on it , be just fine.


thx been on it as soin as you replied im not finishing the cleaning on trimmer ill give it an other try hope its gonna last

I’m curious how that even happened? Are you running stock settings?
Knock on wood, but I’ve packed the ever living shit outta mine and not seen mold.

Are you sure you didn’t just put moldy bud in and didn’t notice?
And yes, I have had botrytis so far, in every grow. At least a large “forearm sized bud brah!!!” or two is hosed from mold.


DID NOT happen in unit, he had rot before it went in. Had to have


yeah i loaded it untrimed andwas rushed with westher snd didnt look to sift out mold id guess


im about to go beaerk on the freeze land hope trimer holds on
crossing my fingers for next batch


Hmmm they said don’t do that lol… how’d that turn out? Happen to dry too much prior?


Turned out just fine, the RH goes into the 70’s for awhile. It was literally done because I had more than the standard six shelves could handle, and this is pretty much the only way I have to dry/cure. Any other method I might as well just throw it in the trash or super dry it and turn it into edibles ( I have so much trim and extra, that would be a total waste )

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What settings are you using? I’m just curious I’m about to put my first batch in it in the morning. Pretty excited about this thing.


Stock works very very well.


I went cooler… and slightly wetter… but default is good like tomatoes only said… also… I extended the times wayyyyyy longer

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Welcome my friend… I see you’re new here … you’ll love this place

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I’d like to talk about something that I feel is pertinent… when it comes to curing… I’d think the tighter compact solid nugs would need a slower slightly drier cure because of density… and fluffy airy nugs more moisture because you can get away with that on fluffy buds… what will work for fluffy nugs can and will likely mold a tight dense nug… so it’s all subjective to your product at curing time… how does everyone feel about this ? Not that default will mold anything… just saying… with adjustments people make … be sure to keep things like this in mind… grow strong gromies!

At default settings bud, any bud, comes out and tests @55-56% from my unit, way too dry. This last run now, changed to 52.9 DP and difference is what i wanted. Bud comes out @58-60%
Bud denisity makes no difference, machine does 90% of the dry in first 48 hours, regardless of bud load or density. Dont care how you slope it, slope it 12 days on the “dry” still gonna do SAME THING, ,most water pulled in 48 hours.
Not gonna see ANY MOLD in this unit, unless you PUT MOLD IN. NOT gonna mold in this unit . It works on stabilizing water activity, which prevents mold .

Default setting is losing me weight, taste, and smell, i noticed on my last run. This run, just finished with the “dry” , lol, starting “cure”, lol, is much better, 3-4% means alot in the finished product. In my opinion, Bud goes under 56 % it’s lost taste and smell. Can hydrate back, but never regain what was lost.

Gonna finish the dry, I go 10 days total, see if it comes out 58-60% at this setting, it should IF IT ACTUALLY is adjustable, which it appears to be

Nice i can at least adjust it to get bud finished where i want it.


No I mean not default… and attempting to go wetter to the brink of mold and mildew yet no mold or mildew… I feel like the wetter the better… reasoning would be just like you said… too dry things get lost never to return… I get the machine does what it says bro I own 1 too lol… what I am trying to portray is going as wet as possible… with this method you’d need to be careful because denser nugs will have an easier time molding etc… but fluffy buds wouldn’t as easily… yet the wetter in my opinion allows for the actual cure process to be more fuller of an effect… just a thought… no proof… but If moisture is what is key… then I’d think wetter wiuld allow more bacteria to do more work… hence a more thorough cure that is possibly superior to a dryer cure… thoughts?


Yes agree, but no worries of mold in the machine.

IF you wanted to increase time, and BTW i know you have a unit , which i shall try on my very next run , is to set DP to 53.0 Run it the 8 days. Bud should be like 61-63 % if bagged at that point. Change DP to 52.9 on the dry/hold screens, let her run 2 -3 more days, come out at 58-60. Might extend time to 10-12 days that way.

Seen better performance this run @52.9, but have to wait 4 more days to make sure where it finish’s at. Should finish exactly as it is now (58 0r so ) because DP on Dry/Cure are the same.


Right on… sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude saying I own 1 too lol… I see how that may have seemed a snide comment… nothing but respect for you broski… I hope you know that, I agree after another year I’m willing to bet we will all have some pretty awesome fine tuned settings and methods… I love seeing this all unfold

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Jetdro - I don’t have any hands on experience with a cannatrol unit, but from experience with other “metered” items…do you think theres a possibilitity that you change the settings because some sensor somewhere in your unit is just reading too wet?

I raise this because I bought a million little trmp/rh meters from AMZN and a couple of them read wet and a couple of then read dry. They all read accurate just not consistently calibrated across units.

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