Cannatrol users

I dried a seeded run in it. No issues at all. I did adjust the humidity down because I wanted it quite dry for easy shucking. I made dry sift with it and then made rosin from that. Came out very nice.


First post here on this forum. Was at RIU for a couple posts and shit is weird over there. I think I’ve read almost all the posts on this thread but I’m stoned and might have missed info. After reading more posts than I ever have I’m going to buy a cannatrol. But was curious if anyone has ever seen them do a Black Friday sale or holiday sale. No big deal
I’d not just I’m always the one to buy something then two days later realize I could have waited and saved 10% or something.

Anyways thank you to all the members who put forth honest and thought out testimony for this product. It’s hard to find without all the other negative input that seems to come with a cannatrol for some reason.


Welcome to the OG @DayDreamin, the greatest forum in the inter web bar none.
I was at RIU also, until finding the OG, and NEVER went back, too much drama from the assholes every day. There isn’t any of that BS here, AND the generosity of OGers is unparalleled by any other forum.
To answer your question, I’ve never seen them have a sale, but they do offer a Veterans Discount, and SOMETIMES you can find a discount code on YouTube from reviews.
It’s the best investment I’ve made for growing, it literally gave me my life back at harvest time.
Once again, welcome to the OG, mingle, read, interact, get your user level up, and in no time, your mailbox will be receiving seeds from giveaway winnings!!!


Thanks for the welcome Kgrim. I will definitely start posting on here once I figure out where everything goes lol.

Since they don’t necessarily do sales might as well go ahead an order one next paycheck. No point in waiting.

As far as seeds I’m neck deep in them at the moment. Been breeding shit together chasing a smoke I had in the late 90s hopefully almost there lol.

Thanks again. Catch you on the other side once I get and use this cannatrol.


Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Welcome to OG @DayDreamin ! The link up there is a great place to start, but I totally get the overwhelmed feeling at first glance. Great to hear you’re thinking of a Cannatrol. Like @Kgrim said, the “ROI” if you need to see it that way is paid back in multiples for the time, energy, and worry saved. Steep price point, but worth every bit of those invaluable resources, as far as we’ve seen here.
Glad to meet ya and hope to cross paths soon.
:ghost: :raccoon:


How do they do if you try to run multiple strains with diff terps, at the same time?

Runs just fine. I just ran 2 strains at the same time. It’s no different than using a tiered drying rack with different strains in each tier. It’s actually easier than a drying rack, because it will all equalize at the same time drying, it’s in the cure that you’ll have a difference, some will cure faster than others. Some is awesome at 10 days, then another strain might not start to shine for 30 days or so.


i noticed my buds come out darker if i wash them before i dry them in the unit

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Here’s an update since I last posted here.
I realized that on my first run the Cbd dried too fast.
I changed the temp, humidity/dew point and duration on my next run. Put them in grove bags and they are good but I’d like them a tiny bit less dry. It so much better than the initial run.
I have my 3rd run going right now and I did another tweak and I’m even happier. It’s nice to set it and forget it.
I am really liking the Cannatrol a lot more and I knew I would have a bit of a learning curve to get it to a point that i like it. I totally see the love for this machine now.


My first try of my Cannatrol is not a true test of it, IMO. I chopped my plants at different times and they had been in grove bags for a few weeks before being moved into the Cannatrol. 3 plants were a little too damp IMO, and one was crispy dry. figured it cant hurt to put them in and see what happens, but I feel my first true test of it will be my next run.


After the first day dying, I wet the sponge and put the cup next to the bud from the crispy dry plant. After the second day I realized that I hadn’t checked the drip tray at all, but when I did, it was bone dry. Seems odd, since most of the buds were pretty moist, but I’ll just let it do it’s thing and see what happens.

Edit - anyone know if I can change the cure duration mid-run? It doesn’t seem so, so I am thinking once it finishes I need to see if I can configure a 0 day dry / 30 day cure and start it up again. I ran it at 4/4 before I realized I would not be able to change the cure length.


We haven’t yet but I’m about 99.9% sure you can set a cure without a dry. Imagine it’s exactly as you described.
I think @Kgrim has a 99 day cure running? Or has since reset it even. Legend says you can still hear the fan on quiet nights.
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:

ETA: we store in open jars and grove bags on hold. Seems to have nothing but positive effect. Gonna be a problem come next harvest though.


It has arrived. Doing a test nug before I put it upstairs in its final home


Just ordered yesterday. Can’t wait to get that shipping notification. I’m currently at 70 days and planned to chop in two days. Guess I’ll wait until my unit arrives. I grow out of my apartment in NYC above the 18th floor and surrounded by bricks…LoL. This is a much needed/wanted splurge.


The LONG cure/hold is gone. Had to make room for this years harvest. The long hold strain turned out phenomenal, it was a meager OK after an 8 day run, but really gained about the 50 day mark. Kids wouldn’t smoke it, said it got them too high, LOL. My neice ended up with quite a bit of it, and it got her couch locked and drooling, LOL.
Even the long sitting grove bags, 12 months, after running thru the Trol was still more than worthy.


Yeah I can’t agree more bro

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Yeah, my unit works ok i guess😎


Is that what the girl friend is telling you or your thought? Lol


Ooooooh got em!!! Lmao :joy: :point_up_2:

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Naw man , she has been gone for weeks :cry:
Been back to just me n the pack