Can't tell how well my FIM worked

Can one of you pros, please? This is a Barney’s Farm Cheese that I FIMed a couple weeks back. This is two views of the same top. I’m excited to see what happens after I switch to 12/12 this weekend. Thanks in advance, l&g.


Barney’s Farm “Cheese,” FIMd about three weeks ago. Can any of you experts tell me how I did? I’m fairly new and figuring stuff out. I can’t wait to see what this does in flower!

In the meantime, can someone assist please? Thank you kindly!


I am not sure the pictures are even clear enough to show .

A FIM would create up to four new nodes out of one … so if thats what you see, it worked lol… ( from my understanding, I am still very new )


Can you circle which top you pinched/exactly what you did. It’s hard to tell here where anything was pinched. Looks like your stem may have shifted slIghtly but, to me, it doesn’t look like you did much.

Edited: saw that the pinch was weeks back. I’d assume you’d have better pictures of how those branches have grown since then? Or perhaps the plant prior and after to show what you did


I can’t tell from your picture but when I FIM it seems like it takes forever for the stems to start growing out and I never know how it’s going to work. Not that I know what I’m doing or anything. :rofl:


Right? And I don’t even known what a shift is, either. lol

Yes, I fimmed this weeks ago. Then, it sort of ruffled itself, and then decided to stay like this. Now I want to flower just to see what actually happened.


Describe what you did, if you could

It shouldn’t need to be in flower for you to see what you did.


I can’t really tell what I’m looking at.
Just check this out. :wink:


Can you post a picture from the top? It’s hard to tell from the side, but if that is the top you fimmed, it looks successful to me from what I can tell. It looks like at least 3 new top nodes growing?


All: thanks for the replies. I just netted these babies down today and I’m transitioning to flower, so switching to HPS, so photos are uglier. Also , netting it properly meant it’s hard to get a good angle now. Let’s grow these two Cheeses (I FIMmed both, but only photographed one) a week or so and I’ll be back with new photos. Thanks, all. :anchor:

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My response is a playful one, I mean no disrespect. :upside_down_face:
This is a tough question to answer.
Fuck I missed means you did not successfully top the plant.
So if you failed at missing, meaning you did successfully top the plant and that is better than missing…LOL

From here it lookes like you misssed, so if you were trying to miss, good job.
Topping is a better choice.
If you choose not to miss and do a proper topping…I would look for where the top of the plant splits into 3 branches or tops.
Take the top one completly off leaving the other 2 untouched.
This picture is a horible representation of fiming.
Fiming is where you get the leaves but not the stem.
AKA you miss the stem and just get some leaves.
If you were trying to fim then you would need to cut the leaves in half or take 3/4 of them but leave a little leaf matter

For me I have found fiming to be worthless.
But that is just me.
Topping on the other hand can be very helpful.

I hope I helped and did not offend.

Good explanation bro

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Here is a good example of fimming…

I love fimming (especially when I’m growing in hydro and want to fill up a net screen. Fimming + bending work great). I always get at least 3 new top sites when I do it. I’ll fim multiple sites/branches too depending on the structure of the plant and/or the way it’s growing.

We all have our different techniques though! lol
I do use topping as well.

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I think your labels are reversed, bro. :rofl:

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