Do you like mixing strains?

Hello folks,
I am some weeks to finnish my 1st grow in many years, and this time things are going smooth, but about next time?
I am growing indoors with a led lamp, I have 2m closet and I will get some critical and white widdow seeds, should I combine both or germinate just one strain?
I remember super critical and it was a hell of a strain, so I got some from rqs as well as ww because I think it was better with my set up than special queen.
Any thoughts?


Not sure I completely understand, but itā€™s pretty standard for me.

I just grow for me and my family. Very limited, but we run different strains concurrently as SOP.

I have found strains I love that will make it back into rotation, but usually not more than one at a time. Iā€™m just too interested in seeing and trying different stuff.

Unfortunately, it means developing that ā€œdialed-inā€ routine for any one strain is a challenge. I read up on genetics and try to take any available grow advice about a strain, but really every grow is a crap shoot.

I also really havenā€™t tried to breed too much, so, choosing the best from a ā€œlitterā€ hasnā€™t been a thing for me so far. -expecting that to change.

It also means I have to maintain separate veg and flower spaces on a more or less continuous basis and rotate plants in and out.

Periodically I have to pause new strains in the pipeline to clean and sanitize a space completely before resumption.


I just tend to train everything so the canopy evens out, and then my main issue is during harvest because using a scrog net will make you have to fight with it for a staggered harvest. Iā€™ve always thrown stuff into the tent together and itā€™s worked out pretty well!


Thatā€™s a great point ā€œSCROGā€. - since my scale is tiny, I just train and support directly for the most part. No SCROG. No need.


I do the same but LST instead to avoid the trouble of a scrog net.

I also sometimes put short plants on boxes to keep everything even.


I use step stools like that to move plants up and down vs the lights.


Amazon boxes for me :joy:


I know how many days each strain runs in flower. So I donā€™t run a 65-68 day strain with a 75 plus day strain since I dry in my tent.


I tend to alternate between just staking them and using this elastic scrog net I have (on its last leg, honestly) depending on how wild I let something get in veg. If I just topped the hell out of it and didnā€™t do any training, or if it sat in veg too long and got too tall, I like to have the net in there to squash it down. Iā€™m about fed up with it for the time being, so I think Iā€™m gonna take it down and make some repairs to it so I can get mad at it again in another few rounds :smile:

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I make holes in the pots and use them as tie points with butcher twine. I also try for only 6-8 colas per plant.

Iā€™ve also been known to clip any tops that get out of control.


I think I foolishly took my twine out of my garden and canā€™t find it, but I had used binder clips and looped it through that and used to train plants that way. Now I just use bamboo stakes and velcro in the flower tent but I supercrop and top my plants to keep them shorter in the veg tent. Theyā€™re so forgiving that Iā€™m unnecessarily rude to them sometimes.

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I use butcher twine because I can steal it from the kitchen :rofl:

I have bamboo stakes but I donā€™t use them, although I might this run because Iā€™m running some haze.

Velcro is a good idea.

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So the question is if you consider better to grow one strain at one time or several?
I can see most are looking for something new or unusual and try a lot of strains.
But I experienced some huge difference between White Widdow and Special Queen, for example the white widdow supported better the nutrients and SQ1 did got some nutrient burn on the leaves tip, small but were there.
My last grow was with 2 strains because I didnā€™t manage to germinate the seeds because of cold but I realised that too late and when I got the heater 1 SQ had 1 month vegging so I added 3 more white widdows and gave them 1 month veg while SQ had 2 months.
I donā€™t think there is anything wrong with using several strains, may be better because if you do something wrong there are chances that some variety donā€™t get so much signs.
But is also good to master one strain at the time.

Regarding hight, can be managed by LST to keep them all the same level.


yes you beter grow one strain
then you for sure they are growing the same in higtsšŸ˜

Yes. Like mixing strains. One kind of weed gets old. I always keep 4-5 different varieties going.


Good point!

Iā€™ve been kinda alternating between doing a run with lots of variety like 4 or 5 cultivars and zeroing in on candidates for a more limited run of 1or 2 keeper cuts. I clone everything though, and keep those vegging in a separate area. I also try to keep in mind that even one kind of seed produces lots of unique individuals.


True, so I might go with 2 critical and one white widdow, 1 of each will be fimed and the top will make a clone so I will end up with 5 plants and will experience the delay fiming plants need to recover and also try cloning 4 the 1st time.

I think youā€™re misunderstanding the techniqueā€¦ as far as I understand it, you canā€™t FIM a plant and actually use the removed portion as a clone. Itā€™s too small, unless youā€™re using tissue culture, which it might be large enough for. Thatā€™s a very advanced technique though. You can FIM it, but if you want to take a clone youā€™ll probably have to cut a small branch off. This link might help you with the finer details.

The first post shows it on real plants, where thereā€™s plenty of foliage to get in the way; the second post shows a more theoretical view with only the relevant nodes and cutting points highlighted.

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FIM, when successfully done, is great. Iā€™m a believer. Itā€™s part of our SOP.