CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

100% staying tuned with a big ol bag of weed!

As a 37 year old who has had quite a weird path myself — and a true love for marijuana that I feel so wonderfully at home with here — I am crossing all of my crossables for your success!!

Rock on.


I’m a member. I would not insult you on your own topic. We don’t do that here. I love what you have. I have 3 tents. I wish I could grow outside. I’m happy to see what you have. Your plants look great. Good luck. Peace


I feeeeel this. Beautiful to see other souls living without dependence on a system or some human teacher to guru you into life. Something as ‘simple’ as a plant has all the lessons you need…both the physical plant and spiritual essence it provides.

Blessings Ron! :pray:


Man this is the dream… I plan to sell this shoebox cookie cutter home in the next few years and make a stupid profit. Do exactly like you’re doing. Unplug myself from the matrix and LIVE.

I look forward to seeing your progress.

Welcome to the best cannabis forum on the web!


Very cool setup @CaptainRon! As others have said your living the dream for sure! I have dreams of living off grid and being self sustainable and I really love what your doing here! Although I don’t think I’d have the self control you do amd be able to stay off the internet all day lol. It’s looking amazing brother! Keep up the good work I’m gonna stay tuned and take some notes for the future


Love the project and just what you’re doing in general. I’ve had similar thoughts of doing what you’re doing, both the off grid living and also of a greenhouse buried in the hillside on my property for doing long flowers. You’re actually doing it though!! Awesome job, totally following along man. :eyes:


This is pretty cool, going to enjoy watching that greenhouse build.


awesome project, so much hard work! I can hear the bugs from here…

also surprised at your age.

@FieldEffect check this thread out mang


My brother @Hemp , I absolutely missed the context of your comment, my apologies man! Are you currently growing anything? I’d love to follow along. Your last run looks like she came out amazing and of course, I don’t mind!


The second best investment I made was the tractor. I’ve done minor logging with it, I plow 2.5miles of class 4 road, leveled some land out back, dug the hole for this project, move large stones, etc. It’s impressive what these little machines can do. Added bonus is that they will always maintain their value so the investment is worth it in my experience. If I had the money a slightly larger machine would be nice, but the 24hp has truly proved her worth.

I was lucky to actually have no shale where I decided to dig.
Sounds like you guys have a nice homestead going on!


Are you thinking you’d try for an off-grid setup or something similar?
Build or buy?
If you have any questions or need some extra motivation, I’m here for you, brother!
I’m three years in now and can’t imagine living in a traditional house.


DLA 5.3:
I originally popped 6/13seeds in late June. All germinated, but 2 didn’t make it; One was my fault. I had on a heat mat that ended up getting too hot and cooking the tap… The other ‘decapitated’ itself when losing the husk.
I kept the 4 I had left going, but as you
can see from the photos there is one plant that I’m struggling to make happy…

I didn’t like odds for possible females so I popped the rest in mid July, 7 seeds.
Same story, 2 didn’t make it. This could very well be on me as I was doing a lot of projects at that time.

3 of the plants had 5 leaflets on their second node v. the 3 I have typically seen.
The one that I’ve been struggling with had its first set of true leaves with 3 leaflets instead of the single.

Branching by node 3.

They’re on a 16/8 veg light cycle with an avg of 500 ppfd, 82-85 degrees Fahrenheit, 65%RH with lights on, hight 60s with lights off.

The three largest have a sharp, acrid smell when rubbing the upper stem.

Soma’s amnesia haze fem:
I popped 2/5 with the original DLA’s and one was a dud.
The one that popped is a mutant and it currently only growing branches on one side. Does look like she is starting to get into her groove and looks to be normalizing with new growth.

Popped the rest once I realized she was slow going. At potentially 13 weeks for flowering, I didn’t want to test my odds with just this one.
2/3 popped and again one was a dud. These two are growing their second set of true leaves and are looking good.


I have some family in town so I haven’t been able to make much progress, but was able to get some large stones up yesterday.
Getting close to 5’ from the lowest to highest point.
Looking to get the drain pipes in and start getting the back wall built this week. Once I get the drainage done, and some stone one
the ground, this baby should start looking more like a structure than a hole with a wall!

I can’t thank you guys enough for all the positive feedback and motivation! It means so much!

A little Monday morning mantra for you to help get the week rolling,

The less I have, the more I am.



I got sick. I had some health problems. I’m better. I pulled it early. I’ll be back growing in a few months.
Those rocks look very heavy. lol


Awesome thread! Re heating the greenhouse year round I’ve seen a few methods I liked:

  1. Paint water barrels black and spread around greenhouse for a heat buffer (but takes up usable space)

  2. Compost piles with tubing running through and connected to a water pump. Also an air line thrown in there connected to an air compressor and running a few times a day will mean you won’t need to turn the compost for heat and saves labor. The hot water output from the compost pile can run buried through your greenhouse floor for heating. You mentioned needing to save on power so not sure how relevant this will be, the person I saw using this ran his pumps for 15 mins every hour for this method


What an inspiring story! I wish you well and with many frosty nuggs in your future!


Honestly. I know I’m a few years out from being able to sell this place so I haven’t though about it all the way through. Definitely would like to be as off grid as possible but I don’t think the ladies in my house would like to be that detached. haha

First thing I need to do is figure out where I’m going to buy land. I think that’s step one figuring out where my end game is going to be. I hate change so once this happens I plan to be there until the stick me in the ground haha


Looking awesome!

I’m attached to the grid, but heckin’ rural. I’ll be watching your greenhouse build too.


Outta likes but your progress is looking great! Keep up the good work @CaptainRon !


Up-potted everyone except the two young haze’s.
The 3 original 5.3 plants are now in 3g and the rest are in 1g pots.

The one plant that I was having troubles correcting has shown sex. Thankfully in this case he is a boy.
No light switch so possibly from stress, or just from his mutation.

Thankfully I have another fussy mutant…


This one was fairly normal, with the exception of its exorcist like leaves where the large, middle leaflet bends downward, until transplanted. Then all hell broke loose. Looks to be eating itself and all leaves are now bending downward. New growth seems to be trending on a greener side.

One has topped itself.

A collection from today and sole from Thursday.

The three big ones all have a similar stem rub but will slight differences.
The more squat, heavy serrated one smells of a sharp BO, where the other two also smell like BO but with a sweeter undertone. Female smelling.
I can see why Bohdi called this artifact 1, ‘Mexican chocolate.’ Behind the BO smell there is a nice layer of spice.

The original amnesia I popped was also mutated but looks to finally be back on track.

Don’t mind all the egg shells on top the soil, I have a worm bin and added their castings on top of soil after transplant. Egg shells apparently never break down.

Watered them with LAB(lactic acid bacteria)and JMS( JADAM microbial solution). Both I made and are very simple. LAB is also very good for you and your animals, helps with digestion.
LAB is made from rice wash water and milk.
JMS is made from water, leaf mold soil, potatoes, and sea salt.

If anyone is curious on either of these and/or would like to know how to make, let me know.
Both cost next to nothing and are invaluable, especially LAB.

This week has been a bit slower on the greenhouse.
Had some family in town as well as some rough weather most of the week. Did make some good progress regardless of the shorter work days.

Got the drain pipes in and buried, some crushed stone on the floor to bring up the height, and started building the back wall.

I hope to get these two walls to 7’ by the end of the month. Now that we’re in august it’s time to start splitting wood again, so I’ll be doing one day building, one day splitting, etc.

Have an excellent week everyone and if you haven’t already, give someone a compliment today.
Maybe everyday?


Some of my funny girls wanted to say hi.