CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

So the pay is $250/day to operate. Truth be told this will be my rookie season so I can’t speak on what the end of season pay will officially be but last season they were only able to work about 5 months. Winters have been getting a bit warm… And here in Vermont logging only operates in the winter(Nov-April) once all the ground is frozen.

This year I was able to get my monthly spending down to $800-$1000/month.
Food was my largest weekly bill running anywhere from $180-$220/week.
Refined my diet to the point where I eat the same things everyday now $80-$110/week.
The human body needs .7g of protein/ pound of body weight to maintain muscle mass and burn any excess fat. I eat A LOT of eggs and peanut butter. Bacon fat, duck fat, butter, and extra virgin olive oil for fats(brain food!). I make my own kimchi for my veggie intake, and blueberries and bananas for my daily fruit. I only eat from noon-8pm. Only drink 1 cup of tea in the morning and then just water.
So far I’m on track to spend a little under $15k for the year.
I must note that I do own my house, truck, and tractor. My truck is an 89’ chevy which is always breaking but at least I can fix it, tractor is an 04’. Everything’s a bit older but no bank owns my shit.
I do have about $8k in credit card debt from 6 years back and I still have no intention on paying. I just burn the letters they send. Have been for 6 years. It’s funny, the letters even say, ‘Because of the age of your debt we cannot take you to court…’ So yeah I have no interest in paying chase back haha. I could care less about my credit score.

I am a lone wolf by nature and thrive alone, but if I do meet someone honestly we’d need to have our own homes. I need far too much alone time haha. I used to know a carpenter that’s been married for over 30 years, and him and his wife both live in their own houses in different states(he’s VT, her NY), and they get together on weekends. I honestly think this is awesome.

I do have a neighbor that’s a husband and wife(mid 50’s) who also live off grid. But they live like they have wires connected to their house. Always running internet and tv. He even mentioned they were getting an AC unit for their bedroom… Details aside, he loves living in the woods, and his wife seems to enjoy it…

I feel one option that would be possible for you would to build/have built a little off-grid cabin on your future property. A nice place for you to unplug, and your ladies will always have the main house.


I do the same thing! No breakfast, a light lunch and TRY and stop eating by 8. Problem is that I grow good weed that gives me the munchies. It’s hard to be high and see some ice cream and close the freezer.


I found this in a restroom at a Denny’s in Everett, WA back in 2015. I honestly took the photo because the signature looks just like mine and I was tripping on the thought that I wrote it to myself from an alt timeline, haha.

Figured you might get a kick out of it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

May I ask what you did in the mountains?

I have a friend who used to do amazing work with mushrooms. Used to make me microdoses that were amazing. I can’t remember the name of the mushroom but they looked like blue dicks with the fattest stems I’ve ever seen.

You ever hear about Terrance Mckenna’s, ‘Stoned ape theory’?


This gave me a good laugh! Good on you for fasting, your organs thank you! Plus after the 12-hour fast mark, your body goes into ketosis and will start eating the reserved fats. An easy way to passively burn weight without changing much up.


I briefly did some SAR work before I moved out of state. It’s honestly what I miss the most and I still feel a bit guilty for stepping away from it. A great community and I was falling right in line with some senior members. Still learned a ton though! I found someone on my very first mission that I thought for sure wasn’t going to be doing so hot. Even if that’s the only soul I helped I’m okay with that. I’d love to do it again but just can’t afford the time right now.


You’re a real hero brother, never forget that


Kind of you to say — never really felt that way but I was always happy to help. Always with a good team! I’ll keep the news clipping close to my heart though, has me front and center with the doggo and the whole team around me. That day turned out to be a good one!

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Damn $800-1000 for your monthly expenses is amazing.

I do the same with the diet. Fasting definitely helps to keep me clear for the day. I usually only eat between 4pm-8pm and have been doing it for years and I love it. Though my diet could definitely use work lol

It’s great that you own everything. I’m on my way towards that myself. Truck is paid off… house is finally down to $90k or so.

That is definitely a different approach but if it works it works.

It’d more than likely be a detached garage I can grow in although my lady loves growing herb with me so she’d end up in there any way. haha


The DLA has been a blast to watch grow. I’m only stem rubbing the 3 large ones, which still all have a strong BO smell. The one that has the most lower growth has a sweeter undertone to the BO, definitely feminine smelling. All have a slight spice tone on the backend.

Top dressed everyone with some bat guano, and watered in some Epsom and gypsum.

The 3 Amnesia Haze’s:

With the potential of a 13-14 week flower cycle, I’m looking to keep these as short as possible until flip.

I like to flip on Sundays, so possibly as early as August 18 or as late as Sept 1. I’m going with the flow on this run. Started shortening the light hours to 15.5 on and 8.5 off and doing some dynamic lighting. 20% power from 6 am-7, 40% from 7-8, 60% from 8-10, 80% from 10-1300, 100% from 1300-1500, 80% from 1500-1700, 60% from 1700-1900, 40% from 1900-2000, and 20% from 2000-2130.
I want to up-pot once more before flipping and might put the three hazes in an earth box together but not sure yet. 5g pot otherwise.

Thursday I was able to continue the back wall and enclose the other dig point. Starting to look like something!

Friday we ended up getting the tail of the storm that was down south. No flooding or standing water in the pit but I do need to reassess the drainage in some spots.

Saturday I spent most of the day collecting stones down the road from the brook. I have a nice stock for today and the coming week.

Nights are starting to drop below 50 so it is time I put some extra hours into wood splitting this week. Unless I have a massively productive day building I will keep the updates to Saturday or Sunday.

Thank you again for all the support and motivation! None of it goes unnoticed or unappreciated. You guys are the fuel for this fire, thank you :heart:

Have a beautiful week everyone.



Thank you, brother @Cbizzle !
It’s fucked how money is the most under-regulated drug, and society is constantly trying to sell you something to make your life ‘easier’ or just to pass the time.
Yet basic food is unquestionably expensive, and frankly grown like shit or jam-packed with seed oils and sugar. Most people can’t even spend time in the sun, and get their light exclusively from artificial lights…
All I know is that humans have been growing under the sun as their only source of light for millennia. Now most people’s light sources are computer screens, phone screens, indoor lights, etc.

I hope you get out brother. Society doesn’t care about you but society NEEDS YOU.


Your plants are thriving :heart_eyes:, I followed your instructions and this is what I,'m getting icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

I am going to switch to organics so my plants also benefit for it, too much cheese? beer3|nullxnull


Everything is looking amazing @CaptainRon! Dang you really got your work cut out for you if your hauling all those rocks around. Even with the machinery you still gotta man handle every once in a while. Good job keeping up with the updates and doing all that work man it’s a lot i guarantee and I love seeing your updates!


That looks perfect!
You can strain the liquid and cheese now. Keep the liquid(lactic acid bacteria or LAB) in the fridge with a tight lid for storage. Will keep for 90 days =/-. If the smell sours, toss it into the garden and make it again.
2 tablespoons or 30ml per 1 liter water.
Give to the pup, plants, and yourself at that dilution. If your stomach is ever bugging you, take a swig. I usually feel it work instantly. I always keep some premixed in the fridge for ease.

The cheese curd will get much smaller once strained and squeezed with a cheesecloth.
You and your pup can enjoy the cheese as is for 2-3 days. There’s a video from that same guy that teaches how to take the cheese curd and make cheese. Have not done it myself and just eat as is.


hey Ron is that like ( laterron ) ? lol im @thetravler I really love your idea and i am totally into what your doing truly a life time goal of mine ! To live of grid ! i have a cousin who lived in northern Ontario here in Canada she had a system called thermal heating were they dug down to a certain depth and ran hose in a configuration of circles and then filled it back in so that the ground produces the heat and warm water year round have you heard of this ? Im going to follow your thread it looks like you have a great adventure that your on and i feel privileged to be apart off it cheers !


It’s delicious that way :yum:, so easy I am going to make more, thanks for sharing and have a great Sunday


You making curds and whey, miss Muffett?


Really delicious ones :yum:, you should try them, easy peasy, OG is the university of life … beer3|nullxnull


i grow organics too and have been make the rice water nutrients for awhile now I find its right up there with making teas !
I feed my plants several different teas I make a Banana and molasses and onion tea , spinach with oganic brown sugar x spaghetti wwater , i find if you look around the net theres alot of stuff around the house thats great for the plants .


Thanks for the info, sorry for clogging the thread but making teas was my next concern, will look for them … beer3|nullxnull


what style of grow do you do now ?