Central Heating Through Manure

You can heat a greenhouse full of cannabis like this.

Just get yourself a few containers of manure and run portable pipes through the center of the manure. They can be made air tight with a pressure valve and the methane can be filtered through charcoal and harvested for burning without stinking up the neighborhood. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


horses. you mean “get some horses”. donkeys will suffice but don’t crap as much as a horse. i recommend one of each. donkeys keep the coyotes away.

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Mother Earth News magazine did a research project on this in 1973. It works but the pile needs to be very big. Too big to have inside a structure.


If they haven’t put it inside a structure then so much of the heat just blows away, ofcourse you’ll need a giant pile if you leave it outside, especially in winter.

If you put it all in a container, close it up, and make sure it’s well isolated like a fridge or freezer then it would be a lot more efficient and you wouldn’t need as much.