Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Guilty! I was hanging with a guy from the Czech Republic a couple years back, and he was like ā€œYouā€™re like a real cowboy! Yeehaw! Fuck it! Give me another shot! Give him another shot!ā€ (We were drinking ayahuasca together)
So now you know what youā€™re getting when I give advice.

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Yeah, I had a few friends like that. It made for some interesting memories. Good solid guys (and one girl) that, for whatever reason, just didnā€™t seem to care.
Dude, I did some crazy stuff when I was younger, but I almost always had things lined out where there was at least a semblance of control / safety. LOL


I got into so much trouble as a youngun lol
There was a chicken house at one end/side of the barn. a bunch of us kids were playing in the loft, and Iā€™d jump out the hayloft door onto the roof of the chicken house then onto the ground. Well my sister saw me doing it, thought Iā€™d jumped from the loft door right onto the ground, and she decided to do it too, only she didnā€™t go onto the chicken house roof, but straight out onto the ground and broke her leg.
Needless to say, I was in deep crap for that one.


I can hear Johnny now under his breath as a young one Not my fault sheā€™s dumb :sweat_smile:


I figured you were one of those guys too @JohnnyPotseed .
I would have a lot fewer stories to tell if I hadnā€™t met a few of you guys I guess. But Iā€™m just glad I survived some of the situations you all got me into.


I love my wifeā€¦ :rofl:. Thatā€™s a 1/5 scale outcast truck. Itā€™s huge. I have a few more to put on display yet.


An abcessed tooth left untreated can spread infection to the sinuses and eventually the brain. If it hits the brain you could die. I had real shitty insurance that limited me to a single shitty dentist when I was like 20 and I got an abscessed tooth. They said they couldnā€™t pull the tooth until the infection went away but I needed to be scheduled just to come get a script for antibiotics. In the few weeks I waited it got into my sinuses.

I was running mini fevers throughout the day, neon green snot that smelled like sewage and just felt like shit in general. First time I needed a dentist for something more than a filling and thatā€™s how that went. I extra hate dentists.

All I will say is that youā€™re lucky Iā€™m very tired and stoned right now. So many directions I could take this in otherwise :laughing:


I had the Deep cleaning first time a couple month ago when they clean sn measure the gum an depth to see how healthy they are that shit hurt like a mf .
I get 3 regular cleanings a yr its very important.


We had a good friend in New Mexico am woukd drive him cali bud every so often for Thanksgiving an trade For Dental work lol .
Jay the Dentist lol


Thatā€™s my kind of dentist, as long as he smokes after poking around in my mouth.


He was cool an yes we went to the office on Sat morning sober lol no we smoked a joint then he filled cavities lol


@corey got the slobbler gum today thanks budder images_400x400ghrs


Pulled the unruly bit coin
Replced her lol with a short an skinny bitty


The deep cleaning makes me feel like Dustin Hoffman in the Running Man. ā€œIs it safeā€ :scream:
I get my teeth cleaned 4 times a year now.


I think you meant Marathon Man. So scary, to me anyway.


I was banging my head trying to think what part Hoffman had in Running Man ROFLā€¦ O remember Arnold and the guy from Family Fued, but none of the other actors were really big names really lolā€¦


You forget Jesse the body Ventura.

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I knew there was one hunter who was popular but couldnt remember his name LOL

And very Pro Cannabis!

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Yes, of course. Your right. I guess brain not wake yet. :sleeping: :yawning_face:

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