Chocolate truffles

I made them the other day and was shocked at how unbelievably easy it was to make. So easy I came up with an edible version :yum:

The steps are:
1.) Make brownies(space brownies “optional” :rofl:) and let them cool to room temperature or cold.

2.) Crumble brownies and then mix crumbles with infused frosting if you have it otherwise use regular frosting mixed with cannabutter. Don’t add too much. Only enough to make a dough you can form into balls.

3.) Place them on a sheet of parchment or wax paper on a baking sheet. Place in freezer while you melt chocolate at a low temperature. Be careful to not let it boil. Stir frequently. If you used bakers chocolate you can add cannabutter, white chocolate, and sugar to taste.

4.) When brownie balls are cold put on 2 layers of nitrile gloves or use a pair of dishwashing gloves dedicated for only food. Give them a wash in case either way even if new. Then when fingers are safe from hot chocolate burns dip the balls in chocolate and roll them around. In my experience it took a bit to stick to the surface fully. A few of them had a spot uncoated.

If your freezer is big enough freeze the tray and set the chocolate.


I’m not sure I understand. :thinking:

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Optional as in suggested to make infused brownies for the recipe, but as there’s 2 other opportunities to infuse the recipe it is still optional I guess.

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Thanks for sharing your recipe.


Also in case anyone was wondering yes this can be easily converted to a cake pop recipe :yum: