Peanut butter and fluff treats

I made a new batch of edibles. As it’s a way to also store for longer term than a regular rice krispy treat I thought I’d make a post about it.

Step 1: Add butter and cannabutter to a thick walled pot.

Step 2: Once melted mix in peanut butter and then add marshmallows until a tan shade cream forms.
(Optional: add marshmallow fluff after marshmallows melt)

Step 3: Mix in rice krispy cereal.

Step 4: Once cooled cut to half your portioned size preference.

Step 5: Sandwich 2 pieces together with some marshmallow fluff.

Step 6: Melt dark chocolate wafers 69% or more cacao.

Step 7: Dip peanut butter and fluff sandwiches in the melted chocolate and lay on parchment paper or wax paper. Either will work, but parchment will avoid the waxy mouth feel wax paper can transfer to food.

Step 8: Enjoy a Reeses like fluff sandwich edible.

I might be high from licking the spoon, so the steps could be refined later. Pics as each stage happens will be added later.


Looks tasty!


Love this, thanks for sharing.

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Yeah I was high last night lolll. I chilled the treats overnight on the baking sheet. Also the name for a peanut butter and fluff sandwich is fluffernutter. You’d think I’d know better growing up 2 towns away from where the stuff is made.

I’ll finish the pics for the stages once my fiance is home and she can use her steady hand to cut all pieces the same. I’m ocd and lazy :laughing: it’s a struggle.



@Foreigner !!! You know what to do for the Mrs.!


I have a lesson learned to add. Other than my fiance being terrible at coating in chocolate. She burned herself all over her hands somehow. I don’t even understand how she managed that.

However another lesson learned is don’t use old marshmallows. Stale ones won’t melt right. Or she was again not listening to me when i told her to litfa. Saying it’s burning. It never was. She added 2 12oz cups of water to the mix. We wound up with soggy cereal treats. I can’t even express how annoyed I am that she added water and so much of it.

Point being next time I’m making it 100% myself. I know how to melt stale marshmallows without added liquid.

The treats should not be falling apart when handled. I will die on this hill.

Anyways I may have a friend willing to take them off my hands, so I maybe might be remaking this myself soon with stages on all 8 stages with pics.

I know I can refine the stages to 3 stages, but i like breaking down stages with 3+ steps involved into individual steps.

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