(CLOSED) PS Oaxaca by Freaker @DainIronFoot

o_O Short pearl pheno, that’s an indoor grower fantasy :smiley:


I had a short Silversides. It’s overrated lol. Better to be big and to have something to smoke for a while😁


What a great kodo. Agree

:green_heart: :seedling:


Can’t wait to see someone make a new hybrid called Oaxac’ Tuah (or Oaxac’Tuah Girl if there’s GSC in the mix :joy: )


Thank you @DainIronFoot for offering these up. Great job on the increase


I’m so glad mine wasn’t the only head that went “there” :rofl::metal:


This is rad! Glad these are being spread around.

Yo @Aero, make sure other people aren’t editing when you add your name to a wiki. You overwrote my edit just now and kicked me off the list. No worries, just letting you know for next time :v:


I want to appologize,
English is not my mother language and i am sometimes unable to understand all the subtilities and rules here…
I click on a button and ooops :grimacing:
Hope all is in order now. :pray:


Looks like you kicked @Sodapop out too just now.

Read this and if anything’s not clear, just ask.
Wiki etiquette

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Each time i try to edit, there is an error message.

It’s ok, nearly everyone here encounters this wiki issue at some point.

If you’re editing a wiki and it ever says “error” just select the option to discard your changes. The error means that there were two people editing the wiki at the same time. So if it errors again all you need to do is choose discard changes and wait for the other person to save their edit. After that you can go back into the wiki to add your name. :ok_hand:

It seems like everyone has been added back to the list. Seems like everything here is in order so you are all good @Aero

Edit: @Aero try again or tell me your country so I can add you to the list with your flag
Edit oops looks like you already did :crazy_face: i need to double check before I post haha


It seems like everyone has been added back to the list.

I believe as @FourFour mentioned just above @Sodapop got overwritten so would still need to get added back to the list.

Howdy @Aero, when you’re editing a post it’s helpful to take a moment to look and see if there are any other members profile pictures showing as replying on that edit box screen. If so, that means they are also editing the wiki. I treat it like a stop sign. I check to see if others are already there editing and if so I leave and come back to try after I see their name populate the signup list.

I think it’s important when we as members are going into edits to add ourselves to a list that we first look to see if others are editing before us. In my opinion it’s not which member can get their entry in the quickest, it’s who was there editing first. Just something I think about when I’m editing wikis myself. Hope this helps others. Many blessings and much love


Yes, thank you :sweat_smile::handshake:
The third try was the good one…

I didn’t think there were so many of us posting at the same time ahhhhh :pinching_hand: :flushed:

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You guys are too kind! I get all warm and fuzzy.

Pz :v:t2:


Oops that’s my bad, didn’t look closely enough. When someone pointed it out I assumed that soda was added back to the list
Edit: should we add them back? I’ll check if they’re TL2 or TL3

Edit: they are TL3, @Sodapop i added you back on the list with the US flag :v:


I think it’s ok to add others back but I personally let whoever was overwritten and whoever is running the signup sort it out. I try to make mention of it if I notice but I only add my name to wikis and that’s it. Just my personal preference I don’t know if there are specific rules about it. I’ve seen others help fix errors on wikis or add overwritten members back. If the intentions are good it’s all good.

@Sodapop had originally signed up in slot #66 under the TL2 group. I think 66 is their choice signup slot so maybe put them back there again? Also, TL2 can’t signup under TL3 without the Regular Emeritus badge which I don’t see @Sodapop having so I think it would be a good idea if you’re adding them back to put them back under the TL2 group at slot #66. Many blessings and much love


It is a learning curve. Just cancel when you see the message and try again latter.

I have been watching the edits on this one. I was working with @Aero in pm also. English isn’t their language so we are trying to get it down.
The message for overwriting has changed. I like it better. Time will tell.
I made sure the people kicked off got back on. I don’t consider somebody catching a person kicked off and putting them back on as adding somebody else. If it looks like they did, a pm with edit number would make it clear.

:green_heart: :seedling:



This is a pleasant surprise :astonished:
Thanks for the tag growchacho :seedling: a lill extra for the coop this year of your interested :+1:
Appreciate the repo run fellas :green_heart:


Appreciate the kind words…you, @Sbeanonnamellow, @PineTarBastard, and @Upstate have convinced me. I will sign up as #75. Thanks again to @DainIronFoot for the reproduction!


Thank you for the very fun unique surprise @DainIronFoot and @G-paS for officiating!