Wiki editing etiquette and steps

Hello OG, this may have been covered before but I can’t find where so I thought I would make a quick post regarding Wiki editing. Many times now I have seen people editing a Wiki and overwriting or deleting another users info. This can be frustrating so here are a couple things to look for when editing a Wiki. Please feel free to add more tips below so we can help the folks who are not sure about the process.

First off to edit a Wiki you click on the edit button with the pencil at the bottom right of the Wiki page.

When you enter a Wiki look to see if anyone is already editing. In this pic you can see I am in a Wiki and it shows someone already editing in the top right corner.

Now if you see that just hit cancel and try again in a minute. If you are editing you may also see on the bottom that there is an editing conflict like the bottom of this pic.

Again the fix is to hit the cancel button and try again in a minute or two. When you hit cancel you should get the following.

Just click Yes, discard edit. Once done you can try again shortly there after. While this will cost you some time it will likely be less time than fixing the issues that come from overwriting folks.

Another helpful thing for these Wikis is to add the flag for the country you are going to get your seeds shipped too. This will help the distributors and growers as they will know how many packs they need to cover their distribution group. Distributing seeds is a ton of work so any time we can save these wonderful folk who do this for us all is going to be great.

Well that’s all I got on the subject right off hand. As I mentioned please add any tips you may have that will help folks navigate this process. Happy growing all.


if we used a poll’s votes (TL3 or TL2 perhaps) or allowed ‘likes’ to sign up in the list no need for edits or overwriting. Those options would also keep signups in order received afict just need a limit of signups


That’s one way to go. That would put more work on to the thread creator which I would not like to see but is an option.


The only useful tips I can give are not using the next free slot (chances of overwriting are fewer if you leave a bunch free between the last used and yours) and copy your name and cancel the edit with any warning message, edit again and paste it, it’s faster … ges_up


Nice work Doug!


Do you know why names would be bolded?


When you add ** before and after a word it get`s bolded. strong text ** Bolded **, I added the spaces so you could see.


What I meant is like for example, I didn’t bold my name but someone did. Is there a reason for that?


Not that I know of. I see some do it and some don`t. As far as I know it serves no real purpose. Could be to help OP organize so when shipped they could unbold or something like that.


The bold is to signify your countries distributor already had your address on file.


Thanks for the info @Grohio , I did not know that. Much appreciated.


You should make your post a wiki…

I see a typo :wink:


LOL, tray, try, people understood :slight_smile:


Shameless bumb

This could be a sticky



Now how to create a wiki. TL3 members can make their own posts a wiki for I believe it is 30 days, past that they will need someone from TeamOG or the MOD team to do it for them. To make your post a wiki you first click the 3 little dots on bottom right of your post.

From there you click the wrench that appears.


Now you click on make wiki and you are done.

make wiki

It’s a quick and simple process. Hope this helps folks out.


how do you add your "contry’s’ flag to your name – reference co-op runs


So I am in Canada so it’s : canada : without the spaces which gives you :canada: . For USA it’s : US : without the spaces which gives you :us: Same for : UK : :uk: etc.


can’t seem to do it to the co-op sign-in I’m #59 trust level 2


You are missing the colon on the end. There needs to be one at the beginning and end bud. Just add a colon after US: so it is colonUScolon @hawkman

EDIT: I fixed it for your @hawkman

1 Like

As an example for folks look at this. The wiki signup has 150 spots. There were 370 edits on this wiki and at that point only 127 spots filled. That means almost every entry had to be done 3 times. Well 2.9 but you get the point. During all those edits many people who signed up got booted off due to over writing. So imagine signing up for something, logging off and coming back to find out someone had wiped you off the list. This leads to a ton of frustration for folks when they should really be feeling gratitude to the grower and those involved in making the run happen. Be good to each other folks and take the time to be extra careful when editing a wiki. It will lead to a much better experience for all.

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