Club Quadrant goes Feminized

Why? @DougDawson


He’s no longer with us…not dead just dead to us


Because he screwed the site over completely. PayPal charge backs done on all his auction buys and all seeds bought from @JohnnyPotseed .


Hey @CADMAN thnx for the tag cuz, but I’m gonna pass also. You can give my spot to another. Good luck all!


Shit. I had no idea ,( that’s F King terrible :pensive:


Yeah brother, you can read the BS from the link below where it starts. The bottom line is he clawed back around $400 for the bids he placed in 3 auctions and for the sales from @JohnnyPotseed on top of it. Since it’s been 6 weeks it is pretty fair to say he hosed OG. Mostly Joe and Johnny but really everyone who sent him anything. I fell pretty bad that I sent him all the stuff from my auction and then he took the money back.


lol Too make matters worse, PayPal charged everyone a dispute fee of $15.00 and took that out of my account as well! Bringing the total to $230.00

I so badly wanted to have my son drive me up to his state just so I could beat his ass with my knobby cane! lol but, F’him.

edit… lol and you know this thing would def hurt!


Well hopefully things are better now bud. I invested all sorts of time talking to that guy about his apparently endless problems and even defended him. I knew he lied about things and was willing to try to let him get past it but this last incident was too much. No good deed goes unpunished. As much as it both angers and disappoints me, I will still try to see the best in everyone. Can’t let the actions of someone else change me. But yeah, F’him.

Solid looking cane, what’s the wood?


IKR lol I did the same as you cuz, always willing to think the best of folks, and second chances.
The majority of folks are basically good


Yeah brother, it’s a good way to be. You get burned from time to time but life is better regardless IMO.


For real, lol ya can’t let the occasional F’idiiot ruin your faith in the basic good in most folks.


Thanks for the invite @CADMAN !!! Looks like this will be a fun ride! Curious to see how the buckets do.

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May I follow along?

:green_heart: :seedling:

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ThankS for the invite @CADMAN ! Those inserts looks pretty sweet! Might have to try those out. :wink:

I’ll be lurking around. :crazy_face:


Ofcourse anytime.

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i mean i will chip in for gas and snacks. just make sure you leave a knot the size of a baseball with that knob brother.


You warned me about him early. But he seemed to try to be changing so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Fooled me too.


Thank you everyone involved.

The slaps are looking great and some new genetic today ,) @Cory


Chocolate Thai F5 Female x Lemon Thai male pollen

The seeds have sprouted… Just floated in Regular water :droplet: for a day then into paper towel, will leave here on heat source for a day or 2 more to ensure long tails to Plant into soil…

For some reason, this is the stage I have most problems with. Either they grow or they stop growing completely… Could never figure out why as I’m always tryin to improve :roll_eyes:



@CADMAN you need to step up your seed-game to the “@JohnnyPotseed Special” using earth worm castings!

Since doing the following I’ve had 100% germ rate and if it doesn’t germ it never was going to!

1: seeds in fridge at least 24hrs
2: scuff them in a sandpaper lined box.
3: soak in a shot glass of distilled water with a lil’ h202, covered at 23-25c.
4: in 24-36 hours you’ll have tails and these get put into starter pots (for me speedcups) that are 2/3 promix/ewc mix and the top 1/3 = PURE EWC.

The cups usually need 3x “bastors” (4.5oz) of water to get the right water weight for a 16oz cup.

Doing the above may seem both ocd and a pain in the ass (cause it is) but it’s not failed me yet. Even when I got 4 out of 4 seeds with no tails or action after 7 days in EWC I dug those up, cracked them with my fingers and then replanted and 7 days later healthy seedlings! (fucking tough shells though even the scuffing didn’t let the water penetrate!)