Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

:ghost:Welcome one and all, and we’re damn glad to meet you! :raccoon:
I’m @Coffin_Dodger , and I grow with my partner of nearly 16 years. We’re a couple of late-Thirty-Somethings, We tend to enjoy the simple life we’ve carved out in this old city, as I work nights in produce and she keeps the house and cat (Jessicat the Many-Named) running and happy. Both of us medicate for a number of reasons, including chronic pain, arthritis, anxiety, depression, CPTSD, insomnia, and more. We prefer smoking flower, hash, and taking full-extract edibles or FECO oils, but have found good results with topicals. We have "dab"bled in vaping quite a bit in the last three years, and would like to start dry herb vaping as well. We have a fondness for “active, heady” leaning effects, and like heavy, complex terpenes, but also enjoy a hard sedative couch lock when we need it. We stay up. Hahaha Variety is the spice of life… and the spice must flow!

I am a retired tattooer, painter, drawerer, and former bass-er in a defunct regional metal band no one remembers. She is a retired body piercer and holds a degree in sociology. We grow for our own personal medicine and stash, and to gift to friends and family.

What can you expect from this thread? Beyond a reckoning and recording of our third grow, you can expect the same “advanced-beginner” drive and passion that comes with new growers. We are serious about the work we do regardless of the form it takes, and aim to keep things honest and open with folks who mean the same. As we grow and expand, we plan to add a variety of veggies to our gardening, with great interest so far in methods and medium like Kratky DWC and simple DWC/Coco, NFT, et cetera. We intend to make this home to multiple grow journals through out, continuing to hone our cultivation, and share what we can. We believe in the foundation that has been built here by great folks before us, and at much greater risk, and believe we serve a debt of a sort to such a powerful medicine, in the grand scheme. We believe in learning, especially from our mistakes, and in listening to voices of experience while forging our own paths. We plan on trying our hand at autoflowers next run. We plan on practicing cloning as soon as possible. While it won’t be for some time, we do plan on breeding our own personal crosses and the like, as well as participating in Co-ops and seed increases. The more we learn and grow, the more we want to.
McKenna quot
This will be the first Growroom Diary proper for us, so here’s hoping there’s plenty to learn, share, and build on to come. Our only other major grow thread was last run, and started as a Sick Plants post, which quickly assured us that supercropping our monstrous girls would turn out just fine. That was our second grow, and thanks to the confidence we got here, we were able to bring home a yield of 1.6 pounds (plus extras for edibles and trying to make bubble hash again).

We got into growing as a serious possibility a few years ago. While my partner had no experience with growing anything, I have always loved doing so, but was never stable enough to give anything the attention I knew it would deserve. My grandfather had a fairly serious garden with a great greenhouse and koi pond, which I have always held as an inspiration in my memory of an otherwise rough childhood. I began researching psychedelics, drug/counter culture, and the like at a pretty early age and with an earnest intrigue and respect for them.
After picking up smoking before I turned 16 and dropped out of high school, I tried my hand at several small bagseed grows, including trash can space buckets and a 2x2x6 locker. Hard hot-wiring “found” HPS security/street lights, CFLs, even old fluorescents. I found lights and grow guides, pearlite and timers from my father’s old attempts at grows before me, and used them. I scoured and lurked through forums like Erowid and Overgrow, never having the drive to finish a grow or even join the conversation.
A lot of years passed, underscored by ideas about cabinet builds, dreams about not having to deal with buying shitty weed, and the therapy of a well-kept garden. Before '22, my only attempts (albeit not unsuccessful) at gardening were growing some windowsill Trichocereus.
Anyway, after a few rough years, we have settled back into the city I was born in, and we have a great little home to ourselves again. We decided to jump on our states medical program in its first year, and I started looking into converting the spare bedroom into a garden, regardless of what wound up happening legally. As the laws got more and more relaxed, and I eased my partner into the idea, I built out the garden to be on paper and in my head. My partner is disabled, and her accessibility to the garden was and is a priority.
After discussing it all generally and making initial decisions, we settled on starting with hydroponics, and then narrowed it down to RDWC. While we knew the initial investment would be much, much larger for that choice, we determined it would work best for us and our lifestyle. We further decided that, considering the potential savings on our medicine, we could afford to kit-out the actual system. I searched a few different builders and brands, and eventually settled on a Fallponics system from Gary at PAHydro.
We had everything all gathered last year, cleaned out the spare bedroom, and got it all up and running. Having always dreamt of growing, I kept a rotating stash of bagseed, and we chose some, got them wet, and with a few months of learning, growing, and harvesting WAY too early, we were set with plenty of stash for ourselves and some friends and family, which my partner took to calling by the names of some of our favorite directors. That first run we set out to just let them grow and see what happened, familiarize ourselves with the growth first hand, and get used to the schedules and cycles.
And then…

That run sealed the deal, though: we’re growers, we’re going to keep growing, and hell- we still suck at this, as we like to remind ourselves.

We doubled down this past year, and picked up a lot of great equipment to help us through our second run and help her have complete access to it all. We added a digital controller, humidifier, and techniques like low-stress training and topping. We got a firm understanding of pH, EC, VPD and DLI. We went through a seedbank (NASC, they’re great) and invested in genetics. We had little info on the cultivars though, and quickly found out that reaching out to the breeder wasn’t very helpful based on their posts elsewhere. The girls got away from us, stretching 4 or 5x when we flipped. Eventually, I posted here, we got some good advice, and supercropping through flower with a staggered harvest and a Cannatrol brought it all home.
Now, we’re almost done with the reset and clean-up from last run. The fans have all been broken down, cleaned, and reassembled, the room has been rearranged, the hydroton has been washed and baked. We’re READY to get it started already!

:ghost:Without further ado, welcome to our garden!:ghost:
We grow in a spare bed/lung room, roughly 11’x7.5’. We are set up in a 4x4 Gorilla Grow tent (we lovingly call it Ishmael) with the height extension, and based on a PAHydroponics Fallponics RDWC. The plant sites and reservoir are all 13 gallons, giving us a typical total operating capacity of about 35 gallons. 8" net pots.
For light, we have a 17w t5 for seedlings and an HLG 600 RSpec (which we’ve never taken past 70%.)
Our water lines (3" and 1" respectively) are driven by a 470GPH ActiveAqua pump, and each plant site has a 2" cylinder airstone, driven by a 240GPH ActiveAqua pump.
For air circulation, we have two 6 inch Hurricane fans for heat dissipation above the light, and two oscillating S6 clip fans from AC Infinity. For air exchange, we have an ACI S4 inline forced intake at the bottom of the tent, and an ACI S6 inline exhausting up above, filtered by a 16x6 Vortex carbon filter and boosted by a 110 CFM Panasonic Whisper Select exhaust fan through the ceiling and out of the attic.
Starting this run, all the air will have its own Controller 69 Pro WiFi, while everything else cycling or scheduled will be on another.
We will also be using an ACI Cloudforge T3 humidifier, a Lasko tower space heater, HM Digital COM and pH pens, hydroton, General Hydroponics (Flora Trio, CaliMagic, Armor Si, Floraliscious, Kool Bloom) Hydroguard, and tap water (~240ppm / 0.48EC.)
We have built a scrog frame for this run, to finally get a handle on vertical growth and increase the yield quality. We have built it according to plans and recommendation of NorthernScrogger, with no more than 8" or so of space between the hydroton and screen, which has been set to hold 3" squares.
All measurements are given in Freedom Units :us: unless otherwise noted, and PPM is taken in 500 scale. All pen meters are regularly calibrated. We have so far stuck to the “Aggressive” GH Flora Trio feed schedule. We massively overfed the first grow, but they kept up. We cut down to aggressive last run with success, and may cut further to save on nutes and protect cultivars we aren’t familiar with at first.
We use our central A/C, and have so far found that while our solution temps average at the high end of acceptable, we don’t need to run a chiller, R/O, lung room-specific A/C or dehumidifier.

The most obvious problem with our current set up is the fact that the room still has carpet, albeit very fresh carpet from previous disuse. :man_shrugging: After this run, we should have plenty enough a stash to break for long enough for me to tear that out, clean up the hardwood a little, and mount a tarp or vinyl sheet, essentially turning the whole room into a spill tray. (Eventually a drain may be installed, who knows. :man_shrugging:)

For cleaning between grows, we over-do it a bit, probably. Last round there was a near total disassembly and rebuild, cleaning along the way with bleach solutions, isopropyl alcohol, and vinegar solutions, as the job saw fit. Obviously, vacuuming is a constant. In addition, all fans get opened up and cleaned out, any fan screens are replaced, and small parts are soaked in cleaning solution. Hydroton is being reused the first time this round, so it was all soaked in H202 solution and baked for extended periods. Instead of near-total disassembly this time, we are going to try a run after simply running the system with clean water for several days, then running a strongish H202 Solution (145ml/40 gallons @ 3% starting). After, everything was wiped down in bleach solution again for good measure. Double layered blackout curtains are washed, along with carbon filter pre-filter. Beginners tip: Don’t get dried leaf crumbles or resin on microfiber shop cloths! It does great to pick it up, but will not come off. Ever.

:raccoon:And now, the main event: Our Third Run!:raccoon:
…and I got these BEANS, man! :seedling: :canned_food: :raccoon: :ghost: :grimacing: :crazy_face:

For this run, we’ll be focusing on our medical flower supply, growing 2 or 3 “Doctor Seedsman 30:1 CBD” alongside something more fun, “Negan’s Bat” courtesy of @Rhai88.
For the Doctor Seedsman, we have the incredible write-up and journals of @Gpaw to assist us. The cultivar, per SeedFinder, is:

Hoping for some serious pain-relief focused edibles and first-time practice at tincture and balm/lotion making, these are being grown especially for my partner, who suffers chronic pain.

As I understand, and I’m sure many of you either already know or can correct me if I am misreading, the Negan’s Bat is a Tombstone F2 ( @DefNSmokn ) x BamBam ( @NugLifeFarms420 ). Not to mention, though we fell off of watching the show long before his role, we are both big enough Walking Dead comics fans to have tattoos based on them, so I gotta say the shoe fit.

Again, as far as my research shows, the Tombstone itself is a cross of Triangle Kush x Stardawg and BamBam is Flintstones x Toyz. Flintstones being Fruity Pebbles x Sour Bubble and, finally, Toyz being Face Off x Runtz. Sounds like a great breeding effort, includes BOG and Triangle Kush in the lineage, and from the pictures we’ve seen, especially courtesy @AzSeaindooin420 it is a beauty through growth. We hope to find some similar fire. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

We have typically started by germinating 6-8 seeds and culling down from there within the first two weeks, before they take their places in the RDWC.
We will be soaking them in distilled water for at least 24 hours, then placing them in Root Riot peat cubes, and into a domed incubator with a heat mat to be covered and kept in the dark. Temperatures here over night have dipped into the mid 50’s, but we anticipate plenty more days above the mid-80’s. We’ll be keeping the space heater on deck in the lung room to prevent any cold spikes.

Should be germinating in the next few days. :potable_water: :canned_food: :seedling: :raccoon: :ghost: :crazy_face: :heart_eyes: :fire: :fireworks: :snowflake:

WHEW Hot damn that turned out to be a lot longer than I intended… Hahahah I promise it wont always be so wordy. :zipper_mouth_face:
In closing for now, THANK YOU to anyone who watches, follows, likes, or even just read half of this; and for ANY constructive criticism, feedback, questions, thoughts, encouragement, details about the cultivars, or otherwise. An especially big thank you and respect to @LemonadeJoe and all the Moderators, sponsors, donors, and supporters of such a fine corner of the cyberwebs. There’s something special here, and we mean to make good by it in our own little ways.

See y’all next week!!
Stay up!


yeah i`ll watch this for sure!


Looks :eyes: interesting and I will be watching too!:partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Cool post glad to have you here! Will stay tuned.


What an incredibly detailed introduction! And I like your style! Love my RDWC setup, however it’s been sitting idle for 2 years now (breaks my heart) but hopefully by spring I can afford a new tent, fan, filter and get that setup running as well as I use coco for my seedhunts and runs with big numbers, the RDWC was always for hunted cultivars or elite clones etc. But I miss my RDWC EVERY SINGLE DAY! Almost sold it last year but thank God the guy was cheap and wouldn’t pay what I wanted (what it’s 1000% worth)
Definitely down to watch this run and great job on your previous run as well, definitely came to the right place!
Blessings :pray:t3:


I’m kind of speechless. The intro. The details. The descriptions. I felt like I was reading something that would have come straight out of my mouth.

Are you me? :laughing:

Fellow retail worker!

I dabble in art myself and I’m looking at my old EC-1000 hanging on the wall in front of me. I too used to play guitar/bass in a now defunct hardcore band.

You hit the nail on the head and I couldn’t have written this any better.

Excited to see what you do with this cross. So far there has been great success with it.

All in all though you had me at your cleaning procedures. I love to see people that keeps their grows on the immaculate side of things.

10 out of 10 on your write up. :fire:
Pulling up the recliner and munchies for this one…
I may be here a while.


Awesome write up sandwiched between a Terence McKenna quote and a SpongeBob meme… I’m in!

The only thing that makes me happier than growing plants is hearing about others who start their own gardens.

~Peace & love


Awesome! Glad to hear that from you! What’s the average flower time to shoot for off hand?

Hahah. Hell yeah! I take that as a compliment based on my lurking and all you do!

Nice! I don’t see a whole lot about them on forums typically. Usually pretty buried. Sorry to hear yours hasn’t seen use in a while! Hope you find something right for it soon! Any tips or tricks? I think coco is about as close to soil as we’d probably get in the foreseeable future. Interesting stuff. Haven’t looked too deep into it. So many rabbit holes in what we do, eh? Love it!

Thank you! And thanks for the blessings! Stay up!

@m0sirys , @OhNo555 , @City , @FourFour Thank you for the interest and the well wishes! We’re even more stoked to get going with folks to bounce ideas and such off of.

Gotta crash for now, but thanks again!

:ghost: :raccoon:


Good one!
She is a great producer, this will be very interesting seeing how they respond to your DWC environment.

Tagging along… :+1:



Welcome to OG (Jessicat the Many-Named) :kissing_cat:


Thanks, @Gpaw ! Your grow journals of it will definitely be a reference for us.

@GrowingInThePines I’m sure she’d say thanks if she wasn’t so full of cow and salmon. I’m not gonna try to list them all, but she’s known as Jessicat the Reverend the Girl Trogdor-Megalodon Peabody Award recipient Mr. Danny Glover, first of her many names and mother of babies. Usually answers to Jessi, Bidaybe, or cat. Hahaha! Thanks for checking out the grow!
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’m Coffin_Dodger’s partner! He did a great job outlining our set up, goals and ethos. I’ve never been good at social media but I’m trying here because of the good experience he has on OG.
Can’t wait to share, learn and play with you fine folks!


This is awesome @Coffin_Dodger ! Following along for sure!



Germination begins!!
More later


With all three of Negan’s Bats showing tap roots and two of three Dr Seedsman, we popped them all in cubes this morning.
We’re keeping a hood and a towel over the hood on them until the plants break through.
Sitting pretty steady at 78 degrees F, heat mat underneath if it dips.


What a kick off to the weekend, y’all!
Nothing like coming home after 4x10’s and hearing that four little seedlings have broken through and see the light!

The week saw my partner, @JustTieflingThings join the forum, so that was a great start. She’s excited to be here learning and sharing with all of us, as you can see!

In trying to time things so that we’re flipping to flower around my birthday (the end of October,) we waited a day or two after the first post of the thread to start germination. The seeds (3x Negan’s Bat, 3x Doctor Seedsman 30:1 CBD) were dropped into roughly 60ml of purified water, and kept covered. As we started, we let the heat mat run for sometime, to allow the water to warm up past room temp. Average air temp in the covered dome was 80.9 degrees.
Within 24 hours we were stoked to see one of @Rhai88 s Negan’s Bat had already cracked. By 36 hours, all three had, with one showing the tip of a tap root. At roughly 48 hours, the Doctor Seedsmans had two pop, one showing a root, and the last looked ready but was not visible yet.

@JustTieflingThings placed them into Root Riot starters, steady handed as she is, which we then placed in my patented recycled dispo-eighth jar seedling pots. I feel damn bad about a lot of the packaging that dispo weed uses, and the garbage it creates. Now that the bs they sell is behind us, was thinking about that before last grow, and cut a few down with a rotary tool, then drilled out the bottoms for drainage. Works like a charm. :recycle:
Anyway, we set those out under the dome and again. When I got home, we checked on them and found that two of the Negan’s Bat were starting to push past the top of the cubes, as was one of the Doctor Seedsman. We cranked on the t5, I got to sleep, and by the time I woke up, we were greeted by now four seedlings. One Negan’s Bat is definitely taking an early lead under the t5, but another is close behind. The last of the NB was fighting its shell a bit, but showed strength, and had sloughed it by the second day above soil. There is another developing a fairly beefy baby air-root. Shouldn’t be a huge concern, we think, since most of the early meristem gets buried in hydroton when we place them in their sites.

The only real concern so far is from one Doctor Seedsman, which seems to have lost track of “up” momentarily. :upside_down_face:

We have encountered this before, as @JustTieflingThings ever-meticulous notes and memory serve, and read about the condition elsewhere. We have taken a LITFA approach to it at this point, other than covering the root, and although that’s an early stunt for it, it seems to have corrected in the last 36 hours, and continues to improve. :up: This DSCBD is also fighting against its seed hull, but we’ve sprayed it with purified water in hopes it slides off, per a tip I picked up in @Floyd 's Tent City.

Barebones Stats:

  • 5/6 Germinated in 48 hours
  • 5/6 sprouted seedlings (3x NB 2x DSCBD), 1 DSCBD did not pop and has still not broken above surface
  • 24/0 with the t5 since showing above the surface of the cubes approximating a DLI of 1.5-1.6.
  • First leaves forming up on 4/6.
    *Several sprays of purified water on dome per day, no direct watering yet.
  • Slow , slight stretch, but visible changes every few hours. Total average height after 4 days above ground is about 3" tall with the runt DSCBD coming in at about 1".
  • Filling the RDWC by the end of the week to allow it to off-gas, pH balance and prepare to transplant around 10 days old, depending on root development.

Other than that, this week saw a great score for our future runs with the arrival of genetics from @darkillusion (Drunken Cherry Fog Dog auto) and letters en route or soon to be from @blowdout2269 (Scarlet Grapes auto) and @DougDawson (GG4xC99.) We can’t express how grateful we are for what is essentially a tripling of our humble collection of beans. Thank you, most sincerely. Having a great time meeting folks here, and trying my best to hit Regular.
And thank YOU, reader, for following along and any kind words; advice, questions, feedback or otherwise!

'til next week,
Stay up!

ETA: Nope. Dunno how the Grid Gallery works.


Hey, everybody!
Here’s hoping that everyone’s gardens, projects, and people are doing well. Gotta say, I :green_heart: seeing all the pictures of outdoor grows getting ready to come down. We got word of an uncle inspired by our endeavors to pick up Kratky-style vegetable gardening, and gave some pointers to my old man about caring for a troubled aloe.
Picked up some great tips to use down the road this weekend, myself, and have gotten in touch with some amazing folks around the site. If you haven’t, I highly recommend stopping by @Til_Valhalla 's topics, as they are seeking specifics and doing commendable work medicinally/therapeutically regarding Alzheimer’s/Dementia.

Community makes such a difference.

As can be expected, we didn’t have much to do in the garden this week, and had some other obligations that took a lot out of my weekend. Getting the electric worked on and fixed in another part of the house frees us up for a chance to take a closer look at our electrical situation in the garden when this run ends, which has me leaning more towards taking that chance to tear up the damn carpet, too. We’ll see how harvest sets our stash after this run and how much time we’ll have between at that point, anyway.

We saw first leaves continue to come in, with a little crimping on those that had helmet-head issues, and had one seedling of NB stretch a little beyond its means. @JustTieflingThings threw a precautionary lasso around it in case it kept up, and it seems to be alright the last two days.
About 36 hours ago, or 8(-ish) days from cubed seed, we moved the tray and dome into Ishmael, resting them on the plant-site tanks. We turned on the HLG, setting it at about 35" from the baby canopy, 10% output, jumping them from a DLI of ~1.7 to ~6.5. They have responded very well, and temperature has been constant at an average of 80.7* F through that move. The humidity under the dome has been at an average of 89.9% and an average VPD of 0.34 kpa.

We filled the res and have let it off gas, and we balanced the pH tonight.
According to records of last grow, we were about two weeks from seed when we put the babies in their final spots last run. We felt that was a bit of an excessive delay, so we plan on transplanting before the end of the week, and will add the humidifier at that point.

Barebones Stats

  • 5/6 surviving, 6th seed (DSCBD) did not pop, has not broken soil on root riot cube.
  • 5/5 developing roots through entire cubes.
  • 24/0 under the HLG 600 RSpec @ 35", 10% power, ~6.5 DLI, to be increased over the next few days to ~12-15 DLI, by means of increasing intensity and/or allowing dark hours.
  • Second true leaves forming up on all seedlings.
  • Several sprays to the dome of purified water per day, small sprays to the cubes as needed.
  • Support given to one slightly stretchy NB.
  • Slightly stunted DSCBD , which started upside-down and helmeted, is recovering well. Attempts to cover the exposed root have largely failed. I’ll be happier when that isn’t seeing daylight.
  • Tap water at 355ppm / ~0.7 EC, pH’d to 5.8, temps running slightly high.
  • Starting GH Trio at manufacturers Medium schedule.

All in all, smooth sailing and steady as she grows.

Thanks again, and as always, for any advice, encouragement, or interest.
'til next week, y’all-


Week three, and all the fun of growing is already kicking in! Here’s hoping y’all are well, and everyone’s gardens and people are well kept.
We started the week with the babies still in their tray and dome, but now inside the tent under the big lights. We anticipated selecting down and moving them into their plant sites in the middle of my work week. Having some concern about the res temperature breaking 80*F, we decided to pump out half of the tap water in the system, and put in fresh, cool water. We gave that 24 hours to off gas, and set to balancing the pH, when our first hurdle of the week popped off.

In the time between grows, our pH meter (HM Digital HM-80) managed to dry out, and after over a year of near-daily use, a good cleaning and soak has not seemed to revive it. If anyone has any pro-tips on squeezing the last life out of a pen, we’d be happy to hear it.
We reached a consensus to move ahead with the grow as planned, weighing the root growth we’ve seen pre-transplant and pushing against the end of “seedling,” and blind-balanced the system based on our previous notes.
After a night of me double-checking research I’d already done on monitors for the future, we pulled the trigger and put in a rush-shipped order for an HM-100 Combination Monitor.

Next, we transplanted the babies, selecting both DSCBD 30:1 seedlings and the two strongest looking NB. We buried the meristems deeper still than last grow, and got everyone pretty damn even, except the slightly-hard to reach back corner being about an inch more exposed. We set up our ACI T3 Humidifier, set an Auto VPD program for .80 kPa with a Transition of +0.1 kPa.

Then we prayed.

Luckily, in a sense, our prayers were answered- we certainly didn’t have time to worry about the possibility of being way off on pH, (our first time doing any “blind” mixing, that is) because shortly there after, our AC Infinity system started acting strangely.
The controller Aya decided that the humidifier was, in fact, a fan, and a fan that it didn’t much like the look of, at that. In response, the humidifier felt it needed some time for self-reflection. While the controller blinked in and out of recognizing the now-fan huey at all, the screen and touch-buttons of the humidifier went completely dead. This looked like a problem to us that we had already dealt with at the end of our last grow, when an S6 fan stopped playing nicely with the controller. While this is supremely frustrating, our experience with their customer service has been nothing but top-notch, so we tried not to sweat it, and brainstormed a solution while I got ready for work. We came up with several, and implemented most of them. First up, we removed the humidifier, unplugged it, and left it alone. We then brought out our old Crane humidifier, and set it up in the lung room, as it is a real pain for @JustTieflingThings to dial in when it’s inside the tent. While that warmed up, I cut gallon bottles down to tall domes for the individual plant-sites and misted them. Meanwhile, the T3 humidifier came back to life, and we set it up alongside the Crane. Between the two, the lung room got up to the mid-60’s % RH, and the tent was soon full of the same. This bought us the night, and we figured on a day of troubleshooting in the morning.

When I got home, we set to work on our first factory reset of a WiFi Controller 69 Pro. The process was easy enough, and shortly after, we had restored the humidifier (and light- the only other thing Aya controls.) Unfortunately, both controllers somehow lost WiFi connectivity in the process, though we still had full-functionality otherwise through Bluetooth on my phone. We then set the lights to 18/6 @ 35", 20% power allowing them their first dark cycle.
After about a day and a half of LITFA the Controllers both regained full function and communication.

With the controller issues mostly sorted, the babies having straight tap-water for 24hrs and the monitor due to arrive the next day, we went ahead with the first feeding on Sunday, using the GH Medium Feed Schedule based on 40 gallons, while our system is closer to about 38 gallons at the moment. Our starting tap water was a bit higher than usual in TDS/EC, at about 355 PPM (0.7 EC) and was a much more comfortable 69-70 * F Again, we did this “blind.”

The next day, the monitor arrived just as I was getting ready for bed. We got everything set up a while later, and were stoked to see that the numbers we had expected were nearly dead on. Definitely a nice confidence boost!

Now it’s relatively smooth sailing again, as we get back into the routine of daily check ups and recording of solution level, pH, TDS/EC and any other plant-specific notes.

Barebones Stats

Other than that, this week I had the pleasure of catching @Abukeif 's prompt for a poem-for-a-pack of their recent win from @The_Vault_Team of Phoenix Seed’s Good Shit Auto Fem, which sounds like a lovely slurry of old-school flavors. The Scarlet Grape F2 made it safely to our little seed-stock, as well. Thanks again, @blowdout2269 Next runs first attempt at Autos is really shaping up! Thanks, y’all!

Lastly, I think I’m looking to get into a portable dry herb vape. I have no idea where to start, but a Crafty+ or Arizer Solo II look decent. Leaning toward the Solo II based on price… Any advice?
Thanks to any and all for dropping by, following along, and of course and as always, thank you for any advice, comments, constructive feedback, questions and encouragement!



Wow, you had an epic week!

That’s quite a disturbing experience with the AC Infinity controller, glad you got it to recover.

i’ve been ‘eyeballing’ a Crafty some time myself.

l’ve been using a Pax II, good unit but a ‘stiff’ draw. I modded the oven screen to improve that but still not perfect.

DSCBD 30:1 has been my ‘go to’ for years, good plant.



Can’t complain too much! Keeps the time moving well, at least!
The ACI gear is great, when it all cooperates. All in all, we’re pretty happy with it, but I could see how someone with less a handle than even we have as newer growers on how environmental factors influence each other could take a big hit from something like a controller failure.
Hear great things about the Crafty, but that price point is a little harsh. Gonna watch some prices for a while, but I think we’re leaning towards the Solo based on initial looks.
The Doctor Seedsman definitely looks strong, with some good early structure. Can’t wait to try the flower, but even more for edibles and tinctures!
Thanks for dropping by and following along!
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon: