(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Thanks for the shout @THCeed

And thanks for doing this @Upstate


I love nasty weed. Love it. Always has potency.
Glad I used your male pollen. Sounds like you had a good one. Ive never had a reaction to a male plant…but I want one lol. One of mine was very strong smelling and both had very nice floral clusters.


Seedmaking tools😁( pollen from pine tar bastard)
What’s under that red line???
It’s not a dirty thumbnail if that’s what you were thinking​:grin::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:


Many thanks Tracker!


Nice looking bud!
… and who does your nails?


I seem to take pictures either directly after I come home from work or after I’m playing in the dirt, which is anytime I’m not at work and it’ still light outside. I don’t know how many dirty thumbnail photos I posted over the last couple years but now I’m starting to pay attention. I do wash my hands, I promise LOL. Unfortunately the dirt still wins in the end. That’s what 12 hour work days do to you. May as well joke about it🤣


I remember hearing something awesome about organic produce a while back. They were saying how organic produce is healthier for us because of the bacteria that comes along with it. Bacteria that accumulates on a fruit or vegetables skin, and especially at the ends where the blossom remnants are or where it’s still connected to the plant. Those crevices.

Similarly, when we garden and dig around in the dirt. When we play! That dirt and the same bacteria gets on our skin, and under our fingernails. It’s wafted into the air and we breath it in. We live in symbiosis with bacteria! That dirt under your nails is beautiful and it’s healthy too! Sometimes I notice how dirty my hands or feet are when I go out in public and I’m a little self conscious, but I really feel so good bathing in healthy bacteria like that so I’m trying to lean into it more and feel less self conscious about what other people might be thinking. People close to me joke that I’m from the Blackfoot tribe and I think that’s so cool. I think you’re cool too! Much love


Having “green fingers” like you do is a blessing and your plants reward you for that, black nails are an affordable price to pay for your outstanding success… beer3|nullxnull


I see a pretty good green thumb here. :+1:
I’m even a little jealous. But who knows, maybe jealousy will help mine to become more like yours. :slightly_smiling_face:
Anyway, thanks for the effort. And success


Between Seaweed powder and Biochar our fingernails are one of our strongest ‘recognition’ signals to allow us OG’ers to ID each other out on the street without even saying a word! :rofl: Wear it like a “Badge of honor” bro! No shame! By the way, been ‘lurking’ in here for a while now, glad to have finally signed on. Just lovin’ following your progress and cheering you on home!


Thanks for the love OG’s​:grin:. :heart: this place is awesome and peeps like you make it so.
I smoked Joe for 17 hours yesterday with zero fatigue. Even woke my ass up when i was getting sleepy near midnight. Most nights I’m asleep by 9 or 10. That’s some great smoke and getting better by the day. This morning I’ll be pollinating again. Got another nice day for it. Yesterday morning I awoke to a light unexpected frost, so we can add frost resistance to the Peshawar resume. Of course I knew it was frost resistant, but seeing is believing. I watered 2 of the plants and noticed the water standing on the surface… Thank God I saw that because it was the soil frozen at the surface. I’ll be wrapping all the containers in straw for the next round of cold next Friday. The frost didn’t get very deep into the dirt, but a bit scary nonetheless. I lost some plants growing in a -tent in the Winter when the root balls froze solid. The tops of the plants were fine where it was warm, but down low to the ground it’s colder. I was pretty surprised it could Could freeze so quickly. Daytime highs have been in the sixties. Just a little tidbit of knowledge here and that is to keep your containers on the dry side for frosty conditions. :wink: Water freezes and it is the actual frost, not the cold, that kills… All the dry containers were just fine.


Love the dirty fingers :rofl: its a clear indication of putting work in the garden! Strange will be working in the garden and having clean ass nails, nice telepathic agriculture :rofl:

Do you think maybe insulating the root zone will help in really cold climates(out of frost obv)?? Or will it make no difference?

Also nice to see the no fatigue, do you find it being exclusive to landrace traits or thc content?? And how would you rate this strain in the whole afghan/ arab landraces scheme? Will probably pop some of them soon


Definitely insulating the root zone is going to help. I didn’t think the root ball could cool off so fast. The plants That had the frozen dirt are still in black pots. Probably the plastic that attracted the cold , like a windshield. I have a bail of straw mulch I will use from now on. Take it off during the day, piling up loose straw at night. Plants in the ground benefit from mulch as well but the temperature of the soil is more moderate in the ground even without mulch. I actually never used multiple outdoors… The soil stays too wet here in the fall. Air is needed more than moisture.

I find this trait exclusive to the pure sativas. THC content doesn’t seem to matter . High or low it’s go go go. Just a matter of how much you have to smoke to get you there… There doesn’t seem to be a ceiling with many sativas. I haven’t tested with this Peshawar whether there is a ceiling or not.
As far as how this compares to other area land races It’s a tough comparison because this one has been well worked and THC dominant individuals have been isolated. For that matter, maybe Afghan sativas were all selected to be THC dominant, I don’t know. Typically land races from the Middle East and South Asia contain CBD And THC plants and plants with varying % cbd/ thc.
I can say for sure that the high of this one is very much sativa. We know that the cannabis species most likely came off of the Tibetan plateau or its vicinity and it must be here that the original sativa effects were found. I imagine this Peshawar, in particular the more “feral” or Sativa looking pheno, gives us an idea of what it might have looked like. I had always thought sativa effects kind of evolved on their own due to tropical climates, but now I see that the sativa high was there even in northern regions before the genetics traveled to the tropics… I think the tropics do intensify the sativa high due to different cannabinoids being made under the tropical sun, but if I mixed a bud of Joe in amongst some tropical sativa buds and you were allowed to pull samples and smoke them, but you were not allowed to see them, I’m confident you wouldn’t for sure know which one was Peshawar. You would have suspicions, but you would have suspicions about several others in addition to Peshawar and had you not been told in advance that one of them were Afghani you would never guess that it was the country of origin of any of them.
We all know you can find sativa effects amongst hybrid plants , but you cannot always grow seeds made with these hybrid plants And find that sativa effect the next generation. That is because today’s polyhybrid is in essence a mutt. The peshawar is extra special because you can make your own seed and expect them to still contain that same sativa effect the next generation.


That works well.

Another cool trick, is a long rubber garden hose, loop it around the base of each plant and recirculate water through it from a warm reservoir.
You can bag them in case of frost. The guy that told me about this harvested a week before Christmas…



Do you have any pictures? That’s gotta be a close relative of peshawar


Hola Gang
First one is Lashgar Gah male
cross to a fem Trainwreck from Jaws.

The second one is Same Lashgar Gah male
cross to Oger’s

The oger’s got way more leaf



So does that make the first true f1 hybrid the Peshawar x hindu kush ? Possibly the masar I shariff ?


I think so. I think Afghanistan was the scene of the original hybridization. The first sativas lost to the Kush craze, if you will. I’m sure hybridization between the highland( bld) and lowland varieties occurred naturally long before phenotypes were hunted and stabilized by the Afghan farmers.
Makes me wonder about Mazar-i-Sharif strain. Most would call this a landrace, known to contain both nld and bld plants. My question is… Did it always, since landrace status( 100 years for me) have short broadleaf phenotypes or was it a sativa Landrace that itself has been recently( 70 years) hybridized and is now an old heirloom?
My understanding is that sativas used to grow all over Afghanistan in the Fertile valleys, not just in Peshawar valley. Peshawar is one of many likely Sativa cultivars from days gone by


Yes, you are on to something. From what ive hear of every hashish smoking afghani or pakistani, the NLD are what they cherish the most. As of what i understand, the farmers source the longest flowering NLDs for the tribe/clan/family, and doesnt blend it with the shorter flowering plants. Ive hear this from sources irl and also read a bunch about it. Its also because hashish is considered a medicine and different hashish is medicine for different ailments.

The legendary hashish cultivars from the old world has always been sativas, temple balls, lebanese, maroccan are a few examples. What i cant wrap my head around is why all these cultivars have been crossed with CBD varieties which have ruined the high.

After i had those afghani cultivars i told you about before, i got the same feeling that you have. That Afghanistan was full of sativas and for some reason they got contaminated with BLD CBD heavy plants.

Pz my friend :v:t2:


CBD with sativas is pretty glorious imo. I think a little CBD in a highly psychoactive sativa line can be just the ticket. One of my buddies has a line he’s worked for a long time that’s the mendo pineapple crossed to his dad’s 80’s african bagseed x old northern lights and then all of that crossed to AC/DC. It’s highly trippy extremely sativa weed but it definitely has some CBD in it too :man_shrugging: