(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Well damn, I think I missed the seed run dang I was really excited bout it all then BAm! Swift kick in the nuts So, I got till mid Sept for fall and mid April for spring, right? Or like I read the hot to but I I thought I did it right but dude said I missed out and Im kinda confused cuz I signed up but I couldn’t figure out how to pay shipping but I might have just been like 3days to late smh lol that’s just my luck chance of a lifetime and 3days to late lol edit I don’t know what happened in the middle there lol like I read the hot lol stoned my bad lol

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@drgreensleeves You are on the signup. This one is not going in the current box; it’ll be in a 2023 box. You’ll pay for the box at that time, along with any other strains you sign up for over the fall.


Super cool I’m hella stocked


It was definitely the incorporation of the Hindu Kush landrace that changed everything. I always thought of intentional hybridization as a more modern phenomenon, but clearly it is not. It is always the Quest for higher yields and more resin that ruins a good Sativa. Earlier in the thread I have a post about the Afghan King that changed Afghani genetics by asking his kingdoms farmers to hybridize with Kush to increase hash yield.

I agree. I think the Hindu Kush land race has a higher percent than the old sativa did. I like two or three percent CBD


Thank you @Sbeanonnamellow !!! No idea this run was even happening, it’s funny I was actually looking into Afghan sativas a short while back. BIG THANK YOU TO @Upstate - really appreciate your taking time for this run and making it available to the community!


Pollinated again yesterday. Seeing lots of stigmas turning red from the other day😁. Always a good sign. Tried to get some Close up photos to show the resin. You probably have to zoom in To see it but resin coverage on some plants is it’s similar to what Joe had at the same time in flower. Most of the smells at this point seemed to revolve around Limonene. No pissy plants. Still thinking one of them wants to purple up…we’ll know soon.
Oh yeah. The photo of Joe. I hope you f****** know how much I love you all😁. I probably gave up an ounce of good smoke just to make another 100 seeds for you guys off of Joe. Any buds still on Joe that have more than 2 fresh stigmas will be getting sacrificed for the cause. Anything today that has no fresh stigmas will be getting picked so I can tell you guys what the high is like at week 12 and beyond. A couple colas have no fresh stigmas but most single buds do/ did at pollination.
Looks Like I should get at least a few 100 seeds off of Joe


Seeing hundreds and hundreds of shriveled red stigmas. Those are likely from the earlier pollinations and there should be even more the next time I look. All of the females look really nice. Some get real chubby buds. Keep in mind that Joe went into a 10 gallon early on. My bad back wouldn’t allow me to give them all that same treatment. As it is Joe and a Oaxaca in a ten gallon have beat me up pretty bad this summer. Any one of the plants could have looked as nice as Joe given the proper space and nutrients. I see a couple that look very similar and one that I call Little Joe, pictured above fourth photo down with a bunod pictured fifth photo down. The only difference being the terpene profile with Little Joe smelling more of limes currently. Top photo is the Wilder either feral or traditional Afghan sativa looking pheno… still not seeing many red stigmas on that one but I expect it’s flowering time to be in the neighborhood of 14 weeks. Still time to make seed and the recent pollination probably hasn’t shown the results yet either. That 14 week( a guess) sativa was also the closest to the male plants this past few days. This plant is sparser with bigger spaces in between colitas.
Most plants still have a limonene base but a couple of them have something funky going on. I can’t quite place the smell but dirty gym socks comes to mind. I’m sure it will evolve. Let’s hope so LOL. The scraggly pheno is a gym sock pheno.
First time I’m seeing the photos. They don’t begin to show the number of shriveled stigmas. One of the first two pollinations I did was very successful from what I’m seeing. The results of the recent pollination with the Very Fresh pollen and the pollen from Pine Tar bastard should be known in a few days


Last photo is the long flower


What is the Farmer’s Almanac forecast for November in your area? Those Peshawar have the genes to handle the cold.


They can handle the cold but I won’t test them( not yet). Indoors they go for frosts to keep seeds forming quickly. ( because they have been reproduced indoors for an unknown number of generations they may not be as tough as they once were …i don’t know.) Another frost, this one more severe ,is potentially coming in a couple/ few days. A lousy weather forecast caught me off guard with the first frost.

Cold. Always cold. Snow by Halloween every year


Snow by Halloween. I know that type of cold. I understand taking them inside. I get it. Many people often say outdoor(greenhouse excluded) is inferior because the plants get beat up by nature. Call me crazy, but I can taste the “hardiness” from plants that stand quietly alone with the elements.


Damn! Good to know that info man! Beautiful plants, that purple is kicking in!


I prefer sungrown outdoor myself. In Afghanistan the farmers would never harvest before a frost as they believe the cold brings flavor and power to the resin. When the plants are frozen a few times from 3 or 4 AM til sunrise they know it is time to harvest.


I should clarify. The snow doesn’t stick around at first. We will have mostly 50’s and 60’s during the day in October with potential snow at night. Usually just flurries or a dusting. Greenhouse growing is easy til Halloween, then more difficult. I’ve no worries about the Peshawar finishing seed.


The same bacteria get into the body and cause it to release endorphins that help to dull pain and improve the mood. It’s funny, but I have a severe back injury in my lower back and I can stay bent over playing the dirt all day. Maybe not with a shovel, but using my hands only I’m fine. No pain.


There was a missing number in TL3 so I fixed it.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Seeds are forming. I’m sure there was very decent fertilization on at least 3 of 5 ladies so far…with decent fertilization on a 4th. The feral Sativa pheno doesn’t have many seeds at all, but there was little to pollinate at the time. Plants have been indoors last few days to give me a break and to give the plants some much needed heat. It’s been cold here. This week looks promising and the plants will go back outside.
Oh yes…we have another pissy plant😁! A good one for sure.
Pics coming today. I think it will be another week before we know for sure how many seeds are forming, but there is one plant in particular that would alone probably provide everyone in trust level 2 and 3 with seed.
I have one final batch of pollen saved too


can’t believe I almost missed this! I think I just filled the last spot :wink: Thanks a ton upstate! :sunglasses::call_me_hand:


I think I’m guilty of that one @G-paS I use a cell phone and have big thumbs😆


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