(complete) Sheelavathi Seed Run

Looking fabulous!
Pulling up a stump! :green_heart::v:


Definitely keeping my eyes on this run!


Kerala Strains have a good stretch. 3-6× is a good guess.
@Oldjoints looking good! Great project! This is supposed to be one of the more potent Indian strains with a full spectrum hybrid type high. India’s favorite strain amongst the younger generation.
To maybe get a few more seeds to pop, try letting the soil ( paper towels etc.) get nearly dry before re moistening and then repeat the cycle. This mimics the wet-dry cycle Outdoors and helps wear away at the protective coating on the seed to allow water to penetrate. I hope for 60% germination but often get less than that. Like you said, plenty already.


This is pretty much what i have been doing. I managed 53% but doubt any more is in the future. With 12 plants there should be a fair amount of both sexes.


53% is a really good number. Let’s hope there’s one more sneaky late starter in there. Sometimes the fashionably late ones are the best ones😁


Guess my math is off or wishful thinking It’s actually 40%……


I had two more pop up overnight. 10 days is usually what I give for germination and today is the 10th day. Let’s see how things go in the next few days.
I have also noticed that all of the Sativa phenotypes have a deformity after germination similar to what I showed earlier. But it does look like something they will grow out of. I will share some pics in a few days to show what I am talking about.


this is very cool, I have also pulled up a chair and will follow with interest,.


So as promised here are a look at the Sativa phenotypes:

And a couple of shots of them in general:


So that puts you at 14 out of 30 so far?


Yes 14 of 30


The newest one that popped up has not made it. So I am back to 13 since no more have popped above soil. I will update again in a few days unless i get another that germinates.


@Oldjoints if you’ll want sex testing, its probably about time for me to order the kit. The larger plants are about the size where I would test them. Let me know if you want me to send a kit and the number of plants you’ll want tested, and I’ll get it to you.


TBH brother I don’t see the need. With 13 plants I would expect at least a few of each gender to work with. Flowering as early as we are going to do we should know most within a week of flip.
If we get all males or all females I would be suspect. I mean shit does happen but that would be pretty shitty luck. And not much we could do about it except pop more seed.



I just use sex testing to reduce numbers and conserve space very early on. I’m very limited on space. If that’s not going to be a problem for you, then not much value is added by sex testing. I have another 20 beans on hand. In the unlikely event that you’ve got all males or females, and you are down to pop more seeds, I’ll send them to you.


I have a 7’ x 9’ room ready and waiting to put these in. I will be topping these to promote branching and more bud sites. I have a unique way of topping I will demonstrate in the process. Having grown Landrace sativa’s before I know if I don’t top they will grow more like cornstalks and have a small number of bud sites. And as we know the more bud sites the more seeds. It will slow their progress a little but well worth it in the long run.
As long as we get the right amount of males to females I think we are right on course and at a number I can handle in one of my rooms.


Going to take about 4/5 weeks for plants to show sex after the flip If you compare this one to oaxacan, Which has a similar flowering time of 13-16 weeks.


I can see this as the case if flipped very early, most I have grown if mature enough showed sex within two weeks after flip. And if it does take 4-5 weeks I am fine with that scenario.


Here are a few updated pics:


The older they are when the flip happens the quicker they show that’s for sure. I didn’t realize you’d grown this one before. How do you like it? I’m guessing you must like it if you are growing it again. Are you picking these around week 15 or so?