(complete) Tiger Berry - Chinese Indica Landrace

@zephyr I think an error occurred again.

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What do I do? What do I do?

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Thanx @BasementBeans !

P.S.: I think I screwed up editing the thread to include my name. It wasn’t on purpose, sorry.

Oh yep looks like something funky happened. Hopefully @zephyr is around, I can’t close the wiki to fix it up.

@BeagleZ I got on just before you…are we on the right list?

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Sign up at the top

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The list is the 20 spots list, I suppose because was the first.

Happy growings

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I’m in I think

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You are !!!

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im on the bottom… correct?

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@BeagleZ are you seeing this??

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I think it is… someone overwrote with a list ending in 16… and overwriten again…
I SUPPOSE… .because if you see editings… that was the original overflow list.

Happy growings.

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So what do we do now… lol

It was 20 slots when I signed up.

Fixing just a min.

If I am correct this is the current list.

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Yeah this is going to be fun…not sure how we wound up with like 4 lists up there. @zephyr might have to sort this one out


Are 15 and 17 still open?

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Was on the editing 131-132… the mistake.

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The numbers are screwed up but that is the list.
I did a direct quote, dunno why it is messed up.
try this…not right either…WTF???

  1. @Kyumonryu
  2. @zephyr :us:
  3. @patsnumone :us:
  4. @CanuckistanPete :canada:
  5. @Piter :es:
  6. @CrunchBerries :us:
  7. @Jango :new_zealand:
  8. @Tao :us:
  9. @tamimes : :netherlands:
  10. @tiocranius :brazil:
  11. @MoBilly :us:
  12. @humblepie420 :us:
  13. @Cbizzle :us:
  14. @Ilex.paraguariensis :brazil:
  15. @Ris :us:
  16. @ifish :uk:
  17. @shag :us:
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This is busted. Why are there so many copies of the list? I signed up for overflow on the last one.