The role of clover — Science Learning Hub yes indeed here was the article for anyone interested grow on brothers
Thanks for the article @cannabliss a good read, on a side note from Information I’v gathered at other sources when bacteria are on leaf surfaces (phylosphere) such as in applications of compost teas and such bacteria can provide Nitrogen through leaf surfaces as well!
Some good info here thanks, I am looking for some comfrey as soon as it’s spring, its supposed to provide a very good balance of nutrients.
I am considering this one… what do you all think?
Is all clover perennial? If so, none of us will ever get rid of it
Hmm, I assume it attracts stoner deer?
I think it’s climate dependent but dunno for sure; Most of the stuff I’ve seen grows back after dying off so I’m inclined to say YES.
No kidding… all they need is a grow light & some nutirient PK booster to match their ‘tribal tatoo art’ & agro-testosteroney image. Some advertising clown from Maximum Yield working on the side!
Dude I used to use that for feed plot for deer. It is unbelievable!
as to being perennial, it is. Even with deer munching on it (and also a goat) and snow and ice, it would come back every year. I would supplement it, but for this use, it should be forever.
Excellent news.
I may try some out this year but I’m mostly OCD’ing about weed-eradication (the bad kind) until I have a clean slate to work with.
Thanks for the info-- first hand always the best!
I can’t remember the name, but there was a product I used, for my vegetable area, a few years ago that worked great. You spray it on and within a week everything was gone. It states you can grow in two weeks from application, though I gave it an extra week. I found no ill effect on the garden. I can’t remember whether it is “organic” or not, but I will see if I still have the bottle around and let you know.
that sounds like chevron death spray. my dad used to have plenty of old school ortho malathion & other shit for me to find as a kid.
Actually, it wasn’t, as far as I remember. I always hated those because you had to wait so long, like 6-8 weeks before you could plant there or it would kill off what you were trying to grow. I am planning a trip into the hell hole that is the garage tomorrow (have to find a safety line long enough to find my way out… ) I will take a look. If it is anywhere, it will be there.
Have you tried mulching. I’ve used cardboard as mulch then put something to hold it down if you dont have wood chips to put over it. It kills the weeds and I think the critters like the cardboard.
Yep. Doesn’t faze nutsedge or bermuda grass…some others too.
And I’m up against 8000 sq ft.
Fucken Bermuda grass! That’s all I’ve got to say bout that
@Meesh I take it you planted some in your garden and your car disappeared
If you want to kill everything and use no chemicals just cover it with black plastic for a few months and let it bake.
I’ve read glass is ideal but who has the $ for that?
Clear will “solarize”…temporarily greenhousing, then cooking…black plastic lasts longer & 2 weeks is the minimum time to kill stuff.
Iv read a bit on the subject thought I’d share my thoughts clear thick plastic I hear is what is needing soaking the area with water and sealing the edges tight to the ground basically steaming everything and killing it , if the sun strike on the plastic is good iv heard that you can get a kill on roots and weeds seed down to about 6” deep!
Friendly reminder that you only have to get cover crop seeds once.
You can chop & drop half of it and let the other half go to seed.