Soil prep in winter

Harvested a fair crop this year. An now…what to do in winter with the soil to prep for next spring’s grow?
I’ve dug a good size hole to aerate, 50cm deep and started slowly adding coffee grounds, chopped up banana peels, a few week by week. sprinkled a bit of bone meal and Epsom Salts, very light amount tablespoon or so. I’m going to add a gal of water with a tablespoon of molasses tomorrow, suppose to get some rain maybe. Then next week turn that over with a shovel. Next few month repeat every other week.
I was thinking of an alfalfa, or other winter crop, let it sprout then turn it over?
I’m shooting for an April/May grow…maybe add some Mycorrhizal Fungi just before I seed?
Anybody got any ideas? Worms…um :face_with_monocle: during winter?


Red clover is a good N source as well as cheap to buy bulk seed. Maybe some wood chips not many but that mychorriza may do well with adding some.
Worms will die in cold weather so wait on that.
My opinion I wouldn’t add any Epsom just yet.
Me I’ll throw that in the mix only in Mid to late stages of flower.

The one thing I fail with my composts outside is covering them during the winter. Lots of tree branches keep me from this.

Good luck and happy growing.

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Clover….very good idea :+1:t3: thanks for that one.And covering it up with wood chips, mulch, or straw would be beneficial .

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Grass clippings, tree leaves, all fruit and veggie kitchenscraps, not just bananapeels, it’s diversity that makes the magic happen.

Sow a wide diversity of cover crops all over your garden, the many benefit the whole.
Come spring, sow a wide diversity of companion crops after chopping & dropping the cover crops.
Sow a whole handful of cannabis seeds along with your companion crop seeds.
The more seeds you get in the ground, the more care free you’ll be.
Some may die, but the best will survive and be most resilient.

Starting them inside and then transplanting is shooting yourself in the foot in the long run, and creating way too much labor for yourself while it is completely unnecessary and is done from a place of fear.

Trust in nature, and it will surprise you beyond anything you can imagine.

No need to add sugar, it’s got all winter to decompose.
It’s like pouring water in the ocean.


Grass clippings are great but will trap a lot of heat so good add I forgot. Just go easy unless your in a place with a lot of snow.

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Good soil makes for good gardens. This guy knows how to make good soil and it’s not that complicated. Also will save you a lot of money if you’re constantly buying stuff to add to your garden.

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I will KISS and go with a winter cover crop of clover, and chop it downs 2-3 weeks before the next spring grow.

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Don’t chop it all down, let some of it go to seed so you don’t need to keep buying it. :wink:

The clover flowers will attract beneficial insects that will eat the ones you don’t want.

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I’m limited on space, growing in pots, Earthbox SIP, so I guess I could dedicate 1-2 other pots for cover/complimentary crops near the ladies? What do you think?

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For sure, add field vetch too to give the aphids and caterpillars a more delicious alternative to your cannabis.

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