Damping Off when reusing soil…

My wife has a fungus gnat thing going with her houseplants right now. She is letting me spray the top of the soil with Sulfur, I shall find out.

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We’ve noticed a HUGE drop in the quality of Promix this past year or two…
Sticks, rocks…even fund an old penny in this last batch. Never used to have problems until now… I think they are not sifting/cooking it properly or sterilizing after bagging like they used to.
All about the $$$-- trying to get it out as fastas they can with so many new growers buying it now…


Are y’all buying the BX cuz I’m using the 12 dollar red bags from Walmart. Shipping on soil makes it logistically inefficient to order the food stuff. I’m about to just go straight living soil.

@BlazeUno423 is that the organic stuff at least? I’ve been recycling promix for years, there’s definitely some tricks to pick up on. I buy the HP (well, used to)

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Been using this stuff. Not sure but it says it has Myco. I’m annoyed by the fact they called myco a technology :joy:

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lets see coco70/30 worm poop mycro and some organic fertiler

Looks like it’s inert? If I’m looking at the right ingredient list. Can you describe your recycling process a bit for me?

i dont tend to recycle i just take a bag of coco add %20 worm poop and gia green fert veg and bloom 50/50 then top dress after flip with bloom and some more poop then just water until chop seems to work for me if you go on utube look up mr.cannucks grow he seems to know what he’s doin

however i may start to recycle my hydro store is like 2 hours away


I usually just remove the root ball and dump the pot into a Rubbermaid I’ve accumulated quite a bit in there. I drilled some holes in it so I can hit it with the hose and flush it a couple times over a few days. Then I just put the lid on and stored it. Then I hope for the best :joy:

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Oh man definitely no need to flush if you’re using organics. All you’re doing is flushing away your nutrients & microbial life. Also 100% storing it wet is causing you troubles. That water fills all the pore spaces in your soil & creates an anaerobic environment for the bacteria, those that thrive will start producing toxic compounds like alcohols & formaldehyde. The fungus gnats love the moisture too.


@BasementBeans The 100 percent truth!

First get a clean trash can 20$, for a place to store the used soil. And when I go to use it I add dolomite, bone meal and a little chicken poop. The dolomite is key as it mellows the acidic peat moss. YOU HAVE TO OVERCOME THE LOW PH OF PEAT MOSS! Sorry I had to emphasize the main point.

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I buy peat moss that hasn’t been left wet in the bag like promix. I add my own perlite, dolomite and bone.


Agreed this is gross. I’ve been known to dig through the pile to find a dry one on the bottom.

The internal moisture is high in those bags I believe. And my wife was bringing fungus gnats into the house from the promix for a few years before she tried my blend of used soil. Now she can’t keep her hands off my soil. But she just can’t be told to not store wet soil in a plastic bag. She did it this year and got a minor fungus gnats outbreak.

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LOL, same here!!

I processed 200 liters of used soil and I got maybe 30 back…

…On the other hand her tomatoes have never looked better… :rofl: :+1:


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Was hoping someone did …

J to the R.O.C. . It can happen to u it happen to me .

Seriously u guys have no issues starting your seeds in the nuitrient rich, super soils , potting mixes ect .

I don’t add any recycled soil until I’m covering the stem

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Except for sphagnum peat moss, it’s ph is around 7.

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And that’s why I add Dolomite and 30 percent Perlite. Peat moss is less than 5 ph.


I added a fan and took the dome off and the other 3 survived. I’m thinking there was just way too much humidity and it had little to do with the reused soil.

The thing I’ve learned about growing is that every time you think you have it figured out something shows you how much you have to learn. You may be able to read and gain knowledge but the difference between knowledge and experience is that experience is the application of knowledge and until you have experienced some of this stuff theres really no way to know that you’re doing it wrong until you get the results. I can only imagine a dude with a lot of money buying a license and setting up a grow with 100 lights only to realize that having the equipment and the knowledge doesn’t give you the experience to grow fire :fire:. I see how so many ppl lost their asses this way because when I started I thought it would be easy peazy free weed and rainbows and stuff and that’s just not what it is lol. Still love it though and I’m thankful for everything I’m learning from the plant.