Dankmaster’s CripXmas mix 47th Birthday GIVEAWAY

Happy Birthday @OriginalDankmaster96 :tada::gift:. Sweet giveaway


One year ago on this day, I had nothing to offer. I only had 22 unstable TC x Xmas B’s and 3 TC x Xmas A’s, which I cut EVERYTHING down except one female flying under the radar, a most depressing and sad day… I dusted myself off though and pushed forward, unsuspectingly having the PTK male flowering during that time would lead to something special, while losing that female to Cyanobacteria trying to clone it.

What emerged were 2 new plants, which only became apparent during veg and into flower they’re weren’t hybrids, this is where I knew things took a 180, going to bunch of herms, to a more stable sexually of 2 versions that spilt off, the sativa A went towards Xmas and the B went towards TC side. I was extremely uncertain the PTK would even work properly but that was the best outcome being structural/appearance potency primarily, some odor and least amount of the terps. Early samples started getting me very excited, then come harvest and drying done, I was floored at the finish. It’s why I made videos, because it truly can’t be described to be believable, but IT does exactly what I say on video and smokes like it, but not only that, anything reputed to be “pine” I smoked before was incredibly weak, couldn’t make me flinch but THIS will almost make you scream and moan to hold it in cause it nearly hurts. When I tell you NOTHING has ever done that, I’m dead serious. Not even G13!!!

So from NOTHING to 2 of a kind in terps and potency that is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced in 31 years. I consider quite the GIFT and now that I know it’s past that unstable part, I’m happy and comfortable to GIVE and SHARE. I have standards and DO NOT want to put out anything that’s sub par and not true sexually. Too many shady chuckers who don’t have standards. Anyway, I’ve come a long way and 2023 is a FAR BETTER year so I’m HAPPY to be where I’m at :partying_face::grin: Thanks for the wishes, I’ve grown close to a lot of you now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy Birthday Day :tada::balloon::partying_face: @OriginalDankmaster96, and thanks for the opportunity to sign up for this really GR8 strain you 🫵 are doing a giveaway for! :clap::+1::facepunch::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: to all who are in! :wink::facepunch::+1::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::v:

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Happy birthday dude, I’m 47 too, thanks for the great giveaway! :heart::+1:


Happy birthday bud. Congrats on the journey with these plants! Hoping I got some luck in me, lol.
Have a great day my friend. It’s all yours!
Thank you. :grinning:


Happy birthday @OriginalDankmaster96
Hope you have a great day!
And thank you for the opportunity, they sound like :fire:


Happy Birthday and thanks for the opportunity :pray:
Damn I wish I was 47 again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: you are still young.

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Happy 47th birthday @OriginalDankmaster96!


Happy birthday to the birthday kid! :partying_face: :birthday:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Happy birthday @OriginalDankmaster96 :rocket: and thanks for the opportunity!

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Ahhhhhyeahhh! I’m in on the giveaway for sure, and happy Birthday dude :sunglasses:

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Next drawing in 20 mins

Congrats @Tejas :tada::partying_face:

Send your deets


Congratulations! @Tejas
Happy Birthday!! And thanks again for this awesome birthday bash giveaway!!! @OriginalDankmaster96

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Yeah brother, I’m so toasted I almost can’t see straight now. The cure after 3 weeks is taking it up a level


Happy birthday man, I’m sure it feels great being able to look back and see the progress. These sound super special, really appreciate the chance to get to try her out. :pray:

Congrats @Tejas :tada::tada:


Only way to be! Especially on the birthday! :joy: Happy to hear she gets stronger and stronger!

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Hey can I get in that list :smirk:

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Happy birthday btw!!!+ get fucked up!!!

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Drawing closed, but I’ll be doing more experiments soon with both and will have more giveaways :wink::facepunch: I suspect I’ll see what I need to by those who want to grow and show.


Last drawing

Wow!!! Unbelievable @Natea is lucky :partying_face::tada::four_leaf_clover: I’m very happy to give these to you. Congrats

Send those deets

I’m gonna smoke another before last drawing :exploding_head: