Daz (night owl) super soil mix and modifications

I’ve been growing mostly autos with @anon4675195 but have also dabbled with some Photo-auto crosses. During that time I have gone through a number of approaches with regard to watering and fertigating. I have found Autopots to be rather hit/miss – sometimes I get the timing just right and the system is amazing. Other times there is something off and the plants are stunted. My most consistently successful grows have been from hand watering in coco/perlite.

This is a rather laborious approach, and seems quite wasteful with regard to the amount of runoff generated. I’m an organic chemist by training, so I figured I would be able to put my PhD to good use and see if I can generate a water-only supersoil mix. I am starting with Daz’s supersoil mix (which I am sure he got from somewhere else) and seeing what I can do to improve it. See below for the recipe:

Copied and pasted from IG.

Hey guys,

Here is the autoflower super soil recipe I’ve been using over the last 6 or 7 years. Be sure to always wear proper eye, skin, and respiratory protection when handling these ingredients!!!

  • 50 lbs Bone Meal
  • 50 lbs Blood Meal
  • 50 lbs Bat Guano
  • 24 lbs Sulfate of Potash (12 lbs granular, 12 lbs fine)
  • 15 lbs Dolomite Lime
  • 10 lbs Epsom Salt
  • 10 lbs Azomite
  • 5 lbs Humic Acid

I’ve used standard bone meal, as well as a mix of half fish bone meal and half traditional with great results.

My brand preferences for inputs are:

  • Bone Meal- Down to Earth
  • Blood Meal- Down to Earth
  • Bat Guano- Primal Harvest from Earth Juice
  • Sulfate of Potash- Protassium
  • Dolomite Lime- Down to Earth
  • Epsom Salt- Magriculture
  • Azomite- Azomite Mineral Products
  • Humic Acid- The Andersons Humic DG

I use a cement mixer to combine the ingredients. Since the mixer cannot fit the total amount of all the ingredients at the same time I divide the recipe by 4 and mix a quarter of the total at a time. Here is what actually goes into the mixer:

  • 12.5 lbs Bone Meal
  • 12.5 lbs Blood Meal
  • 12.5 lbs Bat Guano
  • 6 lbs Sulfate of Potash
  • 3.75 lbs Dolomite Lime
  • 2.5 lbs Epsom Salt
  • 2.5 lbs Azomite
  • 1.25 lbs Humic Acid

I cover the opening of the cement mixer with a heavy trash bag and secure it around the rim with whatever I have handy (rubberized garden wire, twine, etc.) This minimizes any nutrient dust escaping into the air once the cement mixer is in motion. I turn the mixer on for about 40 minutes, then shut it off and let the dust settle for about 15 minutes before removing the ready to use super soil mix.

Again, be sure you use proper eye, skin, and respiratory protective gear whenever handling these ingredients or mixing soil.

To use, simply add 2 Tablespoons of mix per gallon of premium potting soil, preferably Roots Organic Original @rootsorganics Blend the soil and mix until the ammendments are distributed throughout. This is now ready to use Autoflower Super Soil. Layer the bottom half of your pot with the Autoflower Super Soil and the top half with unammended soil. Plant, water, and enjoy the results!

Additional Notes-Earthworm Castings are great! I use them at up to 30%

This mix can be used with coco. Instead of having two layers, as described above, you should use three layers.

  • Full strength Super Coco in the bottom 1/3rd of the pot (2 Tbs per gallon)
  • 1/2 strength in the middle 1/3rd of the pot (1 Tbs per gallon)
  • straight coco in the top 1/3rd of the pot.

I prefer to use this in 5 gallon pots, but have seen @roningarden crush it with 1.5 gallons, and others use 7 gallons.

Thanks again to DazNightowl


Thanks for you valuable information, to be appreciated by many. Any “ready-to-use” recipe is always desired. Do continue to stay safe, take care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Nice blend for bulk mixing!
I’ve been buying 15lbs of MIgardeners Trifecta Plus at a time, using it at 3 tablespoons per gallon for seedlings/clones. Then I up it to 4 tablespoons per gallon for veg and bloom. Though I may be using a bit much, it says 1/4cup per plant for tomatoes, 3 tablespoons per plant for peppers.


So I scaled my recipe down some:

*Note: Utilize a mask and gloves. The particulate will be caustic and one should avoid breathing alumina (azomite) or bone filings (bone meal). I’m sure bat guano is also bad to breath.

1000g earthworm castings (terra thrive)
950g bone meal (espoma)
950g blood meal (espoma)
950g bat guano (down to earth)
500g potassium sulfate (ac chemicals)
800g gypsum (espoma)
350g dolomite lime (espoma)
100g mag sulphate (amazon brand)
100g azomite

The extra gypsum was added to boost the Ca:Mg ratio. I did not add humid acid, as I prefer to add it as a solution using fulpower Humic acid.

The mix was placed into a bag and tumbled until fully mixed.