Soil Recipe Megathread


Please add relevant material that I have missed :wave: (wiki)



In this episode of BuildASoil, Jeremy is discussing ideal moisture content…

…and near the end he suggests searching the web for these charts…

…where I found links to this nursery operator in southern California who has some videos & a website…



It’s really controversial to the past 5 years of living soil nerdery that I’ve been engaged in :sweat_smile: but the science & explanations seem solid.

If he would just enter the Emerald :trophy: Cup & take top place as a first time grower, I’d drop everything & switch methods. :joy:

Cannabis growers have been mostly excluded from decades of progress in plant science but hope that changes.

Am very interested in what everyone thinks.



Cool thread idea! I like it :+1:


great thread @cannabissequoia. I added a citation for the book I was talking about in the post you linked in the OP.


my favorite farmers soil recipe

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the nirsery guys video is interesting and i also noted that i might have seen the mendo dope boys adapt towards this aproach if i deducte what i saw from this seasons first show

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There’s a guy featured on a bunch of Future Cannabis Project videos(name escapes me atm) who describes a “horizon” layering of rock then sand then clay then humus then mulch … which is similar to nature. (More so than just a pot with some mix).

The mixes this Gary dude uses are on his site … iirc, a 1:1 peat pumice, a 60:30:10 pumice peat sand, & then pure sand for any pots over 12” deep…watering daily.

The daily watering is fine for a nursery but that’s laborious by hand, & kinda inefficient maybe expensive.

It’s hard to picture a healthy mycorrhizal situation in pure sand with granular organic fertilizer.(I.e trees in larger pots of sand). Wtf carbon source do they have?

If he could do a chat with Elaine ingham or Buildasoil or any reputable dope grower :rofl: I’d be more convinced.


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