Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

It is, but I think its important that people here who are new know they can’t just top top top and expect a bumper yield.

@DirtySlowToes wasn’t to come off as a dick if I did! I’ve just seen so many people hear or read one thing that works, go ham on it, not get the result they wanted and write it off. Loved the paper and the chance you gave to let people read it!!

You pros on here already know your shit! But OG’s importance to modern cultivation is probably vastly underrated. This is essentially the cultural cultivation guideline epicenter of cannabis. Other sites likely fit in there also, but OG does a great job of policing bro science and bullshit


From being a part of studies like this, often what you see is total biomass (buds, leaves, stems), flower weight (buck off buds and weigh) and generally THC and CBD information. Because this is hemp research they measure THC to ensure the techniques don’t result in plants going hot

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I’ve only had a brief look through the study and it appears they’re mixing up defol with removing the tip shoot (aka tipping)

Ime that encourages the lower shoots up

It helps stem vertical growth to.


I don’t look at trichomes when I’m judging maturity, but I see them and take them into account. The bud as a whole is telling you how far along it is.


No they’re not. I have a vineyard.

You guys are pulling stuff out your hiney hole to back up your feel good positions.

You’re over thinking this.

Just grow the plant naturally and enjoy.

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I’ve literally seen it with my own eyes which is a pretty solid bit of evidence. Maybe not everyone prunes them, but it isn’t uncommon. Oregon State Extension has a document detailing pruning vines

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Whats wrong with people wanting to try new things?? I say let people grow how they want!!

My style isn’t going to be for everyone, just like scrog isn’t for everyone and trees aren’t for everyone. I want people to grow however they want, i prefer it a certain way, but its not the only way. Id rather see people growing their own clean cannabis even if its in a way that is foreign to me


In the dormant stage, winter. There is leafing done by some but ONLY to negate herbaceous taste to the grape juice such that the early developing cluster does better with sun exposure relative to wine essence.

Apples and oranges…


Good to see you around @OldUncleBen , Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. :v:


I will have to respectfully disagree @OldUncleBen because the idea at the heart is the same, improving quality.

Sometimes you also got limited space, pruning in that situation is a great way to keep plants short. Its not gonna be for everyone, but it can help some and thats important to me


Amen brother if you top and don’t prune the small branches that only turn to larf

I’ve been watching this thread and it’s a wide array of feelings

brother’s and sisters of og

Yes I’m a leaf plucker a leaf bender and have been known to remove a finger or two from them rather then remove altogether
Now that it’s out there

I believe , in a crowded space with a crap load of plants if you don’t remove some of the vegetation your bound to get mold and or bud rot
Also if you don’t prune them you end up with a crap load of small bud not worth a damn aka larf

Defoliating and pruning when done properly in moderation is beneficial to yield and overall health of the plant

I’ve got 3 humidity / temperature monitors
Above the lights s 76 degrees Fahrenheit 60% rh
At the canopy 74 degrees Fahrenheit and 62 % humidity
Below the canopy 71 degree Fahrenheit and 68 % humidity’ I’ve got 3 fan circulating air and my intake fan is on low but exhaust fan runs on a timer
I may increase exhaust

But look at this canopy what the hell else can one do


Yea, feelings.


@Papalag really dig that pic man! I love those high density plantings!

I believe that we all got our own style and thats part of the fun of talking to other growers, the diversity in systems. Of course, I’ve not met a grower yet who doesn’t think they have the best setup. From what you see in the image gallery here, its obvious each style has its own advantages. Its also obvious that there isn’t a right answer, lot of folks on hear cranking straight heat


I work at a winery


I don’t have the best setup so now you have met one. I am learning though, so happy with my grows.


I’m in fat agreeance with doug-o. If I had the best setup it wouldn’t be this setup! Lol it’s what I can do with what I’ve got for the time being.


@DougDawson took no time making me look like an asshole!! :laughing: :rofl:

Out of curiosity, what do you think you can improve? Member of the month makes me think I got some things to learn

One might argue (because his post made him look dumb) that with whatever setup you have, you are doing what you can to maximize your setup. We can’t all have $100,000 growth chambers, but we can pump out heat in our systems.

Who looks dumb? Confused by that line…

If best is subject to the definition you decide on, sure. One thing I’d improve about my setup is not needing to change out dehus for heaters for humidifiers :man_shrugging:t2: for starters. If I’m doing what I can to maximize my space, then how is that the most ideal situation? Doing the best I can do doesn’t mean I have a perfect space.

No set up is ideal each set up has a learning curve
Which takes time to achieve that level of success to call it ideal

Here’s my idea of ideal I plant a seed leave it alone come back in one hour and poof I got quality weed

Please understand I’m joking
they all take work and commitment to that style to achieve the greatest we deserve lol

I choose to use Octopots yes I feel it’s a great system for my needs
And after 20 plus growing sessions with them I only now feel that I’ve figured them and the plant out for now at least lol


Hay @OldUncleBen good to see you around brother hopefully all is good on your end

I know we disagree but that’s all cool we just agree to disagree lol
