Dehulling considered harmful

This seems odd, from what Ive seen, even sideways the taproot behaves according to gravity.
Id love see an experiment that proves my preconceptions wrong @AllOra.
Gonna try it in the future.

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In the past I have mostly planted sprouted seeds. I have endeavored to point the roots down and the helmet up. This seems contrary to the above stated tactic and might explain some of the spiraling I have seen.

It seems way too fiddly and precious to intentionally orient each seed in the dirt. In nature, they drop from a height, blow on a wind and settle in something soft.


@George. The info was found on the internets so it’s got to be true:) lol. Amsterdammarijuanaseeds was the source of the write up. The other was a random image I came across.

Personally I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do it. If you’re able to get from seed to a happy plant…you’re doing it right.

An experiment is a good call. @AllOra…I think you’re up. I know someone with a bunch of random seeds that could be donated.


I don’t know. If the plant who’s seed I had to dehull turns into the perfect strain to meet my needs do I really care? Many dogs would starve to death without being fed by humans, but it’s not necessarily a weakness considering their relationship with us.

Also there could be a chance that the trait of seeds needing to be hulled is somehow associated with all the other traits people want. Maybe we’ve been unwittingly selecting for that trait for decades? Then it wouldn’t be a weakness of the individual plant, but rather an expected genetic quirk.


It makes sense for me, in both cases (seed with root pointing up and buried more deeper), the surrounding earth may first soften the shell with its moisture and then act as tweezer to help the plant abandoning it.

What I think is that this method is for non germinated seeds, at the moment you already have a root it has to point down … :sunglasses:



How deep?


I sprout mine in a Ziploc and wet paper towel. This keeps everything moist and the hull is usually ready to come off before it goes in potting soil. Does that sound like a decent method?

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Yes. How deep do you plant?

I usually put them about three seed widths deep. And if you don’t mind saying, in what media?

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for me about 1/2 inch of late. Seem to have less helmet head that way too


1/2" to 1". Sometimes 1" seems too much for me personally, but I know it’s not. Some strains are super vigorous and just don’t care

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The only two plants I have vegging were volunteer seedlings from pots of the mothers that got seeded. I had it happen on two strains once I brought them in for the winter and harvested them. They’re both strong as hell. One is a female and the other strain is a male.

I find that to be a great trait when one is ready to go and makes it happen by themselves. I always took that as a good omen. Otherwise, that a little deeper solution should do it. Just don’t over moisten when it’s deep.