Different types of plant stress, 1:(LAR), 2:(SAR), 3:(SGS), 4:(ISR), 5:(SWR)

I edited the previous post to make things a little more clear. :nerd_face:

In terms of CBD yield, the highest CBD yields occurred in plants experiencing less water stress.

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Intense early (EE and EI) and late (LE) drought treatments resulted in yield decreases between 30%-60% due to the significant reductions in plant transpiration, which is linked with a reduction in photosynthesis and therefore biomassaccumulation and yield (Alandia et al., 2016; Staple and Lehane, 1954; Zhang et al., 2022). Gill et al., (2022) observe biomass reduction of 60%-90% when watering is reduced between 50%-90%during the whole growing season starting at the vegetative stage.

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Systemic wounding response (SWR)

In my book there are better ways to take advantage of stress.
If you really wish to use Mechanical wounding, trimming leaves off now and then can have a similar effect without adversely affecting the health of the plant.
Most of us do at least some trimming before flower and that does cause a limited amount of stress.

An overly stressed plant is not what you want, much like a womanā€¦you just want to agitate her enough to get a responseā€¦LOL


This is seriously hilarious.

I donā€™t want to split any stems, btw. Bad karma. I will remove leaves as necessary and really gravitated recently toward a moderately-intense lollipopping.

Okay, so that last PDF basically says,"cut back watering by a LOT, from germination to harvest, and youā€™ll notice it ā€“ less weed, less good, potent weed, and smaller buds.

But a certain degree of drought at the end (and only the end) of flower DOES have a positive effect.

Now I have two more questions:

  1. It would be interesting to study how cannabis plants respond to a variety of drought scenarios during ONLY the last stages of flower. We cut back water X percent for the last Y weeks. You get my point. There is a point, logically, at which weā€™ll hurt the plant, but where is that point? Can we effectively push a stressor to the red line, and for how long? What is that with water?

1a. If I want to test that, would testing it on a batch of clones be the right and most credible approach? would one really have to grow clones in identical conditions/grow rooms? Are clones whatā€™re utilized when growing plants for study? I will be looking this up myself later, so donā€™t waste too much time on that . ā€¦ . :slight_smile:

  1. Oddly enough, my plants are very close to harvest and have gone 6 days without a drink. The thing is, THIS time, I really need to have a long, slow drying period. So I DONā€™T want to get a jump on drying it. Soooo. . .given all that, Iā€™m wondering if a stressful week without water, FOLLOWED by a normal watering JUST before harvest. . .would give me the benefit of the drought-induced goodies AND a healthy, rehydrated plant to harvest and slow dry?
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