I want to feed MSG (monosodium glutamate) to my cannabis plants, what are your thoughts on that?

I have already done this myself.
Has anyone else tried this?

There is more to this than meets the eye.

What do you know about MSG and cannabis plants?

Let’s have some fun, but in the end get into the science of the whole thing.
My hope is we can all learn something from this topic.

Up for friendly discussion.


Don’t know if it’s any good for plants will look into it I’m curious I’d be worried about the sodium in it though love it in some stir fry or some food dishes though :joy:


Why would you do that? What benefits are you seeking from it?


From a 5-minute google search, sounds like it’s an excellent pH-neutral fertilizer and might even offer pest-control benefits, as long as you have some way to control the salt buildup. Doesn’t seem that many studies have been done on salinity with cannabis, but tomatoes certainly don’t do too well with salty soil.


I like science and I hope to o make cannabis plants grow in a manner that maximizes their potential.
That is the purpose of this discussion, to discover what the benefits are.

Any and all it can provide.


You may not find this info doing a quick google search.


I’d be happy to see more if you have it. :slight_smile:


migraine trigger weed, LMAO

maybe it’ll be a flavour enhancer, who knows.



I was hoping to hear what others had to say before I give my 2 cents, there are some bright minds here.
Like you… :grinning:
I thought you would have been on top of this one…LOL
Looks like it makes for a good discussion topic.

No need to start doing research as I will provide some good info. in time, I just hope to get a few of those bright minds interested before I do.

It seems when I post factual-type threads, they get very little action and I don’t ever get to learn anything new. :pensive:


Thats my uncle


I try, but I’m retired and lately my mind just starts to shut down when I start reading scholarly research… which is a shame, because when I get inspired I can definitely come up with some useful stuff. It doesn’t help that everything I can find on cannabis reads like either bro-science or doctorate-level. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is MSG considered an Organic Fertilizer?
I believe this is true from memory, I would need to check to be sure.

I find this to be true also.
I am a skimmer, sometimes I think I scroll and don’t even read anything…LOL
Looking for something to jump out at me hopefully.

I agree, it is a lot to wade through for something like breadcrumbs, but I still get inspired once in a while.

I think you will find this thread interesting.


I can not lie this was from a quick google search not from my notes.
MSG is an awesome source for phosphorus and helps the plant to grow a healthy root system. It works great in conjunction with blood meal.”.

I will post more when I get into my notes.


Seems like it is… a lot of the results I got from “msg organic” were people bemoaning the fact that we can’t be sure when our food contains it, because it’s considered organic and thus can be fed to the component plants of organic food without having MSG listed on the ingredients. I think that might be alarmism - even if it’s not great for us, it’s obviously not poisonous - but this probably isn’t a good place to get into debates on food safety. :slight_smile:


That PDF doesn’t even have an author unless someone is actually named XXX , just cause its on the internet doesn’t make it true.

Now if your talking Glutamic acid thats differnt.


I try to avoid eating it myself, seems to act weird in the brain.
You bring up a good question here…
I wonder if any MSG fertilizer makes it from the plant/food into the body even after the plant metabolizes it?

And this is why I love these discussions.


Odd results, to say the least. 20 grains per plot is slightly better than the control group, and it’s not unusual seeing that too much of it results in toxicity - it doesn’t entirely make sense that 10 grains per plot would show such a huge underperformance from all the other groups. That makes me a bit nervous about trying to use it on my plants without understanding why.

Good catch. I was skimming and noticed the list of citations at the bottom, thought that was the authors. It is hosted at a .edu site though, so perhaps it’s an experiment done in class?


The PDF was a quick grab.

Ah, interesting question!
I kinda am talking Glutamic acid.

Without my notes I can not be sure…But I believe I was told by a chemist they are very similar.

I would love to here more from the large mind of @Mr.Sparkle

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high rates of sodium not good, Glutamic acid as a precursor or addition well take a bit more look around on that.

Also with most people who are anti msg, they likely still eat say parmesan cheese, deli meats, doritios , that glutamic acid is Umami