Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Supercropping day on the flower tent, everyone got bent and twisted into a better open structure with room for all the tops and now more vertical budsites. I love love love using silica, these stems all twisted and bent so easily like rubber. Might mean I’ll be doing a lot of staking later on but we’ll see:


Dragged out the air pump, airstones, and tubing I bought earlier this summer as part of an auto drip halo system I still haven’t built yet. I was gonna aerate the reservoir, still gotta get that together but I’ll need a second air pump and stones now because that just became my tea brewing setup, maybe I’ll upgrade this air pump if I get into it, since 7.8L/min is good for aerating a reservoir but kinda low for this, they recommend a 45L/min pump:

I got three gallons of warm water going in a bucket, sitting on my seedling heat mat to keep it toasty in the seventies down here in the Wand Factory. I mixed half a cup of the Boogie Brew one-part and a couple pinches (maybe 1 heaping teaspoon) of SEA-90 in there (EDIT: turns out I didn’t need to do that, it’s already in the Boogie Base) with a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and I’m gonna water it in tomorrow after about 24 hours. The girls are going to like this, I think! I didn’t bother with the burlap bag, I’m not putting this through lines so I’ll just water in the solid bits, why waste anything or make it more complicated for myself?

What I’m brewing up is the one-part premixed sample version of this product, it doesn’t keep well once mixed so I gotta try it now or never:

"BOOGIE-BASE© (Part A) INGREDIENTS: Worm Castings, Composted Wood Chips, Bio-Char, Trace Ocean Minerals, Volcanic Rock Ash & Fossilized Kelp.

BOOGIE-BOOST© (Part B) INGREDIENTS: Soluble Kelp Extract, Soybean Hydrolysate, Kelp Meal, Nutritional Yeast, Soybean Meal, Humates, Evaporated Cane Juice (Sugar), Alfalfa Meal, Humic Acid with Potash, Rock Phosphate, Langbeinite, Greensand."

Definitely going to use this setup to try some other teas including just a simple Recharge one, or just castings and some sugar.


Any of you folks ever use dry, enzymatically digested protein hydrolysate powders for nitrogen and aminos?
I’ve been looking at these two, they both look great so I’d love to hear any experiences people have had:

Ferti-Nitro Plus is a lot cheaper, and I can get fish stuff pretty easily here in New England, whether I wanted to make some JADAM shit with brown sugar and fish heads or just buy some local fish fertilizer. So I’m leaning that way at the moment. If I do make fish amino acids, I’m following @FattyRoots plan:


The strainer at the bottom is going to change my life. Simple things…:+1::+1:

I of course, highly recommend the DIY route. You’ll get a much more :fire: product.


For sure, I’d rather ferment something myself, I just needed a plan like that for something that can sit in the corner and not give off odor, because my partner is very against me composting or fermenting plant stuff in the house beyond my dirt bins. I also love the strainer and tap idea, so neat and convenient, just like the worm juice drains people use on their vermiculture bins. So I’m thinking I might start a FAA cooler like that in the spring and let it rock in the garage until frost then bring it inside, figuring it will have gotten through its worst stank by then and just be maturing. I hope…


Hey mate, that FAA thread got moved to another thread, if you wanted to see the end results and some info on smell prevention have a read :call_me_hand:t4:


Thanks for the link, I read that one too, but forgot it was in two different places. The stuff looks great!


Bio-Ag added some amino products to their lineup relatively recently. I only have experience using the multi-mino, but I’m going to be adding the calcium+amino and/or the base aminos next round most likely. It’s available on amazon and reasonable on price and the plants definitely love it. The multi-mino is like their TM-7 but uses enzymatically hydrolyzed soy protein to chelate the micros instead of humics. It leaves no residue and dissolves immediately. Great for foliars and drenches.


Just looked at that link- if you can get 5 pounds sub $40 and not have to pay shipping… I’m jealous. I’d scoop that in a second, it’s luxury nitrogen :stuck_out_tongue:

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$16 shipping and $2 tax but that’s still only $54 for a few years worth of nitrogen (to me). I am fascinated by that farm supply place, they have everything but most of its in 50 lb bags. Jealous of anyone in Virginia near them who can pickup in person, my local organic farm place isn’t that good. That Ferti brand looks great, the Ferti-Nitro is even cheaper than DtE Agmino as an organic soluble dry nitrogen

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I’ll have to look into that, I have had good luck with the Bio-Ag sampler pack I got a few years ago, Cytoplus was my favorite from it. It does sound kind of like I’d be covered by this stuff and my other micros though.


New Overgrow meme template, paging @toastyjakes :


Hahaha I love it!!

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Killer looking 2021 collection of sixteen free to download (PDF or EPUB) academic articles about cannabis:

Tagging @Guitarzan @eskobar @santero @lefthandseeds @ReikoX


Do it bro!!! :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


“Derived from non-gmo soy”
:laughing: come on now…


@Mithridate I don’t know what you mean by that. Like are you pro-GMO soy or anti? It seems like that would be important to a lot of organic growers, like anyone certified.


It’s just that 90% of soy is gmo… so to have a mass produced fertilizer made from non gmo soy sounded funny to me…

I’m not pro gmo that’s for sure, but the organic business is a strange one to me :wink:


I think that’s why they specifically say it’s non-GMO, because if anyone doesn’t say that you can assume it is. Anyway, I get it now. And it is strange nowadays with industrial organic stuff, but I’m fascinated by some of the biotech stuff that’s sorta natural but turned up to 11 like enzyme digesters


Gave the ladies a few gallons of compost tea this morning after letting them have a dry down cycle for a few days, they’re already perked right up and looking great a few hours later. Stretch is awesome this time around with only four plants and the proper pruning and defoliation, I love learning new things each time and getting better at them too! Cindy Mix is turning out to be a beast in the back left. I need to get Baudelaire’s opinion but looking at the list of possibilities in the mix, I think this must be a Sweet Tooth or Bubblegum cross with how fat it is compared to the Cinderella in front of it, maybe ESB, but I don’t think it could be a cross to Princess or one of the Durban or Thai strains. Smart Move on the back right is also starting to stretch out after staying very compact until now. Nigerian Sunshine x Apollo is staying compact, looking a lot like the structure on the Blackwater x Apollo, this might just be the dominant short structure from the Apollo. This time I know how much I’m going to need to spread it to keep it from choking itself, and I think yields will be a lot better, with the same quality.

All the seedlings got into dirt last night, they’re under the B-Spec hanging out and thinking about what to do now. Still got 12/12 alive but I have one I’m expecting to lose and one runt to baby along for a while and see if it improves: